Discipline: International affairs / relations

Unraveling the Threads: Consequences of the 2021 US Withdrawal from Afghanistan on Global Security and the Safety of the United States.Unraveling the Threads: Consequences of the 2021 US Withdrawal from Afghanistan on Global Security and the Safety of the United States.

Please focus on the Question and make sure that the key concepts, actors and arguments are    strong enough and would attract the readers attention.  Also please coherent framing the arguments. And be mindful of the evidence and details you     are providing in this paper.  Focus on the objective which is about exploring and […]

Write 1000 word critical review on the reading ‘Why Terrorism Does Not Work’ by Max AbrahmsWrite 1000 word critical review on the reading ‘Why Terrorism Does Not Work’ by Max Abrahms

The purpose of the Critical Review is to develop your ability to engage with academic material not simply as a consumer of information, but as an active interlocutor. Marking Criteria: Critical Reviews will be judged against the following criteria: The analysis of strengths and limitations The degree to which you demonstrate an understanding of how […]

Conducting business in U.S.A and Taiwan- Identifying Cultural Differences and Choosing Negotiation StyleConducting business in U.S.A and Taiwan- Identifying Cultural Differences and Choosing Negotiation Style

You are going to put yourself in the shoes of a manager for a pharmaceutical company who has been asked to negotiate the repatriation rate with the local government for a new branch your company wants to open in Taiwan. Your task: Identify relevant major cultural differences between the United States and Taiwan using principles […]

Race for What’s Left: the Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources by Michael KlareRace for What’s Left: the Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources by Michael Klare

Book Critique:  Intro-Chp 5 only.  This should not be a summary of the text.  Address issues such as methodology, sources, audience, alternative interpretations, relation to other readings (Plutopia by Kate Brown, Being Nuclear by Gabrielle Hetch) and further questions or predictions about the content of the rest of the book.  Must include exact quotes from the […]

Unravelling Complexity: A Systems Perspective on the Paris Agreement’s Adaptive Governance DynamicsUnravelling Complexity: A Systems Perspective on the Paris Agreement’s Adaptive Governance Dynamics

This is actually not supposed to be an essay but a complexity analysis. All the information about it is included in the first document I’ve uploaded. Please, follow them. Please explore this case study: The Paris Agreement (2015): The Paris Agreement is a landmark international treaty that was adopted in December 2015 at the 21st […]

The Impact of Chinese Infrastructure Investment on Economic Growth in Latin AmericaThe Impact of Chinese Infrastructure Investment on Economic Growth in Latin America

I want this paper to be clearly structured into different sections: Abstract, Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables, Introduction, Literature Review, Hypothesis, Variables, Case studies (different Latin American countries that have China’s investment projects), Discussions, Conclusions, and References. This is a very important thesis aims to gain a deeper understanding on the […]

Power and Poverty (the topic should relate to the question in instructions, come up with anything you came up with)Power and Poverty (the topic should relate to the question in instructions, come up with anything you came up with)

INSTRUCTIONS Answer ****ONE**** question from the list of questions below. Write a response to the question of 6-8 pages in length using 12-point font. Grading will be based on the clarity of the thesis statement, reasoned support of the argument, and inclusion of material from the course. The use of non-class material is allowed but discouraged. The […]

Being Nuclear: Africans and the Global Uranium Trade by Gabrielle Hetch (Part II only)Being Nuclear: Africans and the Global Uranium Trade by Gabrielle Hetch (Part II only)

The following instructions were provided:  “Write a brief critical review (2-3 pages double spaced) of the assigned reading, part 2 and the appendix of Being Nuclear. Assess what you learn from the reading including: the main arguments of the reading, its use of evidence, and further questions. You might address issues such as methodology, sources, audience, […]

Evaluate the utility of NSC-68 (1950) as a guide for the US in its current approach to strategic competition with the PRCEvaluate the utility of NSC-68 (1950) as a guide for the US in its current approach to strategic competition with the PRC

PROMPT:  Examine how relevant NSC-68 (1950) is for guiding the United States in its current strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China. Then, use the ends-ways-means-risk (Lykke) model to develop a contemporary US national security strategy focused on China. Your essay must integrate the lessons from NSC-68 to develop a national security strategy towards the […]

Challenges and Opportunities: A Comprehensive Analysis of US-Central Asia RelationsChallenges and Opportunities: A Comprehensive Analysis of US-Central Asia Relations

This is research paper must be about “Challenges and Opportunities: A Comprehensive Analysis of US-Central Asia Relations”. Please see the uploaded format picture, the paper must be exactly in the format described in the picture. Paper must be 15 pages with at least 15 citations. All the citation information you use should be the info […]