Discipline: History

“When Americans Could Not Escape History: Lincoln and the New Birth of Freedom,”“When Americans Could Not Escape History: Lincoln and the New Birth of Freedom,”

Listen to the talk, “When Americans Could Not Escape History: Lincoln and the New Birth of Freedom,” by Andrew F. Lang, associate professor of history, Mississippi State University. (audio for the talk is pt1 and pt2) Submit a 500-700 word response paper (2-3 pages double-spaced, 12-point font). The first part of the paper should discuss […]

In a 2-3 page essay, explain the reasons (push/pull factors) for Asian migration to the West Coast of the United States from the 1850s, and their experiences leading to the Immigration Act of 1917.In a 2-3 page essay, explain the reasons (push/pull factors) for Asian migration to the West Coast of the United States from the 1850s, and their experiences leading to the Immigration Act of 1917.

Use the Ueda, Crosscurrents reading (pages 1-12 and 20-30) to construct the main narrative. You must also discuss the primary source in the Week 5 folder (Chinatown Declared a Nuisance) and use one of the Oral History Interviews from the website Chinese Immigrants and Western Railroads.  For the interviews stick to one of the following […]

India, The Indian Ocean Basin, And The Two Worlds Of Christendom discussion postIndia, The Indian Ocean Basin, And The Two Worlds Of Christendom discussion post

After reading Jerry Bentley and Herbert Ziegler Traditions & Encounters, Chapters 15 & 16 and the web enrichments below:  Medieval India, ca. 700-1500 CE – begin reading at the Palas and stop before the Mughals.   https://knowindia.india.gov.in/ The Middle Ages Interactive (Annenberg Media) – Click “Enter” and click on and read the various topics listed    https://www.learner.org/series/interactive-the-middle-ages/ Explore Byzamtium – […]

Accessibility, prohibition, and social attitudes surrounding abortion in Mexico during the colonial era (16th-19th centuries)Accessibility, prohibition, and social attitudes surrounding abortion in Mexico during the colonial era (16th-19th centuries)

This is going to be a 5 page draft of the second section for an overall essay. This section will fall in the middle of two other sections; I talked about abortion during the pre-Columbian era in the first section and I will be talking about the 20th/21st centuries in the third section. This section […]

How has colorism affected the lives of the Black community in Brazil, it’s origin and current issues why Afro-Brazilians are the majority but still suffer the most?How has colorism affected the lives of the Black community in Brazil, it’s origin and current issues why Afro-Brazilians are the majority but still suffer the most?

For this assignment there needs to be a complete literature review of 10 sources answers the following   questions,                                       Research Question How does colorism in Brazil affect the everyday lives of the Afro-Brazilian community?  Research Subquestions  Are the […]

Can one person impact history, or are they limited/prevented by forces outside of their control?Can one person impact history, or are they limited/prevented by forces outside of their control?

Specific Assignment Details Bibliography should have at least 5 secondary sources and 2 primary sources There should be a section with the subheading “primary sources” and another with “secondary sources” While there is no page limit, I would expect at least two pages, single-spaced worth of material for this to be of academic value Times New Roman Style, […]

How did these three men build empires in America? Give examples. Were they in the right place at the right time? In other words, could they have succeeded in a different moment in history? Why or why not? What foresights did these opportunists envision?How did these three men build empires in America? Give examples. Were they in the right place at the right time? In other words, could they have succeeded in a different moment in history? Why or why not? What foresights did these opportunists envision?

Industry in America After reading the background materials and the short biographies of each of the three men listed below, respond to the three short-answer questions. Note that all three questions contain multiple elements. So please make sure that you have addressed each one completely before moving to the next one. Also, in the readings […]

Who was Crazy Horse? Define what you think his role was: a) from the Native American viewpoint and b) from a historical viewpoint. Present two of Crazy Horse’s observations about the arrival of white settlers. Do you think his observatiWho was Crazy Horse? Define what you think his role was: a) from the Native American viewpoint and b) from a historical viewpoint. Present two of Crazy Horse’s observations about the arrival of white settlers. Do you think his observati

Westward Expansion After reading the Background Materials and the passage below, discuss the following questions. Use additional resources to support your ideas and to strengthen your argument. The excerpt is from a book entitled Crazy Horse: The Strange Man of the Oglalas by Mari Sandoz. In her book, Sandoz recalls stories she had heard as a child […]

How does Speier define public opinion? Until the French Revolution writers feared that the public at large were unreliable due to superstition, prejudice, and excess passion. Who did earlier writers believe was likely to hold reasonableHow does Speier define public opinion? Until the French Revolution writers feared that the public at large were unreliable due to superstition, prejudice, and excess passion. Who did earlier writers believe was likely to hold reasonable

It is an article of faith that democracies represent the will of the populace, and therefore must be cognizant of public opinion. But this was not always the case. Before the Enlightenment (18th century) sovereigns believed that they ruled by divine will, not popular will. The signing of Magna Carta in 1215 had confirmed the […]

To what extent does the Neom project create social, environmental, and economic issues?To what extent does the Neom project create social, environmental, and economic issues?

Essay structure should have two perspectives/ sides, one supports that neom helps the social, environmental, and economic aspect, while also having a countering side saying that neom does create social, environmental, and economic issues. This is what I have written before. So use this as a reference for the level of words and language I […]