Discipline: History

Compare and contrast the contributions of the French philosophes and Britain’s Enlightenment figures. How do they differ, if they do, and why?Compare and contrast the contributions of the French philosophes and Britain’s Enlightenment figures. How do they differ, if they do, and why?

After reviewing the material from this section, construct your research article thesis. You may need to conduct preliminary research on the topic via Wikipedia, Encyclopedias, or the library’s “Research Starter” series in order to establish a baseline knowledge of the topic that allows for a cogent thesis. Those sources are great for this purpose, but […]

Cahokia: Ancient America’s Great City on the Mississippi by Timothy R. PauketatCahokia: Ancient America’s Great City on the Mississippi by Timothy R. Pauketat

From page 3: Archeological findings about Cahokia “call into question some long held beliefs—for instance, that ecologically sensitive, peaceful, mystical, and egalitarian peoples freely roamed the North American continent, never overpopulating or overexploiting their environments; or that these peoples were not subject to such…human emotions as avarice, greed, and covetousness and thus could not have […]

Charles Robert Jenkins, The Reluctant Communist: My Desertion Court-Martial, and Forty -Year imprisonment in North Korea, 13-75Charles Robert Jenkins, The Reluctant Communist: My Desertion Court-Martial, and Forty -Year imprisonment in North Korea, 13-75

Summarize the primary source in 3-5 sentences and then tell the reader your overall view of the source in two or three sentences. This is your papers argument: Note: your review must lead with a clear analytical argument about the primary source and its historical importance for our understanding of the Global Cold War. Offer […]

What are the economic and political issues raised by having an imbalance between free and slave states? Why did the balance of free and slave states matter?What are the economic and political issues raised by having an imbalance between free and slave states? Why did the balance of free and slave states matter?

Please View Files attached for instructions on the essay. This assignment topic I chose was from the Unit 5 overview, this is the topic of the essay.  I also dragged the textbook chapter so you can view it.  Please feel free to ask questions. 

Around the world, Did the different feminist movements have similar aims from 1800-1930?Around the world, Did the different feminist movements have similar aims from 1800-1930?

1400-1600 word essay. word count is not incuding footnotes and bibliography Include these sources and 4 additional (You choose). Include primary and secondary sources and seperate them in the bibliography, Use chicago 17th citation style – Marilyn Booth, ‘Textured feminisms: Cairo, Tokyo, Beijing, 1907’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 35: 1 […]

RESPONSE PROMPT: Who are the ‘barbarians’? How might we understand shifts in power in this period from the Romans to the ‘barbarian’ peoples?RESPONSE PROMPT: Who are the ‘barbarians’? How might we understand shifts in power in this period from the Romans to the ‘barbarian’ peoples?

Class 3, February 7th: Barbarians and Continental Migrations RESPONSE PROMPT: Who are the ‘barbarians’? How might we understand shifts in power in this period from the Romans to the ‘barbarian’ peoples?  Primary sources: – Jordanes, ‘History of the Goths’ in Readings in Medieval History, Vol. I, ed. Patrick Geary, 5th edition (Toronto, 2016), pp. 69–96 [online via library] – ‘Hidebrandslied’ […]

Examine the reign of Hammurabi. In what ways was his reign the high point of Mesopotamian history?Examine the reign of Hammurabi. In what ways was his reign the high point of Mesopotamian history?

 Please address the topic by using minimum of 300 words, and post replies to other students’ discussions by using minimum of 50 words. Please be specific: use dates and facts! Examine the reign of Hammurabi. In what ways was his reign the high point of Mesopotamian history? Explain the significance of his code of law […]

Discuss the controversy surrounding how and whether the Middle East should become modern. The arguments over what it means to be “modern.” What European philosophies influenced this debate What was the traditionalist vs secularist controversy”Discuss the controversy surrounding how and whether the Middle East should become modern. The arguments over what it means to be “modern.” What European philosophies influenced this debate What was the traditionalist vs secularist controversy”

Introduction and conclusion, divided into paragraphs  3 full PAGES  

Reading Reflection: Do you agree with Johan Hari that isolation is the cause of addiction?Reading Reflection: Do you agree with Johan Hari that isolation is the cause of addiction?

For reading reflections, you are to write a 2-3 page paper in which you are to respond/reflect on any of the readings that we are covering during that section (essentially since the last RR). It is not a formal essay but a way for you to think and articulate ideas about the course content. You […]

Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.”Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.”

 Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? Are these documents still effective today?   References  https://d3bxy9euw4e147.cloudfront.net/oscms-prodcms/media/documents/USHistory-LR.pdf#page=221  https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration