Discipline: History

To what extent have migrant farmworkers been affected by the exploitation in the United States?To what extent have migrant farmworkers been affected by the exploitation in the United States?

Helloo 🙂 so this essay is a pretty big reasearch paper and will be organized in the following order:  A title page (dont need to worry about this) Table of contents (have clear labled subsections) introduction Essay Conclusion Bibliography  I would like you to go through the essay with my outline such as: Introduction Importance […]

Compare the writings of two or three women writers from the period 1000-1800 CE and from at least two different world regions.Compare the writings of two or three women writers from the period 1000-1800 CE and from at least two different world regions.

Evaluate the character and perspectives/biases of all of your sources by asking of them who is writing towhom, when, where and why, and evaluating the answer. Use the notes and bibliography style from the ChicagoManual of Style.  Write about how being a woman influenced their take on history, while also describing how their specific cultural […]

Who are the ‘barbarian peoples’ in the fourth and fifth centuries CE? How do different sources portray them and how does this affect our current understanding of the end of the Roman Empire?Who are the ‘barbarian peoples’ in the fourth and fifth centuries CE? How do different sources portray them and how does this affect our current understanding of the end of the Roman Empire?

Papers should be 4–5 pages, double-spaced with standard margins and 12 pt. font. Please put your name on the top of the essay, along with the question that you are answering as well as which referencing system you have chosen to use (i.e. MLA, Chicago, etc). Please also include your name in the document title. […]

How does the condition of stability in China today compare with that of the 19th century (1800s)? How does the condition of stability in China today compare with that of the 20th century (1900s)? What is Pinker’s thesis about the change in violenceHow does the condition of stability in China today compare with that of the 19th century (1800s)? How does the condition of stability in China today compare with that of the 20th century (1900s)? What is Pinker’s thesis about the change in violence

When Steven Pinker’s book, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined was published in 2011, the public and academic reaction was cool. His assertion that violence has been on the decline for the last 10,000 years was radical to say the least. Still, as a renowned Harvard professor, Pinker couldn’t be summarily dismissed […]

In 1860 the North had specific advantages over the South that helped the Union prepare for the war. Describe 4-5 of these advantages and show how they led to Union victory.In 1860 the North had specific advantages over the South that helped the Union prepare for the war. Describe 4-5 of these advantages and show how they led to Union victory.

Papers should be between 6-8 pages in length.  Goals of the assignment are to demonstrate that you can create a research paper based on primary and secondary sources and synthesize this material to present a cohesive answer to a question.  Because this is a research based paper, students must demonstrate that they can find and […]

Did Sun Tzu and Clausewitz believe war was an art or science? Did they view strategy differently than war? Did they have the same or divergent views regarding war and strategy being an art or science?Did Sun Tzu and Clausewitz believe war was an art or science? Did they view strategy differently than war? Did they have the same or divergent views regarding war and strategy being an art or science?

Second part of the topic: Do you agree with either of the their assessments regarding war/strategy being an art or science? What are the implications of this opinion for the study (not just conduct) of strategy and war? This will be 12-15 pages long (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font) on the theories and theorists […]

United States naval tactics and minimizing capital ship losses during World War IIUnited States naval tactics and minimizing capital ship losses during World War II

1. This section should consist of a critical evaluation of TWO most utilized and important PRINT (and BOOK of historical text (not novels) or Journal articles are more valued by IBO than other print sources) sources appropriate to the investigation and explicit reference to the origin, purpose, content, value and limitation of the selected sources.  […]

2-page writing exercise involving the creation of a dialogue and an analysis of key components of arguments. analyzing a conversation and breaking down the elements of conclusion, premises, assumptions, and extraneous material.2-page writing exercise involving the creation of a dialogue and an analysis of key components of arguments. analyzing a conversation and breaking down the elements of conclusion, premises, assumptions, and extraneous material.

 write a dialogue (short conversation) between two people. Make sure that each person provides the other with an argument. Each argument must have a conclusion and at least two premises. Since it is a conversation, each person should also state some extraneous material. After you are done writing the dialogue, fill out each part of the dialogue […]

Make sure to read the entire assignment below before you begin the work necessary for Milestone 1. For Milestone 1, you will need to write one paragraph stating your topic for the project. Make sure to state the event you are writing about asMake sure to read the entire assignment below before you begin the work necessary for Milestone 1. For Milestone 1, you will need to write one paragraph stating your topic for the project. Make sure to state the event you are writing about as

Make sure to read the entire assignment below before you begin the work necessary for Milestone 1. For Milestone 1, you will need to write one paragraph stating your topic for the project. Make sure to state the event you are writing about as well as the historical figure whose point of view you will be writing from. […]

HI-104: World History from the Black Death to the Modern Era Assignment #1: The Black DeathHI-104: World History from the Black Death to the Modern Era Assignment #1: The Black Death

For this first assignment, you are to write an essay based on primary sources that reflect religious responses to the Bubonic Plague. Note that the authors represent views and experiences from across Europe and the Middle East and that their views are informed by Christianity and Islam. Read the sources, then write an argumentative essay […]