Discipline: History

Rise of Hitler during World War II, how he dealt with political opposition, and how he used the Holocaust to change the Germany economy to support his empire building initiatives.Rise of Hitler during World War II, how he dealt with political opposition, and how he used the Holocaust to change the Germany economy to support his empire building initiatives.

 Discuss the rise of Hitler during World War II, how he dealt with political opposition, and how he used the Holocaust to change the Germany economy to support his empire building initiatives.   Your research paper should be 2-3 pages long, double spaced, using size 12 font, and you should provide footnotes and a bibliography […]

Who were the first group of mass laborers in Jamestown (the indentured servants) and what was their life like? What was their American Promise and why did Jamestown (Virginia Colony) switch from using indentured servitude to slavery laborWho were the first group of mass laborers in Jamestown (the indentured servants) and what was their life like? What was their American Promise and why did Jamestown (Virginia Colony) switch from using indentured servitude to slavery labor

The essay must be 650 words minimum. Each essay you write in this class will have a thesis (your argument). You will use specific examples from the readings or lecture to back up your argument. You will need to cite at least two sentences directly from the readings or lecture in your essay. An example of […]

How does Botchkareva relate to her own sense of “Russian-ness,” and how does the war impact that sense of national identity?How does Botchkareva relate to her own sense of “Russian-ness,” and how does the war impact that sense of national identity?

makes an argument based on a narrowly-defined aspect of what you can learn about the history of Russian women and/or peasants from Maria Botchkareva’s memoir, Yashka: My Life as Peasant, Officer, Exile. Topic : How does Botchkareva relate to her own sense of “Russian-ness,” and how does the war impact that sense of national identity?  […]

Research the Great Migration and detail any obstacles Black Americans faced as they moved to the North.Research the Great Migration and detail any obstacles Black Americans faced as they moved to the North.

Essay must include: title page 1-2 pages double spaced in-text citation bibliography Have a historical basis that demonstrates some type of analysis of the topic.  Topic of the paper: Research the Great Migration and detail any obstacles Black Americans faced as they moved to the North.

Use Compare and Contrast to analyze two regional styles of Romanesque church designUse Compare and Contrast to analyze two regional styles of Romanesque church design

Write an essay on why the regional styles of Romanesque church designed developed and why they are significant. Use the compare and contrast format to analyze two regional styles of Romanesque church design. Characterize the style of each. Include  reasons for the development of unique regional styles. Use examples to support the essay

The Black Death, or bubonic plague, wiped out approximately half of Europe’s population in the fourteenth century. Why was it so devastating?The Black Death, or bubonic plague, wiped out approximately half of Europe’s population in the fourteenth century. Why was it so devastating?

The assignment—which should be 750-1000 words long, overall—should include the two following parts. First, a topic overview of approximately 250 words in which you discuss essential information regarding your topic—for example, where it happened, when it happened, what happened, who was involved, etc.—and provide a main argument, or thesis, that explains which particular aspect of […]

Based on the lectures and readings for this week, construct a short argument against this false claim: Jewish culture has always been conservative (i.e., traditional). Because of this conservatism, Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe (1880s-1920s)Based on the lectures and readings for this week, construct a short argument against this false claim: Jewish culture has always been conservative (i.e., traditional). Because of this conservatism, Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe (1880s-1920s)

Based on the lectures and readings for this week, construct a short argument against this false claim:  Jewish culture has always been conservative (i.e., traditional). Because of this conservatism, Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe (1880s-1920s) were extremely standoff-ish toward American popular culture.

Rachel Swarns’s The 272: The Families Who Were Enslaved and Sold to Build the American Catholic Church.Rachel Swarns’s The 272: The Families Who Were Enslaved and Sold to Build the American Catholic Church.

Papers should be approximately four to five pages (1200-1500 words) in length.  They should be typewritten, double-spaced, with one-inch margins in a standard font.  They are to demonstrate critical engagement with the assigned reading, but will also be graded for organization, style, and clarity of students’ own argument.  Spelling and grammar count. I want it […]

Compare and contrast three of the Native cultures found in North America prior to European contact.Compare and contrast three of the Native cultures found in North America prior to European contact.

Hello, I need a 250 discussion post based off the assignment topic. I do not need any sources or anything however here is the book that would use for the class so if you could use something form out of that then that would be great.  .S. History by OpenStaxAuthors: P. SCOTT CORBETT, VOLKER JANSSEN, […]

“Between Fact and Fiction: A Critical Examination of Historical Accuracy in Muhnot Nainsi’s ‘Nainsi ri Khyat'”“Between Fact and Fiction: A Critical Examination of Historical Accuracy in Muhnot Nainsi’s ‘Nainsi ri Khyat'”

This research paper critically examines the historical reliability of Muhnot Nainsi’s late 17th-century text, “Nainsi ri Khyat,” which serves as a comprehensive chronicle of Marwar’s history. Nainsi, an official of the Marwar State, compiled the work using a diverse range of sources, including Charan accounts, local administrative records, and the traditional Rajasthani Vat. While “Nainsi […]