Discipline: Healthcare

Resting and Exercise State of the Respiratory, Cardiovascular, and Neuromuscular SystemsResting and Exercise State of the Respiratory, Cardiovascular, and Neuromuscular Systems

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the materials listed in the Required Resources section this week. Since you are the fitness expert, imagine your friend Megan, a 27-year-old female, has come to you for advice and information. She has never exercised regularly before, but as she gets older, she wants to take […]

Leading Digital Transformation: A Case Study of Transformational Leadership in Healthcare Innovation for the NHSLeading Digital Transformation: A Case Study of Transformational Leadership in Healthcare Innovation for the NHS

The purpose is to show clear understanding of the appraisal; the analysis; the application of healthcare leadership and literature; how you’ve reflected on own practice within own context. It might take the form of a number of different types of outcomes. And indeed, the case study  could be a work-based change project of some kind […]

Analyze best practices for healthcare sustainability in both environmental and financial contexts.Analyze best practices for healthcare sustainability in both environmental and financial contexts.

Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words: How do you define sustainability in health care?  What opportunities exist in your hospice organization for meaningful dialogue about sustainable practices?  How important is “green” in the overall purchasing decision for health care products and supplies? Defend your answer.  Does purchasing green products impact the […]

Discuss critically the contribution and the value of engaging patients in the development of medicines.Discuss critically the contribution and the value of engaging patients in the development of medicines.

Discuss critically the contribution and the value of engaging patients in the development of medicines. The relative weight of the marks are as follows: • A survey of the scope of the engagement of patients today and the benefits that are claimed from this engagement • A critical review of the value of this engagement […]

Data and Communication Paper: Paper Topic: “Health Communication and Health Data: Effective Strategies for Engaging the Public and Making Data-Informed Health Decisions”Data and Communication Paper: Paper Topic: “Health Communication and Health Data: Effective Strategies for Engaging the Public and Making Data-Informed Health Decisions”

  In this paper, you will explore the important role that health communication and health data play in shaping public health and health outcomes. You will analyze various strategies for effectively communicating public health data and the importance of making data-informed interpretations about community health. You will find a news article (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/how-dozens-of-u-s-adolescents-are-dying-of-drug-overdoses-each-month-shown-in-3-charts) that relates to […]

The U.S. health care delivery system has been criticized for its structural defectsThe U.S. health care delivery system has been criticized for its structural defects

The U.S. health care delivery system has been criticized for its structural defects high cost, large numbers of uninsured, and a failure to promote high-quality health in the population. What possible approaches to health care reform do you think are morally acceptable, economically effective, and politically feasible? Elaborate on the key features of your own […]

My previous research proposal was going to be on “mental health while the population is young adults” but now I want to focus on “How a stroke impacts the mental health of stroke survivors”.My previous research proposal was going to be on “mental health while the population is young adults” but now I want to focus on “How a stroke impacts the mental health of stroke survivors”.

  Draft the “Introduction” section of your Applied Research Project. Please refer to the research project outline above to determine what needs to be included in this section. Please note that this is not a final draft, but you should review and edit your “Introduction” section as needed to produce a quality product. I will […]

Disparities in accessing mental health of African American and to practice inclusivity and culturally competent careDisparities in accessing mental health of African American and to practice inclusivity and culturally competent care

Here is some feedback from my professor : Body 1 – this should prove the problem exists. give background and data showing African Americans are disproportionately impacted by mental health disease and access to care.Body 2 – should explain why this problem exists. What are the barriers to care. You would use your information from […]

Download the National Health Expenditures by type of service and source of funds, NHR2012.zip file.Download the National Health Expenditures by type of service and source of funds, NHR2012.zip file.

1. Summarize in a table the total NHE (in millions) for the fill years: 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010. Present the data visually by creating a line graph or a bat diagram depicting Chan in values. 2. Comment on the changes in the categories of expenditures sources, I.e., out-of-pocket, health insurance, third party […]

Why does U.S. Healthcare Cost so much? If healthcare is more expensive ,does it ensure better quality? Why? Why not?Why does U.S. Healthcare Cost so much? If healthcare is more expensive ,does it ensure better quality? Why? Why not?

1. Why does U.S. Healthcare Cost so much? If healthcare is more expensive ,does it ensure better quality? Why? Why not? 2. What are some of the reasons for unnecessary healthcare costs? 3. What are strategies that can be put in place to reduce unnecessary healthcare costs?