Discipline: History

Around the world, Did the different feminist movements have similar aims from 1800-1930?Around the world, Did the different feminist movements have similar aims from 1800-1930?

1400-1600 word essay. word count is not incuding footnotes and bibliography Include these sources and 4 additional (You choose). Include primary and secondary sources and seperate them in the bibliography, Use chicago 17th citation style – Marilyn Booth, ‘Textured feminisms: Cairo, Tokyo, Beijing, 1907’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 35: 1 […]

RESPONSE PROMPT: Who are the ‘barbarians’? How might we understand shifts in power in this period from the Romans to the ‘barbarian’ peoples?RESPONSE PROMPT: Who are the ‘barbarians’? How might we understand shifts in power in this period from the Romans to the ‘barbarian’ peoples?

Class 3, February 7th: Barbarians and Continental Migrations RESPONSE PROMPT: Who are the ‘barbarians’? How might we understand shifts in power in this period from the Romans to the ‘barbarian’ peoples?  Primary sources: – Jordanes, ‘History of the Goths’ in Readings in Medieval History, Vol. I, ed. Patrick Geary, 5th edition (Toronto, 2016), pp. 69–96 [online via library] – ‘Hidebrandslied’ […]

Examine the reign of Hammurabi. In what ways was his reign the high point of Mesopotamian history?Examine the reign of Hammurabi. In what ways was his reign the high point of Mesopotamian history?

 Please address the topic by using minimum of 300 words, and post replies to other students’ discussions by using minimum of 50 words. Please be specific: use dates and facts! Examine the reign of Hammurabi. In what ways was his reign the high point of Mesopotamian history? Explain the significance of his code of law […]

Discuss the controversy surrounding how and whether the Middle East should become modern. The arguments over what it means to be “modern.” What European philosophies influenced this debate What was the traditionalist vs secularist controversy”Discuss the controversy surrounding how and whether the Middle East should become modern. The arguments over what it means to be “modern.” What European philosophies influenced this debate What was the traditionalist vs secularist controversy”

Introduction and conclusion, divided into paragraphs  3 full PAGES  

Reading Reflection: Do you agree with Johan Hari that isolation is the cause of addiction?Reading Reflection: Do you agree with Johan Hari that isolation is the cause of addiction?

For reading reflections, you are to write a 2-3 page paper in which you are to respond/reflect on any of the readings that we are covering during that section (essentially since the last RR). It is not a formal essay but a way for you to think and articulate ideas about the course content. You […]

Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.”Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.”

 Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? Are these documents still effective today?   References  https://d3bxy9euw4e147.cloudfront.net/oscms-prodcms/media/documents/USHistory-LR.pdf#page=221  https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration

What do you think should be done with Confederate monuments like “The Last Stand” statue in Victoria? Do you favor Jordan Brasher’s and Derek H. Alderman’s idea of a statue graveyard for Confederate monuments? Why or why not?What do you think should be done with Confederate monuments like “The Last Stand” statue in Victoria? Do you favor Jordan Brasher’s and Derek H. Alderman’s idea of a statue graveyard for Confederate monuments? Why or why not?

For this assignment, first read the following articles (both are available through the link to the file “Paper 1 Articles” at the bottom of this page):   1.) The Victoria Advocate article, “’We Want a Symbol of Unity’: Residents to Request Confederate Monument’s Removal.” It discusses recent controversy over a Confederate monument located in nearby Victoria, TX. It […]

read the attached 2 posts and respond per direction attached in 2 different pages on the same documentread the attached 2 posts and respond per direction attached in 2 different pages on the same document

For your response posts (respond to peers who chose a different topic than you), address the following:  What have you learned in the past about the historical topic your peer(s) chose?  What current events have you seen that are related to your peer(s) chosen topic? 

What was the attitude of Jadid intellectuals of Central Asia towards Russian conquest Turkestan regions (which is currently a Central Asian countries) in the late of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century?What was the attitude of Jadid intellectuals of Central Asia towards Russian conquest Turkestan regions (which is currently a Central Asian countries) in the late of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century?

In the above I have written my research question and it is about the attitudes of Jadids to the Russian conquest of their regions. I have found that Jadid intellectuals had various thought about that where some of them saw an opportunity to develop and some were againt any changes and some of them viewed […]

public administration and public policy and administrative law, modern government.public administration and public policy and administrative law, modern government.

This is your first short writing assignment. It will be a 5 to 7 page paper, typed, double spaced, 12 point font, 1’ margins, that discusses the importance of public administration and administrative law in the modern political world. This is an opportunity to state your current understanding of public administration, public policy and administrative […]