Below is a image displaying the community corrections population in Florida as of 2020. I have also included the full report as an attachment. You will see that people are sentenced to probation for a wide range of offense types including murder/manslaughter, sexual offenses, robbery, battery, burglary, theft, drug offenses, weapons, etc…. Do you think […]
Discipline: Law
A complete answer to the question(s) or prompt(s) using standard English vocabulary and grammar,Case summary using proper format.A complete answer to the question(s) or prompt(s) using standard English vocabulary and grammar,Case summary using proper format.
Read the Case on Point section of James (O.J.) Simpson. 1. Using terminology from chapter 1, identify the differences between O.J.’s two cases involving the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman Explain how the juries were able to reach different verdicts int he criminal and civil cases. 2. Additionally, research online to find […]
Identify the issue, the rule, the application and conclusion of Loving v. Virginia case. This is to identify the parts of a brief.Identify the issue, the rule, the application and conclusion of Loving v. Virginia case. This is to identify the parts of a brief.
Identify the issue, the rule, the application and conclusion of Loving versus Virginia U.S. case. This is to identify the parts of a brief. Attempt to find the issue as the court describes it, the rule and why it chooses to rule the way it does. Draft a document summarizing the Issue, the Rule, the […]
1) Analyse the case of R (Jalloh) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] UKSC 4 to demonstrate its significance in developing the law relating to trespass to the person.1) Analyse the case of R (Jalloh) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] UKSC 4 to demonstrate its significance in developing the law relating to trespass to the person.
See the attached instructions. 1) Analyse the case of Riley v Murray [2022] EWCA Civ 1146 to demonstrate its significance in developing the law relating to defamation. 1) Analyse the case of R (Jalloh) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] UKSC 4 to demonstrate its significance in developing the law relating to […]
Commercial Law – Business to Business contracts & Business to Consumer contractsCommercial Law – Business to Business contracts & Business to Consumer contracts
OSCOLA siting must be done! It consists of an article that MUST be referred to. I will attach below the start of the work that I have already done. Its a critical analysis essay where I need to explain England and Welsh law on Business-to-business and business-to-consumer contracts, specifically for the sale of goods as […]
Legal Analysis on Gender Sensitivity under the Nigerian Criminal Justice System: A Case Study of Sentencing Disparities”Legal Analysis on Gender Sensitivity under the Nigerian Criminal Justice System: A Case Study of Sentencing Disparities”
Please write a research proposal (chapter 1) on the following 1.1 Background to the study 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Aim and objectives of the study 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Limitation of the study 1.8 Research methodology(doctrinal) […]
1. “The importance of the rule of law is not always understood.” (Lord Reed in R (Unison) v Lord Chancellor [2017] UKSC 51, para. 66). What does the rule of law mean and why is it important?1. “The importance of the rule of law is not always understood.” (Lord Reed in R (Unison) v Lord Chancellor [2017] UKSC 51, para. 66). What does the rule of law mean and why is it important?
Please answer this question directly. There are various forms of rule of law. This can be seen in the blue slides. They are the Bare Principle, Procedural Conception, and the Substantive Conception. Additionally, the slide in blue and white provides information on the different ideas of the rule of law by 4 very important figures. […]
Explain the natural theory of law, 500 words, 2) . Compare and contrast Hobbes, Locke and Rosseau’s definition of the Social Contract Theory of Law 500 words 3)Explain the natural theory of law, 500 words, 2) . Compare and contrast Hobbes, Locke and Rosseau’s definition of the Social Contract Theory of Law 500 words 3)
Please see the instructions attached. pleaase complete the ones, highlighted in red at 500 words. each essay is 500 words which makes up a total of 3000 words combined. 1. Examine how the laws on the death penalty changed in the 20th century to reflect what was considered morally acceptable. 2. Explain the natural theory of law. […]
Human rights Law: Can international human rights law be a force for social change? Critically discuss this question, in the context of apartheid.Human rights Law: Can international human rights law be a force for social change? Critically discuss this question, in the context of apartheid.
OSCOLA Style referencing ,(UK ENGLISH), no ai or paraphrasing online. Structure will be introduction , body and conclusion. Introduction talks about the topic briefly , thesis ,main arguments. Main body is analytical and critical with arguments evidence and research along with potential counter arguments. Conclusion will be having a brief recap, implications , no new […]
Marriage Age and Consent Laws: Protecting minors from Forced Marriage – family lawMarriage Age and Consent Laws: Protecting minors from Forced Marriage – family law
[This is an England, UK Family Law essay] Title: Marriage Age and Consent Laws: Protecting minors from Forced Marriage 3500 words – OSCOLA referencing Use case laws and legislations (english law) regarding this essay title! – Make sure you check the PDF attached. Use the reading materials provided, plus extra personal research as guided on the […]