Discipline: Investing and Financial markets

BMT-1620 Examine the Aspects of Personal Financial Planning and Your Goal Setting ActivityBMT-1620 Examine the Aspects of Personal Financial Planning and Your Goal Setting Activity

Discussion Criteria and Instructions Complete APA compliant Discussion #2 (300  words MIN): Use the text materials as your thesis. Reflect upon Chapters 1 – 6. Identify topics and subtopics to develop your thesis or general world view about financial planning. Provide appropriate APA in-text and textbook based citations to support your worldview and perspectives based […]

Bachelor Thesis – Analysis of the Corporate Venture Capital Investments in Company/Organization.Bachelor Thesis – Analysis of the Corporate Venture Capital Investments in Company/Organization.

Thesis. Topic is: Analysis of the Corporate Venture Capital Investments in Company/Organization.Considering that:  The research is based on an internship at Sturgeon Capital Investment (https://sturgeoncapital.com/) that was completed during the summer of 2023 year in Tashkent. And I was an assistant of a Manager who is responsible for Central Asia – Startups.  I need 10 pages […]

Blockchain and Crypto-Economy Regulation & Governance (SEC vs. Ripple Labs case)Blockchain and Crypto-Economy Regulation & Governance (SEC vs. Ripple Labs case)

(SEC vs. Ripple Labs case) Select a real case that allows you to showcase your understanding of one of the topics explored throughout the unit. The assignment should address the following: 1) An introduction explaining the case chosen, the applicable legal framework and an explanation of the main legal concepts; 2) An explanation of the […]

中国股票型及偏股型基金业绩可持续 性及其影响因素研究——基于R/S模型和Tobit分析法中国股票型及偏股型基金业绩可持续 性及其影响因素研究——基于R/S模型和Tobit分析法

  中国作为全球最大的新兴市场和第二大经济体,其金融市场在全球金融体系中的地位日益重要。据中国证券 投资基金业协会(AMAC)的报告,截止到2023年底,中国公募基金规模已经超过20万亿元人民币,其中混合 型基金占据了显著的比重。 尽管市场规模庞大,中国基金业的发展仍然面临许多挑战,其中之一就是基金业绩的可持续性问题。在投资 者角度,他们需要了解基金业绩是否稳定,以便作出更好的投资决策。对于基金经理来说,了解业绩的可持续性 有助于他们改进投资策略,提高基金的长期业绩。对于监管者来说,了解业绩可持续性及其影响因素也有助于他 们设计更有效的监管政策,提高市场的效率和公平性。 因此,研究中国股票型及偏股型基金业绩的可持续性及其影响因素,无论从理论研究还是实践应用的角度, 都具有重要的意义。此外,中国金融市场的特殊性,如政策影响力较大、市场参与者的行为特点等,也使得基于 中国市场的研究具有独特的价值。因此,我们的研究不仅能够丰富相关领域的理论,提供对实践的启示,也能为 其他新兴市场提供参考  

If Disney decided to spin-off ESPN into a separately traded company, would you buy it? (Act like you are an investor at fidelity). In your answer, ignore valuation, and discuss the proposed purchase purely from the aspect of its future prospects.If Disney decided to spin-off ESPN into a separately traded company, would you buy it? (Act like you are an investor at fidelity). In your answer, ignore valuation, and discuss the proposed purchase purely from the aspect of its future prospects.

After reading the various articles on ESPN (which I will attach below- use only these 13 articles, no external sources allowed — also use references from these 13 articles in your essay to prove points), answer the following question:   If Disney decided to spin-off ESPN into a separately traded company, would you buy it(choose […]

Build a portfolio of six stocks and write a prospectus of your mini-fund using word and excelBuild a portfolio of six stocks and write a prospectus of your mini-fund using word and excel

*MORE INFO IN UPLOADED FILES* Word document: The first page of your Word document should be like the mutual fund sheet and contain the basic information about your portfolio, the investment strategy and the tables and illustrations in the purple boxes. The second (and third) page of your Word document should contain a brief explanation […]

Fixed Income and Portfolio Construction, Yield Curve, Interest Rates, and Curve Trade with US Treasuries, Cash and Carry Strategy using German Bunds and FuturesFixed Income and Portfolio Construction, Yield Curve, Interest Rates, and Curve Trade with US Treasuries, Cash and Carry Strategy using German Bunds and Futures

An Excel Spreadsheet with All Calculations Carried Out on the Template Attached below for Question 1 while answering all remaining parts for Question 1 Perform tasks on Excel if needed for questions 2, 3, and 4 with All Calculations Answer Writing Questions on a separate Word document targeting 3,000 words Include any referencing used in […]

Impact from financial perspective on Retailing, Luxury, technological companies that covid continues from 2020 to nowImpact from financial perspective on Retailing, Luxury, technological companies that covid continues from 2020 to now

Topic is: IMPACT from financial perspective ON RETAILING, LUXURY, TECHNOLOGICAL COMPANIES THAT COVID CONTINUES FROM 2020 TO NOW. Please analyze the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow statement, and show the changes between 2019 to 2023(or 2022), and notice that 2020 is the year that covid break out. Please indicates the financial differences that in 2020, […]

“The Influence and Implications of Major Asset Management Companies on Financial Markets.”“The Influence and Implications of Major Asset Management Companies on Financial Markets.”

Headings throughout your document should appear as they appear in this template.     Chapter One Introduction Overview Indent each new paragraph. Write an overview to your study here. You should provide the reader with an overview of what will be detailed in the study and Chapter One (thesis statement and thesis map). This statement […]