Discipline: Healthcare

2-2 Journal: Consumer Behavior and Drivers of Demand: Who Is in the Driver’s Seat?2-2 Journal: Consumer Behavior and Drivers of Demand: Who Is in the Driver’s Seat?

After viewing this module’s videos, consider a healthcare service or experience that you, a family member, or a friend purchased. Answer the following questions: Was this a discretionary purchase? Explain. Were you the primary or secondary consumer? In other words, were you the decision maker regarding the purchase, or did others influence you? How do […]

Why you wish to enroll in the surgical technology program? What do you see as the biggest obstacle to completing this program and how do you plan to overcome any obstacles?Why you wish to enroll in the surgical technology program? What do you see as the biggest obstacle to completing this program and how do you plan to overcome any obstacles?

Why you wish to enroll in the program?  What do you see as the biggest obstacle to completing this program and how do you plan to overcome any obstacles?

Week 2 Discussion – Legal Considerations for HR in Health Care Discuss a legal issue or employment law that you believe has the biggest impact on HR policies or operations. Why is this so?Week 2 Discussion – Legal Considerations for HR in Health Care Discuss a legal issue or employment law that you believe has the biggest impact on HR policies or operations. Why is this so?

Week 2 Discussion – Legal Considerations for HR in Health Care Discuss a legal issue or employment law that you believe has the biggest impact on HR policies or operations. Why is this so?

Healthcare Administration Capstone–2 power point slides for final project discussionHealthcare Administration Capstone–2 power point slides for final project discussion

I need 2 power point slides that will be submitted for class discussion/peer feedback for my Healthcare Administration Capstone. The prompt: create an infographic for the mission, vision, and specific details stakeholders will want to know to gain their buy-in on the project. Add your infographic to one or two slides and submit for peer […]

The role of exercise in improving cognitive function and alleviating symptoms of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among young adultsThe role of exercise in improving cognitive function and alleviating symptoms of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among young adults

Kindly check all the attahced documents. The topic to research is The role of exercise in improving cognitive function and alleviating symptoms of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among young adults. Primary research method should be use.

Healthcare Complexities: Their Impact on the Health Administration Sector of United States Healthcare SystemHealthcare Complexities: Their Impact on the Health Administration Sector of United States Healthcare System

Prepare a rough draft for the following research topic: Healthcare Complexities: Their Impact on the Health Administration Sector of United States Healthcare System I’ve attched the outline, annotated bibliography, thesis and initial topic decription which I’ve already prepared. 

Submit the Supporting Arguments (3) Portion of the Position Paper. Use APA in-text citations and list references used on a separate page. On the title page, list your thesis statement in red font.Submit the Supporting Arguments (3) Portion of the Position Paper. Use APA in-text citations and list references used on a separate page. On the title page, list your thesis statement in red font.

Submit the Supporting Arguments (3) Portion of the Position Paper. Use APA in-text citations and list references used on a separate page. On the title page, list your thesis statement in red font. Title page: “Supporting Arguments” • Level 1 Heading: Supporting Arguments • Level 2 Headings: Each Argument (only can have 3!) • EACH reference […]

Should foreign citizens who have been granted legal non- immigrant resident status in the United States be eligible to receive access to Medicaid?”Should foreign citizens who have been granted legal non- immigrant resident status in the United States be eligible to receive access to Medicaid?”

For the first part of this phase apply two decision-making models described by Hammaker and Knadig (2017) to explain why the action being considered is ethical or unethical (based upon your issue and thesis statement). As part of the ethical decision-making process evaluate why the two models are a valid way to decide whether an […]


For this second part of the Scholar Practitioner Project (SPP), you will analyze and apply public health leadership theory to address the public health issue and leadership need previously identified. In addition, you examine how multicultural competencies influenced your choice of theory or model and how this applies to your personal leadership philosophy. In a 2- […]

Person-centered therapy, innovate the therapeutic process by focusing on empathy, unconditional positive value, and the therapist’s needed presence, allowing clients to successfully achieve self-actualization and personal growthPerson-centered therapy, innovate the therapeutic process by focusing on empathy, unconditional positive value, and the therapist’s needed presence, allowing clients to successfully achieve self-actualization and personal growth

Person-centered therapy, developed by Carl Rogers, innovate the therapeutic process by focusing on empathy, unconditional positive value, and the therapist’s needed presence, allowing clients to successfully achieve self-actualization and personal growth I need a 5 page research paper based on the thesis above, a cover page and a refernce page totalling to 7 pages in […]