Discipline: History

Was Japan’s success during the Russo Japanese war due more to the strategic and operational skills of Japanese leaders or to a cooperative Russian adversary?Was Japan’s success during the Russo Japanese war due more to the strategic and operational skills of Japanese leaders or to a cooperative Russian adversary?

This assignment is for a course through the Naval War College using the below references and attachments only. The format is Chicago Style 17th ed. Fuller, William C., Jr. Strategy and Power in Russia, 1600-1914. New York: Free Press, 1992 Connaughton, Richard. Rising Sun and Tumbling Bear: Russia’s War with Japan. Third edition. London: Cassell, […]

Not Fit for Our Society Nativism and Immigration Peter Schrag – Introduction OnlyNot Fit for Our Society Nativism and Immigration Peter Schrag – Introduction Only

Read the Introduction of Peter Schrag’s “Not Fit for Our Society: Immigration and Nativism in America” from the module resources. Then reflect on the role of immigration in the United States today. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Describe how historical discourses are recycled or repeated. Describe the dominant narrative about the history of immigration in the […]

After reading all of Chapters 18 and 19 and watching Life in the Tenements of the Lower East Side: Treasures of New York (see Required Readings & Resources page), answer the following prompt in your own wordsAfter reading all of Chapters 18 and 19 and watching Life in the Tenements of the Lower East Side: Treasures of New York (see Required Readings & Resources page), answer the following prompt in your own words

Most tenement buildings in New York and other cities have been torn down or renovated to be used for different purposes. Why is the Tenement Museum preserving some of these buildings in the Lower East Side? Do you think preserving these buildings and remembering the living conditions of immigrants and ordinary Americans from the past […]

After reading all of Chapter 17 and Homesteader Opportunities and Obstacles (see Required Readings & Resources page), answer the following prompt in your own words, using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation:After reading all of Chapter 17 and Homesteader Opportunities and Obstacles (see Required Readings & Resources page), answer the following prompt in your own words, using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation:

Considering all of the obstacles facing homesteaders in the West, do you think you could have done it? What do you think would have been your greatest obstacle if you decided to become a homesteader, and how do you think you would have handled it? Guidelines Your initial post should be at least 250 words […]

Tobacco – The “Devils Smoke” or Cash Crops Describe how tobacco was introduced to the Europeans.Tobacco – The “Devils Smoke” or Cash Crops Describe how tobacco was introduced to the Europeans.

Tobacco – The “Devils Smoke” or Cash Crops Describe how tobacco was introduced to the Europeans.  Assess King James I’s sentiments against tobacco. Was it due to economic or medical reasons? Qualify your response with documented examples.   Analyze how tobacco resulted in cash crops and significant trade for the British  Topic 5 Assignment TemplateLinks […]

Book Essay #1 on We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families: Stories from RwandaBook Essay #1 on We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda

For this paper, you will be reading Philip Gourevitch’s We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda. After reading the book, please write a 2-3-page (12-point font, double-spaced) essay with a strong, clear argument and concisely use evidence from the book to support your main points (make sure […]

The Soviet Union’s Path to Collapse: Evaluating the Role of Glasnost in the Disintegration of a Superpower, 1986-1991The Soviet Union’s Path to Collapse: Evaluating the Role of Glasnost in the Disintegration of a Superpower, 1986-1991

To what extent was Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy of glasnost responsible for the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991? I have already written the introduction which is as follows:  Introduction This essay investigates the research question, “To what extent was Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy of glasnost responsible for the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union […]

“Contrast Thomas Hobbes and John Locke’s positions on the authority of the Sovereign.”“Contrast Thomas Hobbes and John Locke’s positions on the authority of the Sovereign.”

“Contrast Thomas Hobbes and John Locke’s positions on the authority of the Sovereign.” based on this video and attachted readings. Full instruction included in attamtchments as word document.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2LVcu01QEU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsGD8nlMTOo Chapter 13Hobbes seems to follow another author (whom we are not going to read), Machiavelli, in the lowering of the goals of political life. In this […]

working conditions in England during the Industrial Revolution and government’s attempt to improve the conditions.working conditions in England during the Industrial Revolution and government’s attempt to improve the conditions.

Working Conditions during the Industrial Revolution and what the English government did to improve the situation by the Factory Act of 1833 or Mines Act of 1842. Students will write a 1,000 word essay using the linked sources provided below. Students will select 3 or 4 workers or miners to write about and discuss the […]

Analyze an essay written by William C. Davis on Jefferson Davis and his generalsAnalyze an essay written by William C. Davis on Jefferson Davis and his generals

.Hi! i need an essay of three pages long double spaced, font 11 point in times new roman analyzing an essay writting by William C. Davis. I’m not allowed to use grammarly and Generative AI. I’m not able to reference our  textbook “American journey” The citations will only come out of the essay provided. For […]