Discipline: Linguistics

Multimodal analysis of Anti-smoking advertisements Using Kress and van Leeuwen’s frameworkMultimodal analysis of Anti-smoking advertisements Using Kress and van Leeuwen’s framework

I am doing my dissertation on multimodal discourse analysis of antismoking advertisements using Kress and van Leeuwen’s framework of visual grammar (2021). I need assistance with the analysis.  I prefer someone with minimum MA in linguistics as I had tried the service before but was literally useless perhaps because the task requires a PhD holder […]

Multimodal analysis of Anti-smoking advertisements Using Kress and van Leeuwen’s framework (2021) – Book is providedMultimodal analysis of Anti-smoking advertisements Using Kress and van Leeuwen’s framework (2021) – Book is provided

I am doing my dissertation on multimodal discourse analysis of antismoking advertisements using Kress and van Leeuwen’s framework of visual grammar (2021). I need assistance with the analysis.  I prefer someone with minimum MA in linguistics as I had tried the service before but was literally useless perhaps because the task requires a PhD holder […]

Second language strategies / methodologies to better teach world languages in the classroom using current technologiesSecond language strategies / methodologies to better teach world languages in the classroom using current technologies

To prove that by surveyng students on their likes and preferences, strategies and methodologies to teach and learn languages they would succeed at  second lnaguage learning Surveying students on their likes and preferences can be a valuable tool for success in various educational and extracurricular activities. Here are a few reasons why: Personalized Learning: Understanding […]

Extra Credit: The Application of Forensic Linguistics in Cybercrime Investigations by Ria C. PerkinsExtra Credit: The Application of Forensic Linguistics in Cybercrime Investigations by Ria C. Perkins

Use the article for aintroduction into forensic linguistics. The subject could be an overview of the field, an application of any aspect of applied linguistics, or a real analysis of a case. The article can come from a refereed journal, a magazine, or a reputable website. Share a .pdf file of the article and then, […]

Analysis Assignment: ““We are the mayas”: Indigenous language revitalization, identification, and postcolonialism in the Yucatan, Mexico”Analysis Assignment: ““We are the mayas”: Indigenous language revitalization, identification, and postcolonialism in the Yucatan, Mexico”

1.     You will write a brief summary and reflection/critique of the article (~4 pages, double-spaced.) Suggested format for your paper: ·      Short summary of the article, including the researcher’s objectives, research questions, data/participants, analytic methods, significant findings, and contribution of the study/overall importance (~1 page) ·      Discussion of the analysis as it relates to topics […]

Critical Review of an Article: Abusive Comments (Hate Speech) on Indonesian Social Media: A Forensic Linguistics ApproachCritical Review of an Article: Abusive Comments (Hate Speech) on Indonesian Social Media: A Forensic Linguistics Approach

1)    Who is/are the author/s? What are his/her credentials?   2)    What is stated in the abstract? Is there a clear statement of definition, purpose and scope?   3)    Define or identify the author’s premise or general area of concern so as to provide an appropriate context for your critical review of the article. Who […]

Linguistics Book Report : McWhorter, J. (2001) The Power of Babel. Harper Collins.Linguistics Book Report : McWhorter, J. (2001) The Power of Babel. Harper Collins.

Length of the report: 2200 – 2400 words (275-300 words for EACH chapter: 60% of it will be the summary of the chapter, and the remaining 40% will be your evaluation, i.e., your positive and negative reactions to the theses, arguments, and conclusions).  book is found on this website with a free acount: https://archive.org/details/powerofbabelnatu00mcwh/page/4/mode/2up

The notion of discourse (around 600 words) and the second section Classroom discourse as a Genre of spoken discourseThe notion of discourse (around 600 words) and the second section Classroom discourse as a Genre of spoken discourse

I need a section on the notion of discourse, which is called Defining the Notion of discourse (around 550 words) and a section on courtroom discourse, which is called The Classroom Discourse as a Genre of Spoken Discourse (the rest) . Of course, there should be a logical connection between these two distinct sections.  I […]

Tongues Tied and United: Navigating Multilingual Identities in the Policies of Iran and the United StatesTongues Tied and United: Navigating Multilingual Identities in the Policies of Iran and the United States

This paper explores the influence of language policy on the formation and expression of multilingual identities, emphasizing personal experiences and beliefs. By examining language policies in specific cultural contexts such as within Iran and the United States, it aims to understand how these policies shape individuals’ attitudes towards their native and heritage languages, language learning […]

A Quantitative Corpus Short-scale analysis “Unveiling China’s Image in The New York Times: A Quantitative Analysis in the Context of Environmental Issues”A Quantitative Corpus Short-scale analysis “Unveiling China’s Image in The New York Times: A Quantitative Analysis in the Context of Environmental Issues”

Abstract (300 words) The abstract summarizes the main aspects of the whole paper in one paragrapgh in the following order: The question(s) you investigated(state the purpose very clearly in the first or second sentence). Experimental design and methods used (clearly express the basic design of the study. Describe the basic methods used, but don’t go into […]