Discipline: Literature

A 2,500-word essay on a topic directly related to the themes covered(linked below)A 2,500-word essay on a topic directly related to the themes covered(linked below)

A 2,500-word essay on a topic directly related to the themes covered. All options should include references and a reflective account of the theoretical andcontextual learning material used. The list of references is not included in the final wordcount. Give an original and informative title to the assignment. I will link all information below to […]

Analyze how “The Odyssey” exhibits the characteristics of the epic or the hero’s journeyAnalyze how “The Odyssey” exhibits the characteristics of the epic or the hero’s journey

This assignment is for world literature. It needs to be 5-7 pages in MLA format. I have chosen the epic poem “The Odyssey” from Homer as the piece that will be analyzed. You don’t need to integrate outside sources other than the text and that is why I put down 1 source required. You need […]

Response essay two pages CHRONICLE OF A DEATH FORETOLD by Gabriel Garcia marquezResponse essay two pages CHRONICLE OF A DEATH FORETOLD by Gabriel Garcia marquez

need 500-700 words double spaced, MLA format, attached are photos of assignment based on short novel “CHRONICLE OF A DEATH FORETOLD” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez …ONLY REFER TO CHAPTERS 1-3 please ( up to page 71) ALL ASSIGNMENTS SUBMITTED TO TURNITIN TO CHECK FOR PLAGIARISM I wanted to discuss foreshadowing in narrative structure, Pedro and […]

The Relationship Between Identity and Naming in The Overcoat by Gogol and The Namesake by Jhumpa LahiriThe Relationship Between Identity and Naming in The Overcoat by Gogol and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri

The Naming and Identity Theme in The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol  Impact of “The Overcoat” on “The Namesake” The relationship between identity and naming is a fundamental theme explored in both Nikolai Gogol’s “The  Overcoat” and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri 

The Relationship Between Identity and Naming in The Nose by Gogol and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri,The Relationship Between Identity and Naming in The Nose by Gogol and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri,

The Relationship Between Identity and Naming in The Nose by Gogol and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, Naming and Identity Theme in The Nose by Gogol and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, In “The Nose” by Nikolai Gogol and “The Namesake” by Jhumpa Lahiri, the intricacies of identity are inextricably linked to the protagonists’ names, […]

Analyze the character Gatsby in The Great Gatsby from the perspective of Totallly-inclusive self-love and reflect yourself.Analyze the character Gatsby in The Great Gatsby from the perspective of Totallly-inclusive self-love and reflect yourself.

1. My lecturer is very interested in Totally-inclusive Self-love, I want the character to be CLOSELY tied to this theory in the whole essay and to be based on the definition of Totally-inclusive Self-love as in page 1 of the PDF file that I have attached. 2. This essay is for a handwritten test that […]

How does Favel Parrett’s Past the Shallows challenge readers to consider the impact that the ‘bystander effect’ can have on an individual and their community?How does Favel Parrett’s Past the Shallows challenge readers to consider the impact that the ‘bystander effect’ can have on an individual and their community?

Purpose: In class, we have been studying Past the Shallows by Favel Parrett to investigate and reflect on different ways of reading literary texts. This task is designed to allow you to demonstrate your analytical skills, and your knowledge of the novel and its context. Intended Audience: Your audience is an intelligent adult who understands […]

Unresearched Essay. compose a thesis-driven essay that utilizes topic sentences to focus and organize paragraphs of support. quote from your sources, as relevant, to make and support your main points and utilize MLA style in both formatting and citation.Unresearched Essay. compose a thesis-driven essay that utilizes topic sentences to focus and organize paragraphs of support. quote from your sources, as relevant, to make and support your main points and utilize MLA style in both formatting and citation.

Assignment: Compose an unresearched essay of 3-4 pages that utilizes one of the following theories to interpret any of the Cantos from Dante’s Inferno: Marxist Literary Theory, Poststructuralist/Deconstructionist theory, Feminist Theory. As an option, you might write an unresearched essay in which you compare and contrast two of those theories to one another, noting convergences and […]

Connect the baseball movie 42 directed by Brian Helgeland to the poem “We’re Human Beings” by Jill McDonoughConnect the baseball movie 42 directed by Brian Helgeland to the poem “We’re Human Beings” by Jill McDonough

Connect the baseball film 42 directed by  Brian Helgeland to events/occurrences/artistic choices in the poem We’re Human Beings by Jill McDonough. The link to the poem is provided below. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/57870/were-human-beings 

Discuss the significance of land and place in Richard Wagamese’s ‘Indian Horse’Discuss the significance of land and place in Richard Wagamese’s ‘Indian Horse’

Source 1: https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/SCL/article/view/22060/25612 Source 2: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/00219894211031716 Theses statement being: Through a deeper examination of Wagamese’s work, this essay aims to explore the profound significance of land and place in Saul’s journey, illuminating the enduring bond between indigenous peoples and their ancestral territories, both as physical landscapes and as spiritual sanctuaries.