Discipline: Healthcare

Business Need and Development of Problem Statement to Establish the Project ScopeBusiness Need and Development of Problem Statement to Establish the Project Scope

In this section, investigate an organizational gap or issue at your practicum site, and identify a problem or new opportunity that that can be addressed through an informatics solution. *Does the use of PHQ-9 screening tool help measure depression in inpatient psychiatric hospital? – hospital is operated by the state to cater to civilly committed adult […]

Grant Proposal for Improving the life of children with asthma and their families in fresno countyGrant Proposal for Improving the life of children with asthma and their families in fresno county

The RFP states that all proposals must include the following components (pages) and (weighted points) for review: cover page  Program need and context (3 pages)  (2) Program goal(s) and objectives (1 page) (1) Literature Review and Theory Framework (4 pages) (2) Program methodology (activities) (6 pages) (5) Logic Model and GANTT Chart(1-3 page appendix)(2) Budget […]

Complying With Laws and Regulations in the Ethical Management of Health InformationComplying With Laws and Regulations in the Ethical Management of Health Information

Course Outcomes assessed in this assignment: HI135-5: Analyze state and federal regulations which govern the release of health information.  BSHIM: I.3 Evaluate policies and strategies to achieve data integrity. BSHIM: I.4 Recommend compliance of health record content across the health system. AAS-HIT: II.3 Identify compliance requirements throughout the health information life cycle. AAS-HIT: V.2 Demonstrate compliance with external forces. Instructions: As […]

510_Role of the APN in federal strategic planning for health information technology510_Role of the APN in federal strategic planning for health information technology

*Sources should be published within 5 years. At least 3 should be peer-reviewed.  **PLEASE review the rubric & writing expectations The purposes of this assignment are to understand the role of the APN in federal strategic planning and to identify actions the APN can take to attain plan goals within an individual practice.  View the […]

Introduction to Health Policy: critically discusses a health policy of your choice, including how this policy might be evaluated.Introduction to Health Policy: critically discusses a health policy of your choice, including how this policy might be evaluated.

This assignment is worth 100% of the total marks for this course unit. This essay aims to introduce, contextualise, and critically explore a health policy of your choice. This includes how this policy might be evaluated, and the implications of a particular evaluation approach for assessing the policy. Please refer to the Assignment Brief for […]

The purpose of this assignment is to continue to work towards completing your final report the developmental lifeline. You started the process in week seven, completing the first two years. Now, you will proceed with completing the additional three ages.The purpose of this assignment is to continue to work towards completing your final report the developmental lifeline. You started the process in week seven, completing the first two years. Now, you will proceed with completing the additional three ages.

Continue to analyze the behaviors using multiple theories or you may choose to use a minimum of two theories throughout your paper. Don’t forget that Chapter 2 of your text highlights each theory and looking deeper into the chapter discusses the age and the domain you are discussing for further clarification of the theory. For […]

Complete a cost-benefit analysis to determine the best course of action in a scenario for a staffing shortage.Complete a cost-benefit analysis to determine the best course of action in a scenario for a staffing shortage.

  Scenario: For this assessment, assume you are the executive director for a for-profit home care agency and you are experiencing a shortage of staff in nursing. You are having to turn away clients because you are not able to provide staff to make the visits. Your task is to complete the cost-benefit analysis to determine […]

an argument for or against (your choice) the legalization of drug trafficking for Schedule III drugsan argument for or against (your choice) the legalization of drug trafficking for Schedule III drugs

Writing Prompt In a unified thesis-based essay, write an argument for or against (your choice) the legalization of drug trafficking for Schedule III drugs (like cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, meth, etc). In your argument, use the research article you summarized for 11.5 on Schedule III drug effects on the brain as a piece of evidence in […]

Research question design and developing a short interview script or survey template- Disability managementResearch question design and developing a short interview script or survey template- Disability management

Length expectation: 1,800 words not including title page, appendices, and references (APA format) with 25% leeway over or under (1,350-2,250 words). Submitted assignments outside this range may be docked marks, at the discretion of the professor. Drawing on content presented in study guides #1-4, you will begin the process of designing an applied study in […]

CLC – Internal Audit and External Analysis of a Health Care Organization ( Kaiser Permanent)CLC – Internal Audit and External Analysis of a Health Care Organization ( Kaiser Permanent)

Assessment Description This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to conduct an internal audit of organizational strengths and weaknesses, and an external analysis of opportunities and threats as part of the strategic planning process. Review the “Learning Exercise,” located at the end of Chapter 2 in the textbook. Using a […]