Discipline: Leadership

What are the essential components of successful team building at the team/squad level in the Military.What are the essential components of successful team building at the team/squad level in the Military.

Paper requirements  Must be in written in active voice No more than 2 pages  Font is Arial, 12pt Use standard margins(one inch from the left, right and bottom edges) Do not justify right margins  Use double spacing Utilize reference page minimum 2 references  In text citations “ready, willing, able”(gable, 1998) Employ the army writing style […]

What leadership is ideal for addressing financial institutions’ ethics and corporate governance or other organizations?What leadership is ideal for addressing financial institutions’ ethics and corporate governance or other organizations?

  Key points to consider in completing your assessment: 1. Pressure-cooker environment at Wells Fargo (or other organization) (where lower-level employees were squeezed each year to meet sales goals that were unrealistic and impossible to meet) 2. Wells Fargo (or other organization) trading hard-earned reputation for short term profits 3. Executives turning a blind eye […]

MARKETING MANAGEMENT: Discuss why pricing is important and evaluate the impact of price on supply and demand.MARKETING MANAGEMENT: Discuss why pricing is important and evaluate the impact of price on supply and demand.

MARKETING MANAGEMENT:  Discuss why pricing is important and evaluate the impact of price on supply and demand. Writing Assignment Criteria   Writing Assignment Evaluation 1.    Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion. The structure is a multi-paragraph essay, clearly developed with effective transitions and solid topic sentences.   2.    Student demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the […]

Ethical Leadership Article Critique: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Ethics-Oriented HRM Systems, Moral Attentiveness, and Deviant Workplace BehaviorEthical Leadership Article Critique: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Ethics-Oriented HRM Systems, Moral Attentiveness, and Deviant Workplace Behavior

Need an Ethics Master to tacklet this Ethical leadership Article Critique. Original Article and a correction are attached along with Critique Instructions and Ruberic. The paper is to be a critical examination of the ethical dimensions discussed in the article, the research methods or reasoning used, the biases of the authors (claimed or unspoken), the […]

Essential Leadership Traits to Ensure Departmental Success Rates of Retaining Staff Members Within Anesthesiology at a University HospitalEssential Leadership Traits to Ensure Departmental Success Rates of Retaining Staff Members Within Anesthesiology at a University Hospital

Hi :)! I am in need of a quality writer. I am easy to work with. Detailed instructions are provided. References must be APA 7th edition and no older than five years old. Please do not worry about the Biblical Perspective section as I will complete it as the title page. Please complete everything else […]

Essay Response on Article ““Are the UN Principles for Responsible Investment Working?”Essay Response on Article ““Are the UN Principles for Responsible Investment Working?”

This is the assignment guidelines from the professor: Read the attached article. Based on our class readings and your reflection, formulate your answer to the article. Incorporate key readings from the course. I have attached the main article (File named article), and the key readings that can be used for the essay (Files named Session). Also, […]

Transformational, Ethical Leadership and Diversity Equity and Inclusion and Belonging/AccessibilityTransformational, Ethical Leadership and Diversity Equity and Inclusion and Belonging/Accessibility

Task for the writer:   Type three well written analytical sections based on this outline. Only refer to the attached readings and video links to support the claims on each section. DO NOT UTILIZE OUTSIDE SOURCES. EVERY SECTION HAS THE NAME OF THE READINGS AND VIDEOS THAT SHOULD BE DISCUSSED. These sections should be well […]

The Power of Speech: The Essential Role of Rhetoric and Persuasive Speech in LeadershipThe Power of Speech: The Essential Role of Rhetoric and Persuasive Speech in Leadership

I have to complete a research thesis about the given topic. Additionally, I will attach the Thesis Proposal and a shorter paper which can function as a help for having an understanding of the required thesis. Parts of the given paper can be used as a foundation of a small part of the thesis (e.g. […]

Detroit Police Department Implement 4 day work week pilot program for it’s Police OfficersDetroit Police Department Implement 4 day work week pilot program for it’s Police Officers

 For this project, you conducted research and analyzed an organizational change case, situation, leadership, or problem that directly impacts you. In your final assignment, you will write a 10 to 20-page paper that addresses how you would implement change or leadership to improve the organization. Use journal articles and textbooks to support your capstone. Your […]


Read the chapter titled “Resistance to Change” from Iverson (2010) The 7 Phases of Change and Breaking through Resistance to Change. In this chapter, you will note several key barriers that cause organizations to resist needed change. Namely, these are: Lack of Knowledge or Skill Physical or Resource restrictions Negative Projections (Future or Past) Discomfort […]