Discipline: Ethics

Research paper on Pinto Fires and Personal ethics: a scrit analysis of missed opportunitiesResearch paper on Pinto Fires and Personal ethics: a scrit analysis of missed opportunities

No abstract needed. Include references to 3 additional articles that you find through your research. Issues to be addressed in your paper include: What was the dilemma faced by the Ford Managers and when did they know about it? What ethical questions did they face? Why did they decide on their particular course of action? […]

NEED QUICKLY Discussion Post – 300 words or more APA7 Ethics / Strategy ArticleNEED QUICKLY Discussion Post – 300 words or more APA7 Ethics / Strategy Article

Using the Florida  State College library databases, find a peer-reviewed, full-text article that discusses both strategy and ethics (the article should be within the last five years).  Download the article and the citation, and read it to prepare for Strategy Discussion One. Include each of the following in your initial discussion post:   (In a minimum of […]

the application of ethical principles and corporate social responsibility in a globalized context.the application of ethical principles and corporate social responsibility in a globalized context.

Students will write a 4- to 5-page paper that addresses the application of ethical principles and corporate social responsibility in a globalized context. The Unit VII Lesson presented several areas of concern related to globalization, including: climate change and global environmental issues, differing global labor standards, working in countries with known human rights issues, and  […]

Skim and select your semester topic from among the following articles, situations or casesSkim and select your semester topic from among the following articles, situations or cases

After reviewing the group of articles, cases or situations with ethical issues which you’ll find posted in the “Files” section of Canvas, select the one topic that resonates with you.  It will be used for your semester papers.  Give me the number of the article and the title of the article you choose.  It will […]

Watch a video and respond regarding which of these four arguments you found to be the best argument for error theory.Watch a video and respond regarding which of these four arguments you found to be the best argument for error theory.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbTcXDMyFrA Video link above! In this video, Kane Baker covers four arguments for Error Theory. These are 1). The Argument from Relativity. 2). The Argument from Queerness, 3). The Argument from Simplicity, and 4), The Evolutionary Debunking Argument. Comment on this slide regarding which of these four you found to be the best argument for […]

You try to live strictly by the moral rules contained in your religion’s moral code. The two most important rules are “Be merciful” (don’t give people what they deserve) and “Be just” (give people exactly what they deserve).You try to live strictly by the moral rules contained in your religion’s moral code. The two most important rules are “Be merciful” (don’t give people what they deserve) and “Be just” (give people exactly what they deserve).

You try to live strictly by the moral rules contained in your religion’s moral code. The two most important rules are “Be merciful” (don’t give people what they deserve) and “Be just” (give people exactly what they deserve).  Now suppose a man is arrested for stealing food from your house, and the police leave it […]

Module 03 Written Assignment – Character in the Workplace: Building the Perfect EmployeeModule 03 Written Assignment – Character in the Workplace: Building the Perfect Employee

Module 03 Content Background For this week’s written assignment you are a manager at, Ad It Up, a mid-size marketing firm. Over the last five years you notice that issues relating to unethical practices seem to be on the rise. From minor issues, such as employees calling in sick when they should have used a personal/vacation […]

Application of ethical principles and corporate social responsibility in a globalized contextApplication of ethical principles and corporate social responsibility in a globalized context

 Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations, introduction, and references. Your paper must be a minimum of four, but no more than six pages in length. The title and reference pages do not count toward this requirement.  Unit VII Lesson presented several areas of concern related to globalization, including: climate change and […]

Discussion Post: If we make money in ways that we might find morally questionable, but then give that money to the most effective charities to save and better the lives of others, is that moral trade-off worth it?Discussion Post: If we make money in ways that we might find morally questionable, but then give that money to the most effective charities to save and better the lives of others, is that moral trade-off worth it?

Discussion Topic: If we make money in ways that we might find morally questionable, but then give that money to the most effective charities to save and better the lives of others, is that moral trade-off worth it?

This assignment involves analyzing the culture of your current organization, or one in which you previously worked. The goal is to provide you with an opportunity to think about the impact of culture on ethical behavior, in light of your own experiences.This assignment involves analyzing the culture of your current organization, or one in which you previously worked. The goal is to provide you with an opportunity to think about the impact of culture on ethical behavior, in light of your own experiences.

the company should be based in Saudi Arabia Begin by carefully reading “Ethics as Organizational Culture” pgs. 151-184. This can be found in Canvas, with the materials for the Siemens case session. Then use what you learned from that reading to analyze the culture of the organization, from the perspective of how it may shape ethical behavior. […]