Discipline: History

The Population Exchange of 1923 between Christian Orthodox in Turkey and Muslims in GreeceThe Population Exchange of 1923 between Christian Orthodox in Turkey and Muslims in Greece

The essay should be an historical essay on the population exchange in 1923 between Greece and Turkey with 5000 words and footnotes as  references. The essay should contain the following:  A short historical introduction about the parties involved in the Balkan wars, 1. World war, the treaty of serves and the the Greco-Turkish war of […]

What were some of the deeper biological and environmental in nature issues Columbus’ men met on arrival in the New World? Discuss some of the curiosities… Focus on ecology and microbial world, not culture or first contact.What were some of the deeper biological and environmental in nature issues Columbus’ men met on arrival in the New World? Discuss some of the curiosities… Focus on ecology and microbial world, not culture or first contact.

Read the attached to this week 1 (FILES) “Columbus.PDF” file authored by H. Zinn from Peoples History of the United States, C. Mann’s chapter “Two Monuments” from his book titled 1493, A. Crosby’s “Virgin Soil Epidemics…” and respond to the following questions: Discussion Forum Topic for week 1: What were some of the deeper biological and environmental in nature […]

Historical definitions of Reactionary, Conservative, Liberal, Nationalist, and RadicalHistorical definitions of Reactionary, Conservative, Liberal, Nationalist, and Radical

Write an essay of no less than 3 full pages defining the following terms: Reactionary, Conservative, Liberal, Nationalist, and Radical and give examples of how these terms were applied in the information of this week’s chapter.  Compare these terms to the 21st century.  Do you see any similarities or differences.  If so how?  Hint:  Reactionary does […]

Which was more important to the survival of the Tributary System: its long-term continuities, or the changes made by the Qing?Which was more important to the survival of the Tributary System: its long-term continuities, or the changes made by the Qing?

Write a 1600 word essay in the given topic. Bibliography, footnotes etc. are not included in the word count. Make sure to give a thorough introduction as to what is the Tributary system before going in depth with its contributions.  Rubric is attached below!

Prompt – What different motivations and goals can you identify behind Joseph McCarthy’s speeches versus Senator Margaret Chase Smith’s “Declaration of Conscience”? How might their distinct political incentives have shaped their arguments?Prompt – What different motivations and goals can you identify behind Joseph McCarthy’s speeches versus Senator Margaret Chase Smith’s “Declaration of Conscience”? How might their distinct political incentives have shaped their arguments?

Prompt – Prompt – What different motivations and goals can you identify behind Joseph McCarthy’s speeches versus Senator Margaret Chase Smith’s “Declaration of Conscience”? How might their distinct political incentives have shaped their arguments? Your first paragraph should provide the historical context. This is where you explain the time period in a general way. For example, […]

Historical context of the 2nd half of the 2nd century AD and an overview of the state and development of historiography in this period. Historiography of the imperial era, an overview of it and a list of authors and their workHistorical context of the 2nd half of the 2nd century AD and an overview of the state and development of historiography in this period. Historiography of the imperial era, an overview of it and a list of authors and their work

Historical context of the 2nd half of the 2nd century AD and an overview of the state and development of historiography in this period. Historiography of the imperial era, an overview of it and a list of authors and their works , where the authors drew on it (preserved and non-preserved works), who drew on […]

Create a newspaper article about tensions underlying China’s 2016 ultimatum to journalistsCreate a newspaper article about tensions underlying China’s 2016 ultimatum to journalists

In 2016, China’s President Xi demanded that journalists must be completely loyal to the ruling Communist Party. Create a newspaper article based on the factors that created the tension or unrest that led to that edict. The article should be factual, with no opinions, and feature a short, attention-grabbing headline. Start with a clear summary in […]

1. Discuss the development, strengths, weaknesses, and legacy of ancient Greece.1. Discuss the development, strengths, weaknesses, and legacy of ancient Greece.

For all three scheduled exams, choose ONE of the essay questions to answer and do so in detail supporting your statements with a minimum of three exact quotes followed by page numbers or module numbers from the textbook.  No web sources are permissible.  It must be the HIST 1010 survey textbook that is used for […]

How has race, race relations, and racism shaped modern Brazilian history (1822- present)?How has race, race relations, and racism shaped modern Brazilian history (1822- present)?

Your essay must meet the following formatting requirements: Title strong thesis 5-7 pages double-spaced 1-inch margins Times New Roman font Page numbers in the lower right-hand corner. Your essay must use three concrete historical examples drawn from course materials. One of these examples must be a primary source. The other two examples can be from […]

Essay topic 1: The wars in Afghanistan Essay topic 2: Wars amongst the people: an adequate or useful concept for understanding the recent (that is, since WWII) history of warfare?Essay topic 1: The wars in Afghanistan Essay topic 2: Wars amongst the people: an adequate or useful concept for understanding the recent (that is, since WWII) history of warfare?

For our final assignment of the term, two essays, each worth 100 points. With respect to length, you should aim for between 750 and 1250 words per essay. You can use the same short reference methods that we have used all term for anything that has been assigned for class (e.g.: (Gopal, 279). So long […]