Discipline: International affairs / relations

Dissertation topic: The Contribution of International Organizations to Peace and Stability in Sierra Leone: A Case Study of ECOWAS.Dissertation topic: The Contribution of International Organizations to Peace and Stability in Sierra Leone: A Case Study of ECOWAS.

Literature Review (Chapter Two) Note: here, in-text citation and referencing are paramount, and researchers must pay more attention to this. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Introduction All subsections should be related to the Research Objectives or Research Questions stated in the introduction. Conclusion This section should summarize the literature you have reviewed and highlight the gaps within […]

Prospects for political and economic cooperation between Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.Prospects for political and economic cooperation between Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.

In the chapter on “Prospects of Political and Economic Cooperation between Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico,” you need to cover several important aspects to provide a comprehensive and in-depth overview. Here are the points you should discuss: ### 1. **Background of Bilateral Relations** – The history of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and each country (Brazil, […]

A critical analysis on the role of international organisations in promoting peace and stability in Sierra Leone: A case study of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)A critical analysis on the role of international organisations in promoting peace and stability in Sierra Leone: A case study of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Literature Review (Chapter Two) Note: here, in-text citation and referencing are paramount, and researchers must pay more attention to this. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Introduction All subsections should be related to the Research Objectives or Research Questions stated in the introduction. Conclusion This section should summarize the literature you have reviewed and highlight the gaps within […]

What is one key difference between liberal and critical feminism? Illustrate with an exampleWhat is one key difference between liberal and critical feminism? Illustrate with an example

From the Syllabus: This assignment requires you to use themes from the readings and debatecritically the meaning, scope, and/or practices. Critique does not simply mean your opinion; itmust be well-reasoned and backed up by reconstructing the arguments and ideas from thereadings. You may be surprised by the readings, think they are interesting, or incredibly boring.… […]

I need to write a research paper about how syrian refugee women are affected by the syrian refugee crisis in jordanI need to write a research paper about how syrian refugee women are affected by the syrian refugee crisis in jordan

I want to focus on the gendered dynamics of this issue. How women face significant socio-cultural and economic hardships that contribute to their overall well-being. It is important to focus on how their economic struggles contribute to early marriage and gender-based violence. It is also important to take stories from women living in jordan to […]

The Power of Social Movements: Transnational Actors and International Politics – AThe Power of Social Movements: Transnational Actors and International Politics – A

Please respond to at least two other students. Peer responses must be of sufficient length to address the discussion prompt sufficiently and sufficient substance to be meaningful (a good guide is for it to be around 100-150 words), substantive (i.e., address the content of the post and the lesson material), and grounded in the lesson material and literature. A good way to […]

3 different short response answers from 3 different articles on theoretical perspective of realism, liberalism, or constructivism3 different short response answers from 3 different articles on theoretical perspective of realism, liberalism, or constructivism

INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS POSC107 To earn up to five additional points for Exam I, select one of the articles in this folder and read it. Then, write a short response explaining an event from the article. Your explanation must make clear whether the outcome in question is best explained from a theoretical perspective of realism, liberalism, […]

How have shifts in leadership and foreign policy priorities within the United States influenced the trajectory and outcomes of the Iranian nuclear program?How have shifts in leadership and foreign policy priorities within the United States influenced the trajectory and outcomes of the Iranian nuclear program?

Each student will be expected to write a research paper related to the topic of the class in some way. The paper, which will be due at the end of the semester, must be approximately 6,000 words in length. (In no case should it be less than 5,000 words or more than 8,000 words). The […]

Examining the Impact of United Nations Resolution 181 (Partition Plan) on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Historical AnalysisExamining the Impact of United Nations Resolution 181 (Partition Plan) on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Historical Analysis

Standards for the Article: i) Abstract ii) Introduction & Background iii) Methodology iv) Findings & Analysis v) Discussion  vi) Conclusion & recommendation vii) References (APA referencing style) Areas relevant to the investigation 1. The historical context leading up to Resolution 181, including the British Mandate in Palestine and the Zionist movement 2. Analyzing the motivations […]

Final Paper. Students will do an analytical assessment or research paper of 12 double spaced pages on a subject mutually agreed upon by the student and instructor.Final Paper. Students will do an analytical assessment or research paper of 12 double spaced pages on a subject mutually agreed upon by the student and instructor.

My research question is: Will North and South Korea ever reunify? Description: Final Paper. Students will do an analytical assessment or research paper of 12 double spaced pages on a subject mutually agreed upon by the student and instructor. Brief—less than one page–proposal due March 27 (see Meeting18, below). In-class briefing of the paper, May 1 (see Meeting 28, below). Students are very strongly urged in their paper to decide […]