Discipline: International affairs / relations

The International Relations of the Orthodox Church in Greece during the last decadesThe International Relations of the Orthodox Church in Greece during the last decades

Please check the comments in the file. In ch. 1 I have made the corrections. About ch. 2: In 2.1, talk about the historical role of Greek Orthodoxy in shaping international relations, that is, about the Patriarchate of Constantinople before the autocephaly of the Greek Church, as you started with the introduction. I would put […]

Referring to a specific case study discuss the most effective deterrent strategy to address 21st century security threats. Case study ( Cyber technology )Referring to a specific case study discuss the most effective deterrent strategy to address 21st century security threats. Case study ( Cyber technology )

Address the question in this format: 1. Introduction: provide key  points on the topic( outline your 4 main points)  2. Overview: state your argument  3. Nature of the threat: in this case it’s cyber technology. Case study ( 9/11 attack) 4. What has the strategy of deterrence been ? ( denial and dissuasion)  Challenges associated […]

‘Public opinion matters less than military factors in the Arab-Israeli conflict.’ Discuss.‘Public opinion matters less than military factors in the Arab-Israeli conflict.’ Discuss.

‘Public opinion matters less than military factors in the Arab-Israeli conflict.’ Discuss. -academic/JSTOR sources, as well as sources for Palestinian voices -under the assumption that Israel-Palestine is a settler colonialism relationship -pro-Palestinian tone  – possible ideas include -an international call for divestment, realist theory and securitisation, UN power  -provide clear definitions of postcolonialism, securitisation, etc.  […]

How secularism impacts traditional religious education in an era of globalization.How secularism impacts traditional religious education in an era of globalization.

Countries of focus: Mauritania and Senegal   Argument: Traditional religious education in Western African countries such as Mauritania and Senegal is disappearing because of globalization. Discuss: The topic of secularization concerning the countries of focus Mauritania and Senegal.  Did the effects of secularization produce the same effects on religious education?  The example of the Mahdara, inquire […]

Investigating the Impact of Mass Psychological Manipulation in the Establishment and Maintenance of Dictatorial GovernmentsInvestigating the Impact of Mass Psychological Manipulation in the Establishment and Maintenance of Dictatorial Governments

Case study/ Data analysis: This assignment is the start of the body of your paper—your research and original analysis. Eventually, this section needs to be about 4000 words, but the minimum for this point is 2000 words. Present your evidence to support your ideas. Indicate where more research is forthcoming. Because this is the most significant part […]

Book Review: The Polar Bear Expedition: The Heroes of America’s Forgotten Invasion of Russia, 1918-1919Book Review: The Polar Bear Expedition: The Heroes of America’s Forgotten Invasion of Russia, 1918-1919

Please write a 6 page book review on “The Polar Bear Expedition: The Heroes of America’s Forgotten Invasion of Russia, 1918-1919” (ISBN: 978-0062852779).   Please relate it to international relations between the United States and Russia. Write about diplomatic lessons learned from the events in the book and how we can apply this history to […]

How has Partisanship in the United States Undermined the Global Hegemony of the United States, Economically, Militarily and Politically in the Current International Neo-Colonialist Landscape, Using Afghanistan and Syria as Case Studies.How has Partisanship in the United States Undermined the Global Hegemony of the United States, Economically, Militarily and Politically in the Current International Neo-Colonialist Landscape, Using Afghanistan and Syria as Case Studies.

I need a first level disseration around this topic – my research questions are as follows       How did America become the de facto global power, and did it maintain control by using tactics concurrent with neo-colonialism? ·       What has driven partisanship in America, and subsequently, what policies have been  shaped by polarisation? ·       In the […]

Dissertation Topic: What impact does the United States Foreign Aid have on poverty reduction in West Africa: A case study of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra LeoneDissertation Topic: What impact does the United States Foreign Aid have on poverty reduction in West Africa: A case study of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone

Dissertation Topic:  What impact does the United States Foreign Aid have on poverty reduction in West Africa: A case study of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone   Research Paper: Conceptual or Theoretical Framework Assignment For this assignment, you will research conceptual or theoretical frameworks related to the key questions related to your research interests. To […]

International political economy “How do regional economic integration initiatives, such as the European Union and ASEAN, influence the trade policies of member states and their economic relations with non-member countries?”International political economy “How do regional economic integration initiatives, such as the European Union and ASEAN, influence the trade policies of member states and their economic relations with non-member countries?”

Research Paper Each student is required to write 10-12 page research paper on a topic agreed to by the student and professor. The research paper must be typed, double spaced with footnotes, and include a bibliography. The citation style must be Chicago style of footnotes and bibliography. The research paper is due at the beginning of class […]

Cultural Aspects of Diplomacy — Exogenous Variables, Endogenous Variables, and the “Billiard Table” MetaphorCultural Aspects of Diplomacy — Exogenous Variables, Endogenous Variables, and the “Billiard Table” Metaphor

Discussion context: We consider the impact of culture on diplomacy this week, using the concepts of endogenous and exogenous variables, and the ”billiard table” metaphor to do so. – Forum Activity: I want to use this week’s forum to explore more deeply a controversy in this week’s lesson: Which type of variable – exogenous or endogenous – determines how states behave.   Our Lesson Notes state that exogenous variables — reflecting the external […]