Discipline: Healthcare

Utilizing Health Belief Model and Social Cognitive theory for health promotion on type 2 DiabetesUtilizing Health Belief Model and Social Cognitive theory for health promotion on type 2 Diabetes

The administration of your organization has tasked you with developing a theory-based health promotion initiative aimed at changing the selected behavior of the selected population/community.   (Type 2 Diabetes among the African American Population) The first step in that process is to narrow the many health behavior models/theories to just two (Health Belief Model & Social […]

Discussion Thread: Case Study — Privacy, Security, and Quality Standards in InformaticsDiscussion Thread: Case Study — Privacy, Security, and Quality Standards in Informatics

Research what federal and state collaboration efforts (if any) exist for the state in which you live and/or practice. Does your state currently participate in Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC)? If not, are there plans to become involved in this partnership? Finally, why is this collaboration important? Information should be available through your […]

Final Project on social interacton program in long-term care settings that improves quality of lifeFinal Project on social interacton program in long-term care settings that improves quality of life

Instructions were to create a project during internship at a nursing facility. I had alread chosen project and submitted a project proposal last semester. I did not develop and implement the project. Thus, what I would be needing now is for you to “make up” the project with results. I am attaching the project proposal […]

Compare and contrast the top health conditions negatively impacting Hispanic and White populations.Compare and contrast the top health conditions negatively impacting Hispanic and White populations.

Compare and contrast the top health conditions negatively impacting Hispanic and White populations. Describe at least 3 (but no more than 5) health service organizations/initiatives/programs currently working to effectively improve these health outcomes for individuals in these populations. 

Final Project: Resource guide for people with disabilities (Disability in a diverse society class)Final Project: Resource guide for people with disabilities (Disability in a diverse society class)

I would like you to choose Tennesse for my state for this assignment For this assignment, the students will create a resource guide for persons with disabilities in a specific state (For example, a student can select the state of Oregon while another student can select the state of Texas).   As part of the assignment, […]

Case study – (I don’t have a name yet but the topic is about reflection where I need to choose a case/ scenario in my New South Wales Ambulance Placement working alongside paramedics which caused me to reflect on my practice)Case study – (I don’t have a name yet but the topic is about reflection where I need to choose a case/ scenario in my New South Wales Ambulance Placement working alongside paramedics which caused me to reflect on my practice)

(I don’t have a name yet but the topic is about reflection where I need to choose a case/ scenario in my New South Wales Ambulance Placement working alongside paramedics which  caused me to reflect on my practice/ intervention) I will add my learning guide so you can add all the criteria needed in my […]

Comparative Analysis of International Health Care Systems and U.S. Policy ChangeComparative Analysis of International Health Care Systems and U.S. Policy Change

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to explore how another country’s healthcare system could serve as a model or inspiration for informing potential healthcare policy changes in the United States (U.S.). By examining international healthcare systems, students will gain insights into alternative approaches to healthcare delivery, policy, and financing. Guidelines: Part 1: Research Choose […]

How to practice inclusivity and culturally competent care in mental health for african americanHow to practice inclusivity and culturally competent care in mental health for african american

Please paraphrase this (Do not change anything, just paraphrase to prevent plagiarism ) To practice inclusivity and culturally competent care, anti-racism training in healthcare should be implemented for both health professionals in the workplace and students in health professions schools. Anti-racism training is defined as the intentional provision and application of education to help individuals […]

The purpose of this assignment is to define the scope of practice for allied health professionals and discuss the importance of patient-centered care.The purpose of this assignment is to define the scope of practice for allied health professionals and discuss the importance of patient-centered care.

Read the profiles of each of the allied health providers and select two providers on which to base your assignment. Research the roles and scope of practice of both of the allied health providers you selected. In a 500-750 word paper, address the following concepts: Describe the professional responsibilities of both allied health providers you […]