Discipline: History

Formal Essay Topic II Based on the text The Origins of the Modern World by Robert MarksFormal Essay Topic II Based on the text The Origins of the Modern World by Robert Marks

Robert Marks makes an argument against the Eurocentric myth called “the Rise of the West” in his book “The Origins of the Modern World Since the 15th Century”.  Using evidence from the historical events Marks provides in chapters 1-6, counter the narrative “the Rise of the West and its assumptions by providing at least of each […]

The relationship between the Catholic Church and nazism / the nazi regime, the Prius wars – Catolic views on nazism, Nazi view on the Church, the Church’s interference with Nazi actions (or the lack thereof)The relationship between the Catholic Church and nazism / the nazi regime, the Prius wars – Catolic views on nazism, Nazi view on the Church, the Church’s interference with Nazi actions (or the lack thereof)

Sources collected so far:  “The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919–1945” by Richard Steigmann-Gallhttps://archive.org/details/holyreichnazicon0000stei “The Pope and Mussolini” by David I. Kertzerhttps://archive.org/details/DavidI.KertzerThePopeAndMussoliniTheSecretHistoryOfPiusXIAndTheRiseOfFascismInEurope2014RandomHouse/page/n257/mode/2up  Pope and devil: the Vatican’s archives and the Third Reichhttps://archive.org/details/popedevilvatican0000wolf_r3z5/page/4/mode/2up  J.S. Conway’s The Nazi Persecution of the Churcheshttps://archive.org/details/nazipersecutiono0000conw/page/n17/mode/2up   Susan Zuccotti – Under His Very Windows: The Vatican and the Holocaust in Italyhttps://archive.org/details/underhisverywind0000zucc/page/n9/mode/2up   […]

The form that a Holocaust film takes dramatically shapes the perception of contentThe form that a Holocaust film takes dramatically shapes the perception of content

Length: 400-450 words. Proofread carefully, as this is also a writing intensive assignment. Do not generalize or recount the plots. 1. The film critic Frank Kerner said the following: “The form that a Holocaust film takes dramatically shapes the perception of content. “ Please explain this statement, using one of the recent films we have […]

The Munich Analogy: Its Influence on U.S. Policy in South Vietnam during the 1950s and 1960sThe Munich Analogy: Its Influence on U.S. Policy in South Vietnam during the 1950s and 1960s

10-12 page research paper  Format: Your completed paper should be TYPED and DOUBLE-SPACED; top, bottom, left, and right margins should be one inch, and the paper should be compiled in the following order: Title Page The title page should include the title of your paper, your name, the number and title of the course, the name of the institution, […]

Book review Mayor, Adrienne. Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines, and Ancient Dreams of Technology.Book review Mayor, Adrienne. Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines, and Ancient Dreams of Technology.

Start by citing the book.  Include the author, title, place of publication, publisher, publication date, and edition (if applicable).  Use the Chicago Manual of Style for the citation (see below).  Include information about the author: his authority, reputation, and qualifications.  Make reference to the genre of the book?  Is it a work of fiction or […]

Sacred Practices and Symbolic Frameworks: A Comparative Study of Rituals in Confucianism and ChristianitySacred Practices and Symbolic Frameworks: A Comparative Study of Rituals in Confucianism and Christianity

My most recent version is Rev 2, I provideed my outline and original revision Topic: Compare and contrast one aspect of any two of the following: Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, or Christianity.  You could discuss views on sin, rituals, versions of hell, etc.  Papers which do not adhere to these stated topic parameters will not receive a […]

Reflecting on the 2024 U.S presidential election: Rece, ethnicity, and power In American politicsReflecting on the 2024 U.S presidential election: Rece, ethnicity, and power In American politics

The 2024 U.S. presidential election, particularly the recent debate between former President Donald Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris and the one involving Vice Presidential candidates, highlights critical issues of race, ethnicity, and power in American politics. As you reflect on this debate and the broader election context, consider how race and ethnicity shape political […]

Throughout the course of modern European history, major change has more often been driven “from the top down” (i.e. from political leaders or powerful elites) than “from the bottom up” (i.e. from ordinary people and non-elites.)Throughout the course of modern European history, major change has more often been driven “from the top down” (i.e. from political leaders or powerful elites) than “from the bottom up” (i.e. from ordinary people and non-elites.)

Agree with, disagree with, or modify the following statement: Throughout the course of modern European history, major change has more often been driven “from the top down” (i.e. from political leaders or powerful elites) than “from the bottom up” (i.e. from ordinary people and non-elites.) You must address all of following course themes in your response […]

Reframing Africa: A Journey Through Colonial Legacies, Cultural Resilience, and Global InterconnectednessReframing Africa: A Journey Through Colonial Legacies, Cultural Resilience, and Global Interconnectedness

I would be needing a research propsal for the paper  The final research project will be a self-reflection based on what we learned this semester. You should consider the issues that we covered in class and write a reflection that centers your own experience with these issues and the history of Africa in general. Among […]

Efforts to Explain the Causes of 21st Century American Antisemitism on College CampusesEfforts to Explain the Causes of 21st Century American Antisemitism on College Campuses

Use these three sources, and look for another three sources. Dont include too much historical background. Dont use a very sophisticated vocabularyPlease include examples of Columbia University.  Dont forget to include the situation in college campuses after Octuber the 7th. 1. Articles about Deborah Lipstadt .2. https://jewishbreakingnews.com/study-1-5-million-marched-in-pro-hamas-rallies-as-universities-become-ground-zero-for-extremism/ 3. Studies by Hilel.