Discipline: Law

Caribbean Law Legal Research Paper – The Existence of Hegemonic Masculinity in Caribbean Domestic Spheres and Its Role in the Subsequent Ramifications of Violence Against Women and Children.Caribbean Law Legal Research Paper – The Existence of Hegemonic Masculinity in Caribbean Domestic Spheres and Its Role in the Subsequent Ramifications of Violence Against Women and Children.

The final paper should be not less than twenty (20) pages double-spaced with ample, adequate, and properly formatted citations (in footnotes) to all sources used. https://blogs.iadb.org/caribbean-dev-trends/en/man-up-hegemonic-masculinity-in-the-caribbean/   https://www.un.org/esa/socdev/family/docs/egm15/Gibbonspaper.pdf   https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Interpersonal-violence-in-three-Caribbean-Barbados%2C-Franc-Samms-Vaughan/8fad028957fb596207100b814d1cd7fa36ce06f6   https://repositorio.cepal.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/561d6ee0-9e9f-4127-8ee8-328a9862e3ea/content   https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Beyond+behavioral+adjustments%3A+how+determinants+of+contemporary…-a0358057080   https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9950591/#:~:text=In%20her%20study%20of%20youth,a%20first%20response%20to%20conflict.   https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.611006/full#:~:text=As%20applied%20to%20violence%2C%20social,their%20family%20members%2C%20especially%20parents.   https://insightcrime.org/news/brief/how-violence-against-women-fuels-more-crime/   https://www.interarts.net/descargas/interarts2674.pdf   https://insightcrime.org/news/analysis/caribbean-has-violence-problem-not-crime-problem-report/   https://www.mona.uwi.edu/fms/wimj/system/files/article_pdfs/dr_ca_sewel_wimj_january1.qxd_.pdf

“Sentencing can be terrifying, because it’s a very subjective exercise – there are all these objective parameters put in place, but in the end it’s down to what one person thinks about another.”“Sentencing can be terrifying, because it’s a very subjective exercise – there are all these objective parameters put in place, but in the end it’s down to what one person thinks about another.”

This is the full topic for my essay:  “Sentencing can be terrifying, because it’s a very subjective exercise – there are all these objective parameters put in place, but in the end it’s down to what one person thinks about another.” DISCUSS whether this is an accurate description of what judges do when they sentence […]

Reaction Paper to Censoring Students, Censoring Ourselves: Constraining Conversations in the Writing CenterReaction Paper to Censoring Students, Censoring Ourselves: Constraining Conversations in the Writing Center

In the body of your paper, you should briefly describe the article and then offer your questions or comments; feel free to bring in concepts or ideas you have learned from the class or other courses or life itself!  Normally, the article should be at least 5 or 6 pages long, but could be as […]

write a report that compares a DIFC court with what you can understand of the practices of the Supreme Court and/or the Court of Appeal in London from watching their video feeds, live or archived.write a report that compares a DIFC court with what you can understand of the practices of the Supreme Court and/or the Court of Appeal in London from watching their video feeds, live or archived.

your report should document: The court(s) you visited (criminal or civil, and their position in the hierarchy) Your impressions of the physical surroundings and atmosphere Your observations of the parts played by the various characters: the fact-finders, the officials, the lawyers, witnesses, defendants/clients How those characters dress Your impression of their relationship with one another […]

Discuss this idea and the tension between legal certainty and justice in the common law.Discuss this idea and the tension between legal certainty and justice in the common law.

‘If a wrong turning had been taken on an important matter as a result of a court decision it should be corrected – and the correction should be by the courts rather than by the legislature.’ Michael Zander, The Law-Making Process (8th edn, Bloomsbury 2020), at 234 Discuss this idea and the tension between legal certainty and justice […]

Do you agree with his analysis of why it is preferable for judges to interpret statutes according to their purpose rather than according to the intention of parliament?Do you agree with his analysis of why it is preferable for judges to interpret statutes according to their purpose rather than according to the intention of parliament?

Watch minutes 22:24-28:22 of Prof. Andrew Burrows’ 2017 Hamlyn Lecture. Do you agree with his analysis of why it is preferable for judges to interpret statutes according to their purpose rather than according to the intention of parliament? Please draw on cases of statutory interpretation that we have studied on the module to back up your argument. Cite sources […]

In the UK, section 172 requires directors to “promote the success of the company for the benefit of the shareholders”. Discuss whether this achieves a satisfactory balance between the interests of the shareholders and those of wider stakeholders.In the UK, section 172 requires directors to “promote the success of the company for the benefit of the shareholders”. Discuss whether this achieves a satisfactory balance between the interests of the shareholders and those of wider stakeholders.

In the UK, section 172 of the Companies Act requires directors to “promote the success of the company for the benefit of the shareholders”. But it also requires them to have regard to a number of factors. Discuss whether this achieves a satisfactory balance between the interests of the shareholders and those of wider stakeholders. […]

This paper aims to assess the impact, effectiveness and evolution of the 21st Century Cures Act in the US.This paper aims to assess the impact, effectiveness and evolution of the 21st Century Cures Act in the US.

References Richardson, S., Lawrence, K., Schoenthaler, A. M., & Mann, D. (2022). A framework for digital health equity. NPJ digital medicine, 5(1), 119. Shaw, J., & Glover, W. (2024). The Political Economy of Digital Health Equity: Structural Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e46971. Shillabeer, A. G., Sambrooks, L., & Shillabeer, A. C. (2021). The Specialist Digital Health […]