Discipline: Logistics

Week 4 Theme – Modes of Transportation and LegislationWeek 4 Theme – Modes of Transportation and LegislationWeek 4 Theme – Modes of Transportation and LegislationWeek 4 Theme – Modes of Transportation and Legislation

After studying this week and completing the assignments, you should be able to: Explain SCLM applications in a global context; Determine the mode of transportation to consider in an application through EOQ; Understand the Staggers Act and Motor Carrier Act and their impact to the U.S. economy; Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the basic […]

How new tracking device will improve international intermodal transport of goodsHow new tracking device will improve international intermodal transport of goods

  Provide a 1000+ word written paper choosing ONE of the two topic choices given below:  (2) Discuss how new container tracking devices will improve international intermodal transport of goods. This paper should be in APA format using appropriate sources. Remember to keep this paper clear, concise, and succinct. The paper will be graded on content, grammar, […]

An Analysis of Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: Addressing the Risks of the United Nations World Food Programme Operations (in Mozambique).An Analysis of Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: Addressing the Risks of the United Nations World Food Programme Operations (in Mozambique).

Write the INTRODUCTION OF THE DISSERTATION (First Chapter) Below the instructions and attached the approved proposal. In chapter 1, there should be at least 2200 words, use a new MS Word file, and follow the structure below:  – Background of research   – Problem statement (Identify the research gap in existing research and this should […]

What are the basic functions of chartering and marine insurance and their impact on shipping and on international trade?What are the basic functions of chartering and marine insurance and their impact on shipping and on international trade?

There are some comments of my last essay:  Specific comments (if any): *The instructions were not followed according to the guidelines especially regarding the internal structure of the Introduction. The Objectives and the Methodology part are missing. Also, the Brief description of the topic should have developed more. This part has to be 1 page […]

How optimizing reverse logistic process in organizations to gain competitive advantage?How optimizing reverse logistic process in organizations to gain competitive advantage?

Instructions Week 8: Term Project Paper Instructions: Your research paper should be 8 to 10 pages not including the Title page, abstract and reference page. The paper must include a thesis statement and must contain at least one research question to be answered or a hypothesis to be tested. The assignment must be a research […]

The role of supply chain management in terms of reverse logistics for Carter’s children apparelThe role of supply chain management in terms of reverse logistics for Carter’s children apparel

Create an APA formatted essay.   Define the role of supply chain management in terms of reverse logistics. Chose a real company and write about how the company handles and addresses goods returned from customers.   Incorporate at least two references from articles listed within the online APUS library for creating content. The articles must […]

Article Review: Link between Digital Technologies Adoption and Sustainability Performance: Supply Chain Traceability/Resilience or Circular Economy PracticesArticle Review: Link between Digital Technologies Adoption and Sustainability Performance: Supply Chain Traceability/Resilience or Circular Economy Practices

Instructions for the Article Review Locate a peer-reviewed article (related to the course content) published within the last 12 months in a peer-reviewed journal from the online library, then present at least a 15 (title and reference slides do not count) slide power point presentation assessment comprising of a precise and critical evaluation. Do not […]

Article Review: Supply Chain Process Improvement for International Airline IndustryArticle Review: Supply Chain Process Improvement for International Airline Industry

Select an appropriate peer-reviewed article on a topic from this week’s readings (attached). Begin this assignment by reading the news article carefully.  Take care to note the following in your close reading of the article Does the article appear to be making a clear point, expecting the reader to draw a particular conclusion?  If so, […]

Business Seminar Term Paper- The effect of rising sea levels on global shipping routes in emphasis on the Port of New York, and Port of Los AngelesBusiness Seminar Term Paper- The effect of rising sea levels on global shipping routes in emphasis on the Port of New York, and Port of Los Angeles

The term paper must include at least one table, one chart and/or one figure created by     the author. references in footnotes, also a bibliography with sources cited in MLA/APA format. Literature Review; put enough information so that the reader can determine you are knowledgeable about the topic. From the past 6-8 years!!!Should be structured […]