Discipline: Geometry

Segments and Rays In this activity, you will: Identify and name lines, line segments, and rays. Find the lengths of line segments. Make a copy of the following Google Doc OR Word Doc and answer all questions there are 9 questionsSegments and Rays In this activity, you will: Identify and name lines, line segments, and rays. Find the lengths of line segments. Make a copy of the following Google Doc OR Word Doc and answer all questions there are 9 questions

Grading criteriaQuestion 1Blank 0% Left blank Does Not Meet 1-35% Attempts problem with incorrect reasoning and incorrect solution.Emerging 35-50% Has the correct answer but no reasoning is providedApproaching 50-59% Explains some correct reasoning with incorrect solution.Meets Expectations 59-89% Explains mostly correct reasoning but has incorrect solution. Exceeds Expectations 89-100% Explains correct reasoning with correct solution. […]