Discipline: History

Annotated Bibliography :Clara Barton – American nurse, served in Civil War, founded the American Red CrossAnnotated Bibliography :Clara Barton – American nurse, served in Civil War, founded the American Red Cross

Find three to five scholarly sources for your chosen historical research topic and write an annotated bibliography. Please note that only online eBooks are acceptable – print books are not permissible as they cannot accessed by both the student and the instruJOURNALS/ARTICLES: To find peer-reviewed online journals, please look at two databases in particular: GALE ACADEMIC OneFile and JSTOR are recommended […]

How has Ugandas experience of empire influenced its society, culture, politics, or economics?How has Ugandas experience of empire influenced its society, culture, politics, or economics?

This is a 6 page paper about How has Ugandas experience of empire influenced its  society, culture, politics, or economics? it needs two secondary sources and 5 primary sources and they all the to come from app state library which you can find at appstate.edu and then the library tab. This is just a rough draft […]

Persecution led to Expansion: How Roman Persecution of a Christians created more ChristiansPersecution led to Expansion: How Roman Persecution of a Christians created more Christians

How did Roman persecution serve to inspire Christian converts? What evidence is present in the reading that shows the martyrs, including Perpetua, were aware of their ability to inspire others to the faith before, during, and after their executions? What other evidence do we see demonstrates that Christianity grew and spread? Perpetua’s diary was read […]

Write an essay about if women are tougher than men, mental fortitude, how does this shape our understanding of society expected of women in the 1800s? Use indifferent stars above book for all citationsWrite an essay about if women are tougher than men, mental fortitude, how does this shape our understanding of society expected of women in the 1800s? Use indifferent stars above book for all citations

Women out-survived men in the Donner Party by almost two to one. Do you think women are generally tougher than men?  What about mental fortitude?  Men seem to have become mentally unstable and to have given up hope earlier than women in the Donner Party. How does this shape our understanding of what society expected […]

Using information from your text (HMH M5L2) or other sources, describe life in Sparta from the perspective of a man, a woman, a boy, a girl, and a helot. Separate the information by category into separate paragraphsUsing information from your text (HMH M5L2) or other sources, describe life in Sparta from the perspective of a man, a woman, a boy, a girl, and a helot. Separate the information by category into separate paragraphs

Using information from your text (HMH M5L2) or other sources, describe life in Sparta from the perspective of a man, a woman, a boy, a girl, and a helot.  You may use up to one paragraph for each category.  Separate the information by category into separate paragraphs

Analyze the political intentions and implications of the Barcelona Pavilion (1929) by Mies van der RoheAnalyze the political intentions and implications of the Barcelona Pavilion (1929) by Mies van der Rohe

Response Paper 2 : Answer prompt in 2-3 page essay (12 font Times Roman, 1.5 spacing as pdf.) consult the lectures and be sure to use examples from the reading, quotations on the slide lists, and of specific buildings to support your response. Do not hesitate to use outside sources, but always quote, cite, and […]

Using the French Revolution as example, discuss the conflict between humanitarian goals of the revolution and the authoritarian means used to achieve these goals.Using the French Revolution as example, discuss the conflict between humanitarian goals of the revolution and the authoritarian means used to achieve these goals.

Paper 2: Danton v. A Man For All Seasons Prompt:Using the film Danton, the textbook, online Blackboard readings, and lectures, please answer the question: 1. Compare Thomas More and Danton as individuals and public figures, their times, and circumstances of their deaths. Guidelines:Your composition will be graded based on these elements:  1) thesis, 2) evidence, 3) general clarity of […]

Battleship PotemkinLinks to an external site. (1925), directed by Sergei EisensteinBattleship PotemkinLinks to an external site. (1925), directed by Sergei Eisenstein

Write a response paper about two-three pages (500-750 words) in length reflecting on a Soviet film chosen from the list below. Your response should situate the film in the context of themes and events discussed in our course. Consider the film as a primary source – you may want to refer to the “Primary Source […]

“The First World War was mainly the result of Imperial Germany’s aggressive policies and ambitions” How valid is this assessment of the reasons why Europe was at war by the summer of 1914?“The First World War was mainly the result of Imperial Germany’s aggressive policies and ambitions” How valid is this assessment of the reasons why Europe was at war by the summer of 1914?

Title – not in word count  Introduction (About a page, can be sub paragraph):  Overview of the events (war starting, Key people, events),   Histography (There is a debate, mention historians)  Sources,  Hint at my conclusion  Overview of debate / Histography – 30/60 marks  Source availability,  Time of source,  Cold war 1990s  Public record Act  Different […]

Compare the Indo-Pakistani Wars with the Arab-Israeli wars. How are they similar, and how are they different?Compare the Indo-Pakistani Wars with the Arab-Israeli wars. How are they similar, and how are they different?

Major Essay Assignment is to be 1500 to 2000 words long. It is to be written in formal academic English and it MUST have Chicago style academic footnotes that include page numbers and are placed are either the bottom of the page or the end of the essay.  (Please note that the footnote numbers go […]