Discipline: Leadership

Is it more important to hire a leader with high cognitive ability or high emotional intelligence?Is it more important to hire a leader with high cognitive ability or high emotional intelligence?

Evidence-based management essay: General information Your manager has asked you a question (the topic) about leadership. You need to answer it using the principles of evidence-based management. To do this, you need to collect good quality evidence (i.e., research from high-quality research journals) and build an argument. Given that not all evidence is equally trustworthy […]

Power is about achieving influence over others. In order to understand organizations and why certain decisions are made, it’s important to understand the power of those who are considered to be at the topPower is about achieving influence over others. In order to understand organizations and why certain decisions are made, it’s important to understand the power of those who are considered to be at the top

 Introduction Power is about achieving influence over others. In order to understand organizations and why certain decisions are made, it’s important to understand the power of those who are considered to be at the top and seem to have the ultimate decision-making influence. There is a strong connection between power and politics. Politics is not […]

you will watch two short videos discussing politics and power in the workplace. Before watching the videos, reflect on the following questions:you will watch two short videos discussing politics and power in the workplace. Before watching the videos, reflect on the following questions:

 Introduction For this discussion post, you will watch two short videos discussing politics and power in the workplace. Before watching the videos, reflect on the following questions: When you hear the word politics, what comes to mind? What adjectives would you use to describe the practice of politics? Should there be power and politics in […]

Fiedler’s Contingency Model has had many applications in the real world and has contributed to the development of other contingency theories; however, it has not gone uncontested.Fiedler’s Contingency Model has had many applications in the real world and has contributed to the development of other contingency theories; however, it has not gone uncontested.

 Introduction Fiedler’s contingency model gives organizations a way to measure the potential effectiveness of a group’s performance based on the leadership style and the situation of the group. The model can help management decide who is a more suitable leader for either group types: task-motivated or relationship-motivated. The model gives organizations a way to quickly […]

Submit an essay defining trait, behavioral and contingency leadership theories, and the interrelationship between them.Submit an essay defining trait, behavioral and contingency leadership theories, and the interrelationship between them.

 Introduction There is no one universal definition of leadership but it’s important to understand the aspects of leadership. The four major classifications of leadership theory have practical value because they are used to better understand, predict, and control successful leadership. The four major classifications are The Trait Theory, Behavioral Leadership Theory, Contingency Leadership Theory and […]

The video “Becoming a Leader: What is Leadership” is an interesting and fun presentation by Richard RiersonThe video “Becoming a Leader: What is Leadership” is an interesting and fun presentation by Richard Rierson

 Introduction The video “Becoming a Leader: What is Leadership” is an interesting and fun presentation by Richard Rierson. Rierson is a former Marine, commercial pilot, entrepreneur and certified leadership coach and trainer. He believes that leadership challenges include learning how to meet our personal challenges with calmness, confidence and consistency. He covers many topics related […]

discovering the experiences of developing leaders and volunteers as professionals within Christian nonprofit organizationsdiscovering the experiences of developing leaders and volunteers as professionals within Christian nonprofit organizations

State how the potential topic aligns with your program of study and emphasis. Justify the feasibility of the intended study. Write a problem statement for your proposed study using the guidelines in the template. Briefly defend the need for the proposed study. Propose a conceptual/theoretical framework for the intended study. Reflect on the significance of […]