Discipline: Healthcare

Health Information Exchange (HIE) And The National Health Information Network (NHIN)Health Information Exchange (HIE) And The National Health Information Network (NHIN)

Discuss the impetus for health information exchange (HIE) in the United States. Reinforce the need for data stewardship in HIE services. Identify the state, regional, and local activities in achieving benefits and overcoming challenges for HIE organizations. Describe the federal government’s concept of a nationwide health information network. Recommend security strategies for health information. Discuss […]

Personal Statement for Applying for Masters in Public Health Program transitioning from Environmental Science Major (BSc Degree)Personal Statement for Applying for Masters in Public Health Program transitioning from Environmental Science Major (BSc Degree)

Please use the following information to convince the university to accept me for the program me for the program.  Where I am going and how the program will help my career. And Also appreciate the scholaship. I am a registered Scientist with South African Council for Natural Scientist (SACNASP) with 15yrs experience and a dedicated […]

Discussion Post # 2: How would you create value proposition for your organization? 100-150 words.Discussion Post # 2: How would you create value proposition for your organization? 100-150 words.

INSTRUCTION: Discussion Post # 2: How would you create value proposition for your organization? 100-150 words.   These write-ups should be typed, one-inch margins on all sides; 12 pt. Times New Romans. single-space typed; and ONE page (100-150 words maximum length). In this write-up, you need to be extremely specific. 

How air pollution affects health of children under age five on the East Coast of the United States.How air pollution affects health of children under age five on the East Coast of the United States.

Children face special risks from air pollution because their airways are small and still developing, and because they breathe more rapidly and inhale more air relative to their size than do adults. In addition, the body’s defenses that help adults fight off infections are still developing in children. Growing up breathing high levels of air […]

comparing the U.S. healthcare system to the healthcare system of another high income country).comparing the U.S. healthcare system to the healthcare system of another high income country).

ompare the healthcare system in the U.S. to other developed countries with universal coverage Select a country of your choice that provides universal coverage and compare access, delivery, and financing of healthcare in that country to the U.S. Use the concepts of market justice and social justice to evaluate the two systems. Address how the […]

HA425M2-2: Synthesize the concepts of quality improvement and the design elements of quality improvement plans for a healthcare facility.HA425M2-2: Synthesize the concepts of quality improvement and the design elements of quality improvement plans for a healthcare facility.

HA425M2-2: Synthesize the concepts of quality improvement and the design elements of quality improvement plans for a healthcare facility. GEL-8.02: Apply Critical Thinking to use principles of sound reasoning. PC-4.1: Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment. Assignment Introduction: You have been asked by senior leadership to create a small workgroup composed of various […]

Demonstrate college-level communication through the oral delivery of original materials in Standard English.Demonstrate college-level communication through the oral delivery of original materials in Standard English.

CS212M3-3: Demonstrate oral communication skills for promoting a professional image. GEL-1.03: Demonstrate college-level communication through the oral delivery of original materials in Standard English. Video resume: Throughout your professional career, you may be called upon to submit a video resume for a new job. For this assignment, you are required to produce a video resume to persuade a […]

Pick an aspect of healthcare which is state regulated and Write a detailed comparison of the laws in three states for your topic. Use 4 Sources and citation. Create a visual graph or chart with a short narrative comparing the laws which you wrote about.Pick an aspect of healthcare which is state regulated and Write a detailed comparison of the laws in three states for your topic. Use 4 Sources and citation. Create a visual graph or chart with a short narrative comparing the laws which you wrote about.

 Federal and state laws are an intricate part of the American healthcare system.   State laws vary, sometimes significantly.  1.  Pick an aspect of healthcare which is state regulated. 2.  Write a detailed comparison of the laws in three states for your topic.   Use at least four credible sources.  Make sure you properly refer to all […]

Continuous Quality Improvement Using Plan, Do, Study/Check, Act (PDSA/PDCA) and Quality-Improvement ToolsContinuous Quality Improvement Using Plan, Do, Study/Check, Act (PDSA/PDCA) and Quality-Improvement Tools

Please write at least 300 word discussion post repost for the below assigment.  INTRODUCTION West Florida Regional Medical Center (WFRMC) is a Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)-owned and operated, for-profit hospital complex on the north side of Pensacola, Florida. Licensed for 547 beds, it operated approximately 325 beds in December 1991, plus the 89-bed psychiatric […]