Discipline: Innovation and Technology

Exploring Instructor Perceptions of Digital and Non-Digital Technologies in Maker SpacesExploring Instructor Perceptions of Digital and Non-Digital Technologies in Maker Spaces

My professor has requested a 2 page research proposal on the following topic: Title: “Exploring Instructor Percpetions of Digital and Non-Digital Technologies in Maker Spaces” About the Proposal: This is a qualitative study case study with interviews from 50 instructors in the Chicagoland area at a summer camp for K-12. Over the summer a Maker Space […]

Topic will explore ways on how manufacturers can provide better security by design for Internet of things. with focus on critical manufacturing sector.Topic will explore ways on how manufacturers can provide better security by design for Internet of things. with focus on critical manufacturing sector.

Research Paper: Topic will explore ways on how manufacturers can provide better security by design for Internet of things with focus on critical manufacturing sector. Your paper will require to cover three sections: Section 1: Introduction – In this section, you will discuss your topic in details and what kindof cybersecurity problem you are trying […]

The Future of Renewable Energy: Trends, Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities in Nigeria.The Future of Renewable Energy: Trends, Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities in Nigeria.

·       Introduction to Research for Applied Business Project & Research Problem Justification (Chapter 1) ·        Construct the Research Aims and Objectives, Research Questions and Hypotheses (Chapter 1) ·       Literature Review (Chapter 2) ·       Developing Research Methodology for Applied Business Project / Secondary Desk Study (Chapter 3) ·        Secondary Data Collection & Reporting of Research Findings […]

Synthesis Paper: Innovative Cultural Institutions: A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership.Synthesis Paper: Innovative Cultural Institutions: A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership.

Synthesis Paper: Innovative Cultural Institutions: A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership.   Using the synthesis template, write a 1000-1250 word paper on the following:      Introduction (Max Two Paragraphs): Provide an introduction that includes an overview of the topic and why this topic is vital to organizations. The Purpose: Provide a brief discussion […]

Synthesis Paper: Exploring Innovation Models and Communication Strategies for Organizational SuccessSynthesis Paper: Exploring Innovation Models and Communication Strategies for Organizational Success

Synthesis Paper: Exploring Innovation Models and Communication Strategies for Organizational Success Using the synthesis template, write a 1000-1250 word paper on the following:      Introduction (Max Two Paragraphs): Provide an introduction that includes an overview of the topic and why this topic is vital to organizations. The Purpose: Provide a brief discussion informing the reader what […]

Adoption of Internet of Things in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges in the Saudi Arabian ContextAdoption of Internet of Things in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges in the Saudi Arabian Context

To prepare an article suitable for publication in a Q1 academic journal, you’ll need to adopt a more rigorous and scholarly approach, including a literature review, theoretical frameworks, empirical evidence, and in-depth analysis. Here’s an outline that would fit the academic rigor and expectations of a high-impact journal: — ### **Abstract:** – Provide a concise […]

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement and within Boston Police DepartmentRole of Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement and within Boston Police Department

Describe the role AI is playing in policing/law enforcement. How can Boston Police improve or implemente the use of AI in policing. Feel free to use some of the article listed here. Please use APA format for citing. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN12289 https://aibusiness.com/verticals/boston-to-ban-use-of-facial-recognition-technology-by-the-city-police https://www.mastersinai.org/industries/criminal-justice/

Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) – Grant Research Proposal for AUS (Austin Bergrasm International Airport) AirportStrengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) – Grant Research Proposal for AUS (Austin Bergrasm International Airport) Airport

https://www.transportation.gov/grants/SMART  (The GRANT RESEARCH info is located here) Looking to generate funding for a technology initiative for the Department of Aviation within the City of Austin, in particular, Austin Airport. For the past few years there have been awards based on the guidelines outlined in the link that has been provided. I have also included […]

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business Strategy (choose one of the bullets)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business Strategy (choose one of the bullets)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business Strategy (choose one of the bullets) • Evaluate how CSR initiatives shape business strategies say for an oil and gas company.   Assignment Content For the final paper, you will provide a research paper on an innovation strategy related topic. Your paper must meet the following formatting requirements: Your […]

Innovations should only happen if they contribute to the overall betterment of society.Innovations should only happen if they contribute to the overall betterment of society.

Background: Innovation for innovation’s sake has been happening across the media domain. More often than before, we are asking ourselves why we are creating this large number of new ideas that at times hardly contribute to the betterment of society and seem to happen only because it is possible, rather than desirable. Are these scientific […]