Purpose: Understand your role and rights in the IEP process and how you can fully engage in the process with your childs school to ensure that the child recieves the services to allow most success in school. Introduction: A federal law called the individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) requires that public schools create an […]
Discipline: Family and Child studies
let’s take an opportunity to look at not only how your birth was as a child, but how yours was similar and/or different from others in the class.let’s take an opportunity to look at not only how your birth was as a child, but how yours was similar and/or different from others in the class.
STEP 1: You may (a) consult with your parents about your own birth, or (b) interview a new parent about their birth experience. Please discuss the following in your summary response: First, what delivery approach did your mother take to have you? See your readings for approach types. Describe the events leading up to your […]
A 2 page essay summarizing your volunteer hours and how they relate to Creative Arts for ChildrenA 2 page essay summarizing your volunteer hours and how they relate to Creative Arts for Children
Submit a 2-page essay summarizing your volunteer hours and how they relate to Creative Arts for Children. Page 1 should be your summary including tasks you completed during your volunteer time, what age group you were with, things you learned from the adults you volunteered with, and how the things you learned can be used […]
Class Conversation 2–Oversexed & Undereducated?: Exploring the Politics of Sex in SocietyClass Conversation 2–Oversexed & Undereducated?: Exploring the Politics of Sex in Society
It has been argued that America is “oversexed” but at the same time under-educated about it. Discuss in what ways this may or may not be true. Let’s think critically about this topic because it is debatable… in addition to the chapter, please feel free to do some of your research and share your findings. Assignment […]
Step 1: Watch the two videos provided in this assignment Step 2: Find an additional video on your own about prenatal development and/or specifically one of the stages. Step 3: Watch that video you foundStep 1: Watch the two videos provided in this assignment Step 2: Find an additional video on your own about prenatal development and/or specifically one of the stages. Step 3: Watch that video you found
Submit a 2-paragraph comparison of the 3 videos and discuss the following: What you learned that you didn’t know prior to this module Information you were surprised by Description of how the videos differed in their information Reminder – be sure you write your summary in your own words! Do not plagiarize or attempt to restructure […]
What are the effects of different classroom seating arrangements on student participation and interaction?What are the effects of different classroom seating arrangements on student participation and interaction?
I need to use the information that I have collected. I need to use these 3 sources: – Wannarka, Rachel, et al. “Seating arrangements that promote positive academic and behavioural outcomes: a review of empirical research”. Support for Learning, vol. 23, no. 2, 2008, p. 89-93. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9604.2008.00375.x – Gremmen, Mariola, et al. “Considerations for classroom seating arrangements […]
you are going to choose a quality Picture Book (kids book), Apply the Evaluation Guidelines from your chapter.you are going to choose a quality Picture Book (kids book), Apply the Evaluation Guidelines from your chapter.
you are going to choose a quality Picture Book (kids book), Apply the Evaluation Guidelines from your chapter.
Small Group 1-Like a Girl: Exploring Gender and Gender Roles Through Advertisements – SG1: Exploring Gender Stereotypes in the Media 2Small Group 1-Like a Girl: Exploring Gender and Gender Roles Through Advertisements – SG1: Exploring Gender Stereotypes in the Media 2
Assignment Description First: Watch the commercial on being Like a Girl by Always. https://youtu.be/olUAKw66y2k Next, do some research on current advertisements in the media: Spend some time reviewing current advertisements and choose only one (what you present must be some form of commercial advertisement from the 21st century and within the last 10 years). This can be done through […]
Critical thinking questions for Reconceptualizing ECE through Indigenous knowledges and Examining Race in ECECCritical thinking questions for Reconceptualizing ECE through Indigenous knowledges and Examining Race in ECEC
Answer the following Critical Questions from the text. Remember using any AI or plagarizm will result in serious concequences Chapter 7: Making Space for Indigenous Knowledges in an Urban Childcare Centre by Maya-Rose Simon For this question I have offered a few videos of Indigenous scholars, educators, and artists who speak to some of the ideas […]
Children’s literature: you will be expected to write an essay of at least 1,000 words and employ two published sourcesChildren’s literature: you will be expected to write an essay of at least 1,000 words and employ two published sources
In 1,000 words or more, using two (quality) sources or more, craft a solid defense of the genre of Children’s Literature.