Discipline: History

Explain the significance of the Columbian Exchange in terms of how it has shaped world history.Explain the significance of the Columbian Exchange in terms of how it has shaped world history.

1.     (S) Liberty, Equality , Power Murrin, 2019Cengage 2.      ISBN.13: 978-0-357-02231-3 3.       Responses typed, using a standard font, 12-point type size, double-spaced, with overall neatness and readability. 350-500 words (1-2 pages) per question 4.       Complete reference in APA format

what ideals are being conveyed to viewers (what do they make you think?) and how do they, as a whole, make you feel (and I do mean feel – emotions here are critical)?what ideals are being conveyed to viewers (what do they make you think?) and how do they, as a whole, make you feel (and I do mean feel – emotions here are critical)?

There were many forms of art produced in the USSR – from realistic, impressionist, and expressionist to avant-garde and experimental and even pornographic. After the 1920s, however, most of it was either not sanctioned by the state or considered downright “decadent,” anti-social, or “capitalist,” and anti-Soviet by the government. Of course, artists produced whatever they […]

History Paper (specifically Macedonian history as it is based on Alexander the Great)History Paper (specifically Macedonian history as it is based on Alexander the Great)

Your research proposal should be about 300 words long. It must include a title and a central research question. The remainder should outline the nature of the project, your methods, and some of the issues you will be addressing. Your bibliography must contain at least twelve items of modern scholarship (at least 6 books, and […]

Write a short paper of about 3-4 pages on the following question using examples and quotations from course readings to support your response. Compare and contrast Carnival celebrations in the Dominican Republic and Cuba.Write a short paper of about 3-4 pages on the following question using examples and quotations from course readings to support your response. Compare and contrast Carnival celebrations in the Dominican Republic and Cuba.

Write a short paper of about 3-4 pages on the following question using examples and quotations from         course readings to support your response. The standard format is as follows: • double-spaced throughout (with no extra spaces between paragraphs) • readable font (12 point, no italics except for titles or emphasis) • one-inch margins on […]

7. Evaluate the challenges and opportunities experienced by British Muslim women in contemporary society. 2000 Words Essay7. Evaluate the challenges and opportunities experienced by British Muslim women in contemporary society. 2000 Words Essay

This is a 2000 word essay. Please use the readings provided and use harvard style citations. This is the marking criteria for this essay to achieve top quality marks. So we are doing question 7. Please have an introduction and conclusion if need be and use the readings and outer knowledge provided. Please give a […]

Taken together, what impact did Dartmouth College v. Woodward, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons v. Ogden have on the understanding of federal power in the early republic?Taken together, what impact did Dartmouth College v. Woodward, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons v. Ogden have on the understanding of federal power in the early republic?

Expectations → Your response to each essay should have a clear thesis. Your thesis should besupported with SPECIFIC evidence from the historical contexts and documents discussed incourse materials. You should use quotations from the documents to support your position. Yourresponses will be graded on the quality and development of your thesis and evidence.  prompts 1. […]

Effects of World War I, The Bolshevik Revolution and Communism on the Fight Against racismEffects of World War I, The Bolshevik Revolution and Communism on the Fight Against racism

1) Read first 5 pages of Chapter 1 in Red International, first 5 pages of chapter 2 Black Caribbean PDF document 2) Use the video  Discuss this topic: How did the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, World War I and the Communist Movement during the depression influence the fight against racism in the US? Use both […]

Identify 3-4 significant turning points in the history of Western culture for both the B.C. and C.E. eras.Identify 3-4 significant turning points in the history of Western culture for both the B.C. and C.E. eras.

Minimum 500-word response identify 3-4 significant turning points in the history of Western culture for       both the B.C. and C.E. eras.   Identify the philosophical, political, or cultural themes of greatest significance to the development of early Western culture. Identify how notable events and cultural ideas have influenced the modern world.

Essay introducing and comparing and contrasting the impact(s) of BOTH the Black Death and the Renaissance period on Western civilizationEssay introducing and comparing and contrasting the impact(s) of BOTH the Black Death and the Renaissance period on Western civilization

Prepare 3-page double-spaced essay introducing and comparing the impact(s) of BOTH the Black Death    and the Renaissance period on Western civilization, using at least the 4 sources provided (2 on Black Death and 2 on the Renaissance period). Compare and contrast the impact(s) of the Black Death and the Renaissance on Western civilization. Briefly […]

Research Topic: Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society and the War on Poverty (1960s)Research Topic: Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society and the War on Poverty (1960s)

use at least two primary sources and five secondary sources to complete your project. Your paper/project should include a thesis statement that guides your paper/project. For your Final Project, you will select a research topic on a person, place, or event relevant to the course period (1877-Present). Please submit your topic for approval during the […]