Discipline: Leadership

Dedicate time to focus on you: analyse your specific and current situation (your challenges, your strenghts, your context…) and elaborate an action plan to developeyour leadership skills.Dedicate time to focus on you: analyse your specific and current situation (your challenges, your strenghts, your context…) and elaborate an action plan to developeyour leadership skills.

  Dedicate time to focus on you: analyse your specific and current situation (your challenges, your strenghts, your context…) and elaborate an action plan to developeyour leadership skills. Grading  Application of self-assesment tools.  Clear definition of your aspiration and goals and some action lines/specific actvitiesto start the journey. (We will never judge your […]

CSU Global Contemporary Business Writing and Communication: Assignment Module 8: Portfolio ProjectCSU Global Contemporary Business Writing and Communication: Assignment Module 8: Portfolio Project

Discuss best practices in: Must pick four of the six topics. I have selected 1,2,4,6. Digital communication practices Role of personal strengths Written communication Oral communication Emotional intelligence Culture competence Analysis Paper (8-10 pages)An analysis of your selected best practices listed above must be included in your paper, with a detailed explanation and examples of […]

Leadership Development Coaching/professional development (come up with creative title)Leadership Development Coaching/professional development (come up with creative title)

Similar to the Leadership Development Coaching Podcast assignment, you will choose three different medians of gathering information (TED Talks, podcasts, audiobooks, a book, YouTube, ect.) to research a particular area(s) of coaching to develop that will be useful in your current/future profession. The steps below outline what is expected from the paper: 1. Find three resources within three medians (podcasts, audiobook, TEDTalk, ect.) that you are interested in. […]

For this assignment compose an essay in which you describe what Self-Managing Teams (SMT) are. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of SMT, guidelines for improvements, and challenges that SMTs face. Be specific and provide examples.For this assignment compose an essay in which you describe what Self-Managing Teams (SMT) are. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of SMT, guidelines for improvements, and challenges that SMTs face. Be specific and provide examples.

 Introduction Self-Managed Teams (SMT) are formed to actualize one specific work goal. Team members work independently and are self-directed but the team members are also interdependent. Team members determine schedules, procedures and the need for making adjustments as they work toward actualizing the goal. The role of leadership is different than in conventional teams as […]

A common platitude about teamwork says, “There is no I in TEAM”. Taking into account what we have studied in class this week, what are your reactions to this saying? Is there any veracity in it? Explain why or why not.A common platitude about teamwork says, “There is no I in TEAM”. Taking into account what we have studied in class this week, what are your reactions to this saying? Is there any veracity in it? Explain why or why not.

 Introduction Teams have become very important in organizations and employees are more commonly evaluated as to whether or not they are a “team player.” A team can be defined as a unit of individuals with skills that complement each other and who are committed to a common goal. To work as a team, the “me, […]

For this assignment, you will choose a movie (approved by your professor) to analyze, taking into consideration the concepts, theories, and skill sets we have discussed in class thus far.For this assignment, you will choose a movie (approved by your professor) to analyze, taking into consideration the concepts, theories, and skill sets we have discussed in class thus far.

 Introduction Watching a movie while analyzing it can be inspiring. Usually we go along for the ride of a movie and enjoy settings and the actors, and allow ourselves to be at the mercy of our emotions. We want to escape into the world that the movie presents. But when selecting one of the movies […]

Define the terms in-group and out-group. In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some members of his/her work group or team without creating the perception of in-groups and out-groups?Define the terms in-group and out-group. In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some members of his/her work group or team without creating the perception of in-groups and out-groups?

 Introduction A good leader must have a favorable relationship with their followers/employees, however not all follower/employee relationships are created equal. A follower is often referred to as a “dyad” which is based on the Dyadic Theory. The meaning of dyadic is ‘two way” and implies that there is a two-way relationship between leader and follower, […]

Masters Level Resreach paper on Imposter Syndrome and the barriers it creates to confident leadership.Masters Level Resreach paper on Imposter Syndrome and the barriers it creates to confident leadership.

 15-pager Research paper entitled “Imposter Syndrome: The Barriers to Confident Leadership ” (NO AI At all) Imposter Syndrome: The Barriers to Confident Leadership will examine the impact of Imposter Syndrome on leadership effectiveness. Throughout this research paper, we will examine: ●Clear Definition of the Phenomenon ●Origins/ Manifestations of Imposter Syndrome ●Understanding of Its prevalence within […]

Reserach Paper on The Barriers Imposter Syndrome creates to confident Leadership and ways to mitigate its symptomsReserach Paper on The Barriers Imposter Syndrome creates to confident Leadership and ways to mitigate its symptoms

Research paper entitled “Imposter Syndrome: The barriers to Confident Leadership “ Imposter Syndrome: The Barriers to Confident Leadership will examine the impact of Imposter Syndrome on leadership effectiveness.                    Throughout this research paper, we will examine: ●Clear Definition of the Phenomenon ●Origins/ Manifestations of Imposter Syndrome ●Understanding of Its prevalence within leadership roles ●Exploration of […]

Apply conflict resolution strategies to conflicts within small groups to achieve group cohesion and collaborationApply conflict resolution strategies to conflicts within small groups to achieve group cohesion and collaboration

Checklist: Explain the team’s problems in terms of their interactions evidenced in the scenario. Then provide the conflict resolution steps and strategies to address the problems. Explain how the conflict resolution strategies you suggest will improve group cohesion and collaboration.  Preview the Unit 4 Assignment grading rubric. Submit your completed table and your suggested management solution […]