Discipline: Gender studies

Why is the 1714 Vagrancy Act significant to understanding Confessions of the Fox?Why is the 1714 Vagrancy Act significant to understanding Confessions of the Fox?

This assignment should be an argument that is about the novel, is grounded in the text and events of novel, and makes an argument that digs much deeper into the novel than superficial observations and glib assertions.    These are very broad topics; your assignment should narrow the broad topic significantly. Dig deeper into one aspect or […]

Borders and the Marginalization of Baloch and Kurdish Communities: An Analysis of Colonialism’s Impact on Non-Country PeopleBorders and the Marginalization of Baloch and Kurdish Communities: An Analysis of Colonialism’s Impact on Non-Country People

The topic should explores the ways in which colonial powers constructed borders and their impact on non-country people, particularly the Baloch and Kurdish communities. Draw critical perspectives from Keshavarz and Khosravi’s “Seeing Like a Smuggler: Borders from Below,” Said’s “Orientalism,” Spivak’s “Can the Subaltern Speak?” and Tuhiwai Smith’s work on decolonizing borders, the topic should […]