Discipline: Law

Questions of Business Law: Clarkson, Miller, Cross (2016). Business Law (15th ed.).Questions of Business Law: Clarkson, Miller, Cross (2016). Business Law (15th ed.).

On page 125 of your textbook, read Bogenberger v. Pi Kappa Alpha Corporation, Inc. and discuss the questions at the end under Critical Thinking. 1. The NIU Chapter invited nonmember sorority women to participate in the hazing event by filling the pledges with vodka and directing them to drink it. Did these women owe a duty of […]


you must apply the Policy-Oriented Jurisprudence framework.  Paper requirements:Main Text Format: at least 25-pages, 1.5 spacing, 12-point font, at least 70 footnotes. Sources: sufficient number and quality of primary & secondary sources, but primarily scholarly interdisciplinary sources (law review articles, other peer-reviewed journals).Footnotes: proper Bluebook form for all sources, single-spaced, 10-point font.Content: Discussion must be in-depth, […]

Pharmaceutical patents: the trips waiver, compulsory licensing, and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry during covid-19 (Chapter 4)Pharmaceutical patents: the trips waiver, compulsory licensing, and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry during covid-19 (Chapter 4)

I am writing my master’s thesis on the subject: pharmaceutical patents: the TRIPS waiver, compulsory licensing and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry during COVID-19. I am sending you the work plan below. I would like help with writing ONLY the 4th chapter  around 3000-4000 words)

Pharmaceutical patents: the trips waiver, compulsory licensing, and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry during covid-19Pharmaceutical patents: the trips waiver, compulsory licensing, and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry during covid-19

I am writing my master’s thesis on the subject: pharmaceutical patents: the TRIPS waiver, compulsory licensing and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry during COVID-19. I am sending you the work plan below. I would like help with writing the 3rd and 4th chapter (approx. 8000 words)

The Intersectionality of Family Violence and Property Settlements: The Kennon ClaimThe Intersectionality of Family Violence and Property Settlements: The Kennon Claim

This is the outline of the paper that I have started. I want this to be the starting point and you write the essay from there.  The Intersectionality of Family Violence and Property Settlements: The Kennon Claim Ⅰ. Introduction This section will introduce the issue of family and domestic violence within the context of family […]

Black Women’s Prison Narratives and the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in US PrisonsBlack Women’s Prison Narratives and the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in US Prisons

Introduction: Now that you have read, the first 6 chapters of The Concise APA Handbook APA 7th Edition, you should be ready to demonstrate your APA 7th edition knowledge by completing the activities below.  Instructions Complete the following activities to practice your paraphrasing and citation skills. After reading the article, Black Women’s Prison Narratives Download Black Women’s Prison […]

LAW 770 704: Week 1 Discussion: Cybersecurity: Recognition vs. Plans vs. ActionsLAW 770 704: Week 1 Discussion: Cybersecurity: Recognition vs. Plans vs. Actions

One conceptual model for cybersecurity suggests that an organization must go through  four phases in dealing with cybersecurity. First, the organization has to acknowledge that the risk is there, that it is real, and that it affects the particular organization. (Acknowledge/Assess Risks and Outline Solutions.) Second, resources must be provided to develop standards and procedures for […]

a case brief on the Order of 1 December 2023Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899 (Guyana v. Venezuela).a case brief on the Order of 1 December 2023Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899 (Guyana v. Venezuela).

QUESTION 1 Your assignment is to prepare a case brief on the Order of 1 December 2023Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899 (Guyana v. Venezuela).  See the attached document. Include in your case brief the following sections:  (a) Facts (name of the case and its parties, what happened factually and procedurally, and the judgment)  (b) […]

Business Competition: AntitrustWeek 8 Discussion – Business Competition: AntitrustBusiness Competition: AntitrustWeek 8 Discussion – Business Competition: Antitrust

Respond to the following: In today’s economy, there are powerful companies that seem to control massive segments of different markets.  Using the NEXIS-Uni Legal Database in the Strayer Library or the FTC website below, research a company that has been sued for anti-competitive behavior in the last five years. CASE BELOW o Explain the […]

Directions: Using your knowledge of F.R.C.P., please provide the following information and cite the appropriate federal rule:Directions: Using your knowledge of F.R.C.P., please provide the following information and cite the appropriate federal rule:

Explain how a civil action is commenced. Where may process be served under the federal rules? When and how may a defendant bring in a third party under the federal rules? In computing time under the federal rules, how many days may be added for documents served by mail? Please specify the proper form for […]