Discipline: International affairs / relations

“The Sun Tzu Kautilya conundrum – Decoding the complexities in Indo-China relations”“The Sun Tzu Kautilya conundrum – Decoding the complexities in Indo-China relations”

The dissertation must aim to answer the following questions –  1. How do the strategic philosophies of Sun Tzu and Kautilya influence contemporary Indo-China relations? 2. What are the key historical instances where Sun Tzu’s principles have been applied in China’s approach to dealing with India, and how have they shaped the bilateral relationship? 3. […]

From a feminist perspective, why and how does armed conflict affect men and women differentlyFrom a feminist perspective, why and how does armed conflict affect men and women differently

1.     Essay question: From a feminist perspective, why and how does armed conflict affect men and women differently?       2.     Introduction: Through a feminist lens[ZGI1] , it is significantly evident that armed conflict foments and triggers distinct effects on men and women – particularly due to existing patriarchal gender roles that intensify historically entrenched […]

Education as a Human Right in Western Africa: the case studies based on Nigeria and GhanaEducation as a Human Right in Western Africa: the case studies based on Nigeria and Ghana

TOPICChapter 3. Nigeria and Ghana educational organizations contribution to the education rights development 3.1. the organizations involved in education enhancement 3.2. Projects fostering education 3.3. Outcomes of the education for the empowerment of the African societies. 1500 for each sub-chapter using word document  It must be written in the form of what the student thinks […]

( you choose ) but the question is Using examples, assess the importance of understanding the broader context of public policy and administration (history, culture, geography etc.) in order to fully understand its role in delivering good governance.( you choose ) but the question is Using examples, assess the importance of understanding the broader context of public policy and administration (history, culture, geography etc.) in order to fully understand its role in delivering good governance.

Guidlines: write a 1,000-word essay response :  – the course is approaches to policy making   – Using examples, assess the importance of understanding the broader context of public policy and administration (history, culture, geography etc.) in order to fully understand its role in delivering good governance.    – Try using some of the readings attached IN […]

The Potential of the SDG Agenda to Balance Development Needs and Environmental SustainabilityThe Potential of the SDG Agenda to Balance Development Needs and Environmental Sustainability

Research question :Research question: The SDG agenda promises to tackle both development needs and environmental sustainability. Is it likely to deliver significant progress on this and its goals? Critically discuss, using examples.   Structured clear argument/ stance on the issue stated in the introduction paragraph and the issues addressed in the essay Please use these references […]

On 24th February 2022, Russia conducted a combined arms offensive into Ukraine resulting in a war which has lasted since but which has been confined mostly to the eastern half of Ukraine and to the Black Sea.On 24th February 2022, Russia conducted a combined arms offensive into Ukraine resulting in a war which has lasted since but which has been confined mostly to the eastern half of Ukraine and to the Black Sea.

Part of title – How is th ewar in Ukraine relevant to European security? How did the western world respons? Has the response been enough, too little or too much? Explain. The essay must be in the form of thesis supporte by arguments Not narrative – hitorical narrative necessary to support thesis & anaylsis Coherent […]

Research question: What are the ethical implications of the post-colonial displacement caused by the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria, and how have these implications been addressed or neglected by the Nigerian government and international communityResearch question: What are the ethical implications of the post-colonial displacement caused by the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria, and how have these implications been addressed or neglected by the Nigerian government and international community

The major research essay is an academic-style argumentative essay. It is thus analytical in  nature. This means that your essay must do more than present factual evidence. It must identify, advance, and defend – persuading the reader of – a clear argument. Please use at least 25 references from peer-reviewed academic journal articles apart from […]

Fundamentals of International Relations, Theories, Issues, and PerspectivesReflection Paper AssignmentFundamentals of International Relations, Theories, Issues, and PerspectivesReflection Paper Assignment

Pick three theories and discuss how they view power. Which is best, in your opinion, andwhy? As a rubric, this means that if you do not follow the directions, then you lose points. Like, nothesis, then you cannot receive an ‘A’ for the paper. Of course, you can also lose points if youget things wrong. […]

Cycles of Impunity: Evaluating the Effectiveness and Limitations of Limited Criminal Punishment in Preventing the Resurgence of Authoritarian IdeologiesCycles of Impunity: Evaluating the Effectiveness and Limitations of Limited Criminal Punishment in Preventing the Resurgence of Authoritarian Ideologies

Hello! I need your help writing an international law research paper for me. The document containing one-page single spaced write up on the paper that I presented earlier this semester and a draft outline is attached,  . I do not have any sources, but they have to be either of the following: Scholarly articles and […]

Environmental Impact of the North on the Global South: The Case of the Fast Fashion IndustryEnvironmental Impact of the North on the Global South: The Case of the Fast Fashion Industry

Paper:  Title: Environmental Impact of the North on the Global South- The Case of the Fast Fashion Industry Research questions:  How does the fast fashion industry in the Global North contribute to environmental degradation in the Global South, and how do power dynamics in North-South relations shape this impact? Structure of Paper, include these sections: […]