Discipline: History

Identify one historical event from Australian history and analyse how it has affected the lives of Indigenous AustraliansIdentify one historical event from Australian history and analyse how it has affected the lives of Indigenous Australians

This essay has two parts and is based on the materials and content from the first six weeks of the unit. In this essay, you will: Identify one historical event from Australian history and analyse how it has affected the lives of Indigenous Australians, and the relevance this historical and cultural knowledge has for teaching and learning […]

To what extent did Vaira Vike-Freiberga influence Latvia’s accession to the European Union?To what extent did Vaira Vike-Freiberga influence Latvia’s accession to the European Union?

this is a book about writing the extended essay This is an IB Extended Essay in History, the word count should be aprox. 3700 words. Sources should be used and the essay should be written based on IB guidelines, which I have attached below. The essay should focus on the historical aspect, not letting the […]

In what ways did the use of martial law in early America (1763 – 1865) provoke enduring questions for the restriction of civil liberties in wartime?In what ways did the use of martial law in early America (1763 – 1865) provoke enduring questions for the restriction of civil liberties in wartime?

Please review the following prompts.  You must answer ONE of the following prompts.  Please include the number of the prompt you are responding to in your submission. You must use references to historical developments and quotations from the provided documents to support your responses. Every response should incorporate evidence in the form of quotations.  Expectations […]

Did the labor movements of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era succeed in improving the lives of working people. If yes, how? If not, why not? Did the U.S. government generally support the working class or employers? In what ways?Did the labor movements of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era succeed in improving the lives of working people. If yes, how? If not, why not? Did the U.S. government generally support the working class or employers? In what ways?

Write on only one of the following two options. Option 1: Did the labor movements of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era succeed in improving the lives of working people. If yes, how? If not, why not? Did the U.S. government generally support theworking class or employers? In what ways?Option 2: Did the upper classes […]

indie documentaries; China; Three Gorges migrants; labor; modernization; urbanizationindie documentaries; China; Three Gorges migrants; labor; modernization; urbanization

This is a research proposal for my bachelor’s degree dissertation. the only thing I got is a rough idea that I’m interested in how the construction of Three Gorges Dam had huge impact on the people who lived there. Millions of people forced to leave their home, and a lot of documentaries made around this […]

An Economic-History Research & Analysis Task: On 20th century UK household appliances consumptionAn Economic-History Research & Analysis Task: On 20th century UK household appliances consumption

So, this is supposed to be a section of my paper.1. My thesis is to use household appliance consumption (using refrigerators and washing machines (time-saving) and TV (time-using) as indicators to determine the formation of consumerism and consumer society in 20th Britain, with a particular focus on the period of 1940~1980. 2. This is a research […]