Discipline: Healthcare

will research different telehealth technologies and make a selection recommendationwill research different telehealth technologies and make a selection recommendation

Case Study: You are the administrator for a multi-physician practice. You have been asked to research different telehealth technologies and make a recommendation to the physicians. Utilizing this week’s reading and resources, review several different telehealth platforms. Narrow your options to the top three selections. Compile a short PowerPoint presentation comparing and contrasting your three […]

Clinical and Biological determinants of outcomes after CD19-directed, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells therapy for B malignanciesClinical and Biological determinants of outcomes after CD19-directed, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells therapy for B malignancies

My PhD is based on 2 main articles already published (attached). These 2 studies should be merged in one document for the thesis. The structure should be: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.  The PhD should also mention the following articles:  Jae H. Park, Karthik Nath, Sean M. Devlin, Craig S. Sauter, M. Lia Palomba1, […]

Planning for the Delivery of Culturally Sensitive Health Interventions and ProgramsPlanning for the Delivery of Culturally Sensitive Health Interventions and Programs

– Identify and describe a problem/issue in health care that is influenced by race, class, gender, or other differences. – How does race, class, gender, or other differences influences your selected problem/issue? – Detailed Interventional methods to address the issue.  – At least 3 scholarly resources in APA Format. – Disregard the voice-over aspect of […]

Arguementative essay on why the government should limit the size of sugary drinksArguementative essay on why the government should limit the size of sugary drinks

The Argumentative Essay LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ♥Writers will improve writing skills through the practice of writing an argument essay. ♥Writers will establish a thesis, thoroughly and purposefully develop a logical argument supported by evidence, treat counter arguments, and provide a strong conclusion. ♥Writers will include rational, ethical, and emotional appeals in their argument. ♥Writers will demonstrate their understanding […]

Respond to my classmates DQ response/Professor question of the week/Professor responseRespond to my classmates DQ response/Professor question of the week/Professor response

Each response shuld be wriiten academically with 100 minimum words and 1 citation. DQ1 Provide an example of an evidenced-based process that you either have helped implement or are familiar with in your workplace setting. Discuss both its effectiveness and what could be done differently. r1 The concept of evidence-based practice (EBP) is a fundamental approach […]

Discussion 2: Writing for Your Future Profession + Considering Intercultural CommunicationDiscussion 2: Writing for Your Future Profession + Considering Intercultural Communication

Instructions Post two email messages that address the following prompt: Find an internship or job opportunity within your future profession that you are interested in applying for. Once you find an internship or job opportunity, write a short email message to request one (1) recommendation letter from a professor of your choice. This professor should […]

Leadership and Ethics: Interviews with Leaders (writer with health connections if possible)Leadership and Ethics: Interviews with Leaders (writer with health connections if possible)

Assignment #1: Interviews with Leaders Unfortunately, I am unable to have anyone contact me back to approve an interview. If any writers with connections or health leaders can complete this paper, it would be much appreciated. If possible please send me their names and place of work to submit. STEP 1 To complete this assignment, […]

Perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups and create an Excel document. Write a 2-3 page analysis of the results in a Word document that includes a recommendation and a plan of action, and insert the results into this document.Perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups and create an Excel document. Write a 2-3 page analysis of the results in a Word document that includes a recommendation and a plan of action, and insert the results into this document.

 Download the Assessment 2 Data Set [XLSX] (file attached) The data set contains the following variables: Rural Clinic1 (total number of visits per month for clinic 1). Rural Clinic2 (total number of visits per month for clinic 2). The Healthcare System administrators need to decide on whether to implement the new pre-natal program in rural clinics. You […]

An overview of the reporting and categorization of complications associated with cosmetic dermal fillers among adults in the face and neck area, and proposed frameworkAn overview of the reporting and categorization of complications associated with cosmetic dermal fillers among adults in the face and neck area, and proposed framework

rewrite the results section considering these points ( data is presented in a clear logically structured and apply manner, with appropriate statistical difference shown) rewrite the discussion part considering these points(providing in-depth critical evaluation of results and their significance with respect to the literature. with some independent thinking shown together with an understanding of the […]