Discipline: Healthcare

Intervention Paper on Promoting Healthy Eating Habits Among Children in Elementary SchoolsIntervention Paper on Promoting Healthy Eating Habits Among Children in Elementary Schools

Topic: Promoting healthy diet among children in elementary schools Theory: Social Cognitive Theory Write a intervention paper:  A proposal worksheet regarding your topic, the theory you are using, and the intervention plan. a. Find/ Research a case-study or a health topic that you want to address. b. Identify the health issue and the intervention population. c. […]

Wk 5 Discussion: Innovating Performance Improvement [due Thurs] Wk 5 Discussion: Innovating Performance ImprovementWk 5 Discussion: Innovating Performance Improvement [due Thurs] Wk 5 Discussion: Innovating Performance Improvement

Class: HCS/451: Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis Discussion Topic As a new health care manager, you might be asked for your perspective on ways to innovate procedures at your organization. Imagine you are a new health care manager at ABC Hospital. It is a small, privately-owned community hospital. It has been struggling to survive […]

How can healthcare policy support communities with aging in place and ensuring access to care for older adultsHow can healthcare policy support communities with aging in place and ensuring access to care for older adults

The paper should review at least 12 academic articles published in the last ten years. It should have an introduction that introduces the paper, identify its topical areas, raise questions the paper aims to answer through reviewing literature. It must have a table summarizing the main findings (research questions, study methods, population, analytical methods, findings […]

A Call for Early Cultural Competence Training for Occupational Therapists: Supporting Trafficked PersonsA Call for Early Cultural Competence Training for Occupational Therapists: Supporting Trafficked Persons

Guidance on structure and layout: Write an opinion piece / commentary / editorial / reflection which provides a coherent and professional argument or critique of a specific established practice or theoretical assumption, intended for publication in the journal of your choice.   Your work should ask questions of, and challenge, accepted occupational therapy practice in […]

understanding theories in health promotion for Diabetes and the African American population as reported in the literatureunderstanding theories in health promotion for Diabetes and the African American population as reported in the literature

Select 8 articles which pertain to a common health issue/problem addressed by applying of one or more health behavior theory(ies).  Health problem: Diabetes among the African American Population. Provide a title page, a brief abstract, and a table of contents. In general, the format of each annotated bibliography entry is as follows: 1.)    Bibliographical information […]

Exploration of Black and Ethnic Minority Patient Experience of Information and Support for Prostate Cancer TreatmentExploration of Black and Ethnic Minority Patient Experience of Information and Support for Prostate Cancer Treatment

for this research proposal, you must include  table of content  abstract  introduction include multiple in-text citations and references, including the prevalence of prostate cancer in black and ethnic minorities, as well as the disparities they face. please back this up with citations. please make this specific to prostate cancer patients who have had radiotherapy as […]

find an article online and write a short synopsis and your feelings toward article.find an article online and write a short synopsis and your feelings toward article.

For week two, you will locate an article online that appeals to you regarding diversity in healthcare. After locating an article, you will write a short synopsis of the article as well as your feelings towards the article (agree, disagree, etc.). Please keep in mind the following when choosing and writing about an article: The […]

Public Interest Theory and the Special Interest Theory of Government InterventionPublic Interest Theory and the Special Interest Theory of Government Intervention

The public interest theory and the special interest theory of government intervention have their similarities and differences. Compare and contrast these two theories and provide a recent example of each. Please use as one of the reference. Dewar, D. M. (2017). Essentials of health economics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284054620. Chapter 5

The Impact of Hand Hygiene Practices on Infection Control in Neonatal Intensive Care UnitsThe Impact of Hand Hygiene Practices on Infection Control in Neonatal Intensive Care Units

TOPIC: The Impact of Hand Hygiene practices on infection control in neonatal intensive care units. PRIORITY CONCEPT: Health Promotion and Maintenance of Health In this paper, the student will provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category from the NCLEX-RN® examination blueprint, the priority concept (topic) selected based on assessment performance, and professional […]

Podcast: Public Health on Call (Episode 458): A National PrEP Program to End the Nation’s HIV EpidemicPodcast: Public Health on Call (Episode 458): A National PrEP Program to End the Nation’s HIV Epidemic

Listen to podcast: Public Health on Call (Episode 458): A National PrEP Program to End the Nation’s HIV Epidemic http://johnshopkinssph.libsyn.com/458-a-national-prep-program-to-end-the-nations-hiv-epidemicLinks to an external site. Here are some ideas to guide your discussion: What was new that you did not know?  What stood out as meaningful?   Did the information make sense?   What points did you agree/disagree with and […]