Discipline: Language studies

Analytical Essay – ASL Interpreting Errors: Omissions, Additions and SubstitutionsAnalytical Essay – ASL Interpreting Errors: Omissions, Additions and Substitutions

I’ve already written more than 3500 words with 21 references. I need help making sure wits well written and all references are incorporated efficiently and effectively.    Analytical Essay   Goal The purpose of this assignment is to apply concepts in interpreting studies in an analytical way. Specifically, this essay will give you the opportunity to demonstrate mastery over […]

Analytical Essay on ASL Interpreting Errors: Omissions, Additions and SubstitutionsAnalytical Essay on ASL Interpreting Errors: Omissions, Additions and Substitutions

INSTRUCTIONS for analytical essay.  (my *topic: errors as additions omissions and substitutions) Provide a brief overview of the discipline of interpreting studies, focusing on itssignificance to interpreting practitioners, scholars, and educators.b. Contextualize the *topic you have selected within the discipline of interpretingstudies.c. Provide a thorough analysis of the *topic, going beyond our textbook and otherassigned […]

Research Proposal: Expressions of rudeness and impoliteness in dialect of ArabicResearch Proposal: Expressions of rudeness and impoliteness in dialect of Arabic

I have a research paper due on language my topic is  Expressions of rudeness and Impoliteness in the dialect of Arabic please be specific and detailed in the research paper.  Attached below is my research proposal with the corrections of my professor please follow the structure keeping in mind the professor’s corrections as I was […]

How have language policies in Peru, influenced the preservation and revitalization of indigenous languages, and what implications do these policies have for the rights and cultural heritage of indigenous communities.?How have language policies in Peru, influenced the preservation and revitalization of indigenous languages, and what implications do these policies have for the rights and cultural heritage of indigenous communities.?

How have language policies in Peru, influenced the preservation and revitalization of indigenous languages, and what implications do these policies have for the rights and cultural heritage of indigenous communities.? I want to keep the same thesis question, but I need help narrowing it down more. I would like to narrow it down for example: […]

Using eye tracking to determine how mask wearing affects Japanese medical students ability to recognize emotionalUsing eye tracking to determine how mask wearing affects Japanese medical students ability to recognize emotional

I need a literature review. I am collecting eye tracking data that monitors gaze fixation in Japanese medical students in a English for Medical Purposes class when listening to speakers give a monolog about their health concerns while wearing a mask and without a mask. The goal is to determine how they are gathering visual […]

Compare “Public and Private Language” by Richard Rodriguez with “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan to show that one essay is more effective or more convincing than the other.Compare “Public and Private Language” by Richard Rodriguez with “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan to show that one essay is more effective or more convincing than the other.

Write a 3-4-page essay on the following topic: Compare “Public and Private Language” by Richard Rodriguez with “Mother Tongue”  by Amy Tan to show that one essay is more effective or more convincing than the other. You must not discuss whether you agree/disagree with the writer’s position (or how you feel about that position). Your own essay should offer an […]

You will read an ASHA article entitled “What’s ‘Normal’ – What’s Not: Acquiring English as a Second Language”.You will read an ASHA article entitled “What’s ‘Normal’ – What’s Not: Acquiring English as a Second Language”.

You will read an ASHA article entitled “What’s ‘Normal’ – What’s Not: Acquiring English as a Second Language”.   The article is available at this link: What’s ‘Normal’ – What’s Not: Acquiring English as a Second LanguageLinks to an external site. Additional Resource about learning more than one language:  https://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/easl/Links to an external site. Once you […]

Evaluate Hong Kong secondary school students’ and teachers’ perception on NET schemeEvaluate Hong Kong secondary school students’ and teachers’ perception on NET scheme

Group presentation of the group research project A. Presentation Format o An oral presentation of 20-25 minutes maximum (strictly) o Each group member should present a part. Say your name as you begin your part. o Talk-time should be more or less equally shared among members: 5 minutes per person o Send your PowerPoint Slides […]

Discuss the depiction of women and/or children in post-dictatorship cultural texts. Use the following film and book as primary reference of the essay. “Luis Puenzo, La historia oficial (1985) film” and ” Diamela Eltit, Los vigilantes (1994) prose”Discuss the depiction of women and/or children in post-dictatorship cultural texts. Use the following film and book as primary reference of the essay. “Luis Puenzo, La historia oficial (1985) film” and ” Diamela Eltit, Los vigilantes (1994) prose”

the following description will give  you an idea of the context behind the essay question.  The most recent dictatorships in Argentina (1976-1983) and Chile (1973-1990) were also the most violent, characterised by the clandestine arrest, torture, murder, and disappearance of thousands of each country’s citizens. Given this extraordinary brutality, the early years of the transition to […]

Interactionist Approach and Innateness Hypothesis in vocabulary acquisition (Language acquisition))Interactionist Approach and Innateness Hypothesis in vocabulary acquisition (Language acquisition))

This is a resubmition for an essay I’ve done that did not get a passing mark, I need this rewriten and/or edited using the feedback I got. I have included screenshots of the feedback I got on Turnitin. Pleasu these to complete this essay. I have also included the rubric and the original assessment instructions […]