Note that plagiarism and Artificial Intelligence detection software is installed, so please ensure that you follow CSULB’s standards of academic integrity. These papers are based on a central topic or question, and selected readings are provided on Canvas to assist you. As these essays are very brief, you will in no way be expected to […]
Discipline: Geography
Understanding of the interrelation between Toronto and the Canadian economic landscape.Understanding of the interrelation between Toronto and the Canadian economic landscape.
Objective: Throughout a critical analysis, you are expected to demonstrate an understanding of theinterrelation between one Canadian city of your choosing and the Canadian economic landscape. There are a variety of subjects you can select for your investigation such as the housing market, immigrants’ economic role, the declining manufacturing sector, the rising service sector, the impact of […]
Prepare a new-hire onboarding and training program for GIS/Geography/GIS AnalystPrepare a new-hire onboarding and training program for GIS/Geography/GIS Analyst
Create a motivational plan or strategy for a real-life situation. Present the reasoning and story behind the workplace scenario that needs a motivational boost. Think of a structured plan that considers all levels of employment and would be feasible financially. Pick an industry you’d like to work in or the one you currently work in. […]
How does Urban Stress vary with distance from the central area of Phnom Penh CBD?How does Urban Stress vary with distance from the central area of Phnom Penh CBD?
Overview Of The IB Geography IA Criteria: What Belongs Where? • Fieldwork Question & Geo Context (Criterion • Method(s) _Of Investigation (Criterion B) • Quality_ Of Information (Criterion C) • Written Analysis (Criterion D) • Conclusion (Criterion E) • Evaluation (Criterion EJ • Types Of Data Sources You Need To Keep A Check On • […]
critical analysis essay of the social, political, cultural and economic geographies of the North.critical analysis essay of the social, political, cultural and economic geographies of the North.
This essay should be a CRITICAL essay The base is to Compare and contrast TWO of the editorial pieces and their complementary perspectives and arguments along with the topic: an examination of the Indian Act (1886) as it contributes to First Nations’ aspirations for autonomy within, or as equal partners, of the Canadian state […]
Present research findings from a geographic study as a PowerPoint presentation, along with a short written section.Present research findings from a geographic study as a PowerPoint presentation, along with a short written section.
I will attach the rubric and instructions, as well as the example our teacher gave us. I need you to select a peer-reviewed academic study that covers something that humans do that harms the environment. Remember it must be a peer-reviewed study, use Gale to find something. For the written section of 400 words, it […]
The Relationship between the Deforestation of Amazon Forest and Climate Change in BrazilThe Relationship between the Deforestation of Amazon Forest and Climate Change in Brazil
Some feedback on the proposal: This is a solid research proposal that gets you off to a good start! I am excited for you to delve into the relationship between deforestation in the Amazon in climate. You could have done a better job situating the geography of the Amazon and its deforestation–where exactly is this happening […]
What would happen if we erased all country borders and let people live wherever they wanted?What would happen if we erased all country borders and let people live wherever they wanted?
What would happen if we erased all country borders and let people live wherever they wanted?
Vietnam and their past history affecting their current health issues amongst people in vietnamVietnam and their past history affecting their current health issues amongst people in vietnam
Sources: Use a minimum of 10 reputable sources in your critique (at least 5 must be peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, others can be from the WHO, World Bank, and similar caliber sources). The highest quality papers tend to have many more than 10 sources. Bibliography and in-text citations: All evidence in your paper must be […]
To what extent is the ‘hustle economy’ (Thieme 2017) a temporary form of economic survivalism or generative model of urban economy?To what extent is the ‘hustle economy’ (Thieme 2017) a temporary form of economic survivalism or generative model of urban economy?
I want the essay to follow this structure: Introduction: – Definition of the ‘hustle economy’ as a form of economic survivalism or generative model in urban contexts – Overview of its prevalence and impact on urban economies globally Temporary form of economic survivalism:– Explanation of how individuals turn to hustling out of necessity for survival– Examples […]