Discipline: Leadership

Lack of Direction/Vision in Strategic Management and Business Environments since the COVID-19 PandemicLack of Direction/Vision in Strategic Management and Business Environments since the COVID-19 Pandemic

Attached is the approved outline  Each student must prepare a formal 8-page paper (body of the paper is 8 pages, excluding appendices, table of contents, abstract, reference, and bibliography) on a topic related to the major Strategic Management topics covered in this class and ways they are being used in today’s complex business environment. For […]

Is it right use biblical references to support men in leadership? Gender in Leadership, styles and concepts, milestones, and biblical supportIs it right use biblical references to support men in leadership? Gender in Leadership, styles and concepts, milestones, and biblical support

Student NameCourse: MSM 562 Applied Management Capstone Project(Capstone Experience)DateResearch TopicContent/Development—60%Subject Matter—30%• Key elements of assignment covered• Content is comprehensive/accurate/persuasive• Displays an understanding of relevant theory• Major points supported by specific details/examples• Research is adequate/timely• Writer has included appropriate number of sourcesHigher–Order Thinking—30%• Writer compares/contrasts/integrates theory/subject matter withwork environment/experience• At an appropriate level, the writer analyzes […]

Collaborative Interprofessional Team Collaborative Interprofessional Team Leadership” Examine the importance of interprofessional collabCollaborative Interprofessional Team Collaborative Interprofessional Team Leadership” Examine the importance of interprofessional collab

Examine the importance of interprofessional collaboration in advanced nursing practice. Provide examples of effective teamwork and leadership strategies for advanced practice nurses working with diverse healthcare professionals. Discuss the challenges and solutions related to interprofessional teamwork in healthcare settings. Assignment Format: Each group will be responsible for preparing a comprehensive presentation on their assigned topic. The […]

Critical Appraisal Essay exploring Leadership and Quality Improvement around a ChangeCritical Appraisal Essay exploring Leadership and Quality Improvement around a Change

Leadership in nursing 3000-word Critical Appraisal Essay exploring Leadership and Quality Improvement around a Change. The essay should include a discussion of the leadership approach required to implement a successful quality improvement project, which the student is required to identify.   Essays should be size 12 font and 1.5 -2 line spacing: spelling UK English •The essay should include the following structure: •Introduction •Main body discussion – analysis and synthesis •Conclusion   INTRODUCTION ·Using a range of citations, introduce Leadership as a concept within healthcare and justify the importance […]

Opioids,Delegation, Diversity, and Conflict Management- Student Learning Outcomes:Opioids,Delegation, Diversity, and Conflict Management- Student Learning Outcomes:

Case Study:  As a leader in the Health care community or acute care setting, you may work with a patient and/or colleague with a substance use disorder. Elaborate on the following issues and possible resolutions related to substance use disorder: Introduction:  Describe a situation that you may be associated with as a nurse leader involving substance […]

Dedicate time to focus on you: analyse your specific and current situation (your challenges, your strenghts, your context…) and elaborate an action plan to developeyour leadership skills.Dedicate time to focus on you: analyse your specific and current situation (your challenges, your strenghts, your context…) and elaborate an action plan to developeyour leadership skills.

  Dedicate time to focus on you: analyse your specific and current situation (your challenges, your strenghts, your context…) and elaborate an action plan to developeyour leadership skills. Grading  Application of self-assesment tools.  Clear definition of your aspiration and goals and some action lines/specific actvitiesto start the journey. (We will never judge your […]

CSU Global Contemporary Business Writing and Communication: Assignment Module 8: Portfolio ProjectCSU Global Contemporary Business Writing and Communication: Assignment Module 8: Portfolio Project

Discuss best practices in: Must pick four of the six topics. I have selected 1,2,4,6. Digital communication practices Role of personal strengths Written communication Oral communication Emotional intelligence Culture competence Analysis Paper (8-10 pages)An analysis of your selected best practices listed above must be included in your paper, with a detailed explanation and examples of […]

Leadership Development Coaching/professional development (come up with creative title)Leadership Development Coaching/professional development (come up with creative title)

Similar to the Leadership Development Coaching Podcast assignment, you will choose three different medians of gathering information (TED Talks, podcasts, audiobooks, a book, YouTube, ect.) to research a particular area(s) of coaching to develop that will be useful in your current/future profession. The steps below outline what is expected from the paper: 1. Find three resources within three medians (podcasts, audiobook, TEDTalk, ect.) that you are interested in. […]

For this assignment compose an essay in which you describe what Self-Managing Teams (SMT) are. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of SMT, guidelines for improvements, and challenges that SMTs face. Be specific and provide examples.For this assignment compose an essay in which you describe what Self-Managing Teams (SMT) are. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of SMT, guidelines for improvements, and challenges that SMTs face. Be specific and provide examples.

 Introduction Self-Managed Teams (SMT) are formed to actualize one specific work goal. Team members work independently and are self-directed but the team members are also interdependent. Team members determine schedules, procedures and the need for making adjustments as they work toward actualizing the goal. The role of leadership is different than in conventional teams as […]

A common platitude about teamwork says, “There is no I in TEAM”. Taking into account what we have studied in class this week, what are your reactions to this saying? Is there any veracity in it? Explain why or why not.A common platitude about teamwork says, “There is no I in TEAM”. Taking into account what we have studied in class this week, what are your reactions to this saying? Is there any veracity in it? Explain why or why not.

 Introduction Teams have become very important in organizations and employees are more commonly evaluated as to whether or not they are a “team player.” A team can be defined as a unit of individuals with skills that complement each other and who are committed to a common goal. To work as a team, the “me, […]