Discipline: Marketing

Evaluate why Segmentation and Targeting are crucial to effectively delivering the firm’s value proposition.Evaluate why Segmentation and Targeting are crucial to effectively delivering the firm’s value proposition.

Referring back to your learning of Porter on competitive strategy evaluate why Segmentation and Targeting are crucial to effectively delivering the firm’s value proposition. Evaluate the value and shortcomings of various customer segmentation tools such as demographic segmentation, psychographic analysis, perceptual maps, etc., to get deep into the “thinking” of customers. What are the likely […]

Digital Marketing in early 21th Century. How Recent Changes (in Media and Technology) Are Shaping Marketing Strategies and CampaignsDigital Marketing in early 21th Century. How Recent Changes (in Media and Technology) Are Shaping Marketing Strategies and Campaigns

Your task is to prepare an essay (expected length is at least 3 pages, but the most important criteria for evaluation is your creative opinion, not the word count) on a subject: “Digital Marketing in early 21th Century. How Recent Changes (in Media and Technology) Are Shaping Marketing Strategies and Campaigns” Suggestions: Focus on recent […]

The effect of artificial intelligence on modern marketing: transformations, challenges, and opportunitiesThe effect of artificial intelligence on modern marketing: transformations, challenges, and opportunities

1. Introduction Marketing evolution: Traditional Marketing -> Digital Marketing -> Data-driven Marketing -> AI-Powered Marketing 2. Conseptual Analysis Marketing AI Costumer engagement Automation in marketing GDPR, data privacy and ethics 3. Literature Review Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Trends and innovations Tools Marketing Models 4. Methodology Case study selection 5. Case study 6. Conclusions Summary of […]

Understanding consumer decision-making preferences through learning styles: a path to enhanced marketing strategies in the sports sectorUnderstanding consumer decision-making preferences through learning styles: a path to enhanced marketing strategies in the sports sector

I am attaching the instructions for the university’s thesis, a list of sources that I have found myself, as well as an initial attempt at writing the theoretical part. I certainly do not like the result at all and the structure, since I wrote it in collaboration with chatGPT and it has not been thoroughly […]

Would you want to work at Netflix? Does Netflix have characteristics of an innovative culture? Do you agree that Netflix’s culture contributes to the organization’s success? Could another company copy Netflix’s culture successfully?Would you want to work at Netflix? Does Netflix have characteristics of an innovative culture? Do you agree that Netflix’s culture contributes to the organization’s success? Could another company copy Netflix’s culture successfully?

Hello!Need essay APA, 320 words, textbook for course used: (H) ManagementStephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, 2018Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-134-52760-4 MUST HAVE ACCESS TO THE TEXTBOOK TO COMPLETE ESSAY. TOPIC IN FULL: Please read “Case Application 1: Freedom and Responsibility at Netflix” on pages 102-103 of your text and answer the following: Would you want to […]

The impact of influencer marketing on increasing customer engagement and purchase intention for SheinThe impact of influencer marketing on increasing customer engagement and purchase intention for Shein

I have a research project to do. I have already completed the intro, literature review, and research design section of the work. What needs to be done is the findings (data analysis) and discussion, and conclusion and recommendations. THE FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION SHOULD BE 2000 WORDS AND THE CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS SHOULD BE 400. IN […]

The Effect of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Engagement in Emerging Fashion Brands: A Case Study of SheinThe Effect of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Engagement in Emerging Fashion Brands: A Case Study of Shein

The assignment is a research report. Research Aim: This study will examine the impact of influencer marketing on increasing customer engagement and purchase intention for Shein. Research Questions 1. Investigating the impact of credibility and content quality in driving consumer engagement and purchase intention for Shein? 2. To what extent do micro-influencers and macro-influencers differ […]

Case Study: Peloton’s Growth through At-Home Fitness Technology and Managing Customer Retention Post-PandemicCase Study: Peloton’s Growth through At-Home Fitness Technology and Managing Customer Retention Post-Pandemic

Create a shortened case that may be expanded on and added to the course at a later date based on internet research, interviews, and/or first-hand experience Case Study: Peloton’s Growth through At-Home Fitness Technology and Managing Customer Retention Post-Pandemic May be useful siteshttps://investor.onepeloton.comhttps://www.library.hbs.edu/working-knowledge/peloton-changed-the-exercise-game-can-the-company-push-through-the-painessay plan idea:Introduction** – Define Peloton’s role in revolutionizing at-home fitness. – Briefly […]

“Critically assess how organisational culture and structure impact organisational performance. Use real-world examples, to illustrate how management can shape culture and structure to achieve strategic objectives.”“Critically assess how organisational culture and structure impact organisational performance. Use real-world examples, to illustrate how management can shape culture and structure to achieve strategic objectives.”

Assessment Information Your Task: “Critically assess how organisational culture and structure impact organisational performance. Use real-world examples, to illustrate how management can shape culture and structure to achieve strategic objectives.” Word limit: 3,000 words Coursework Essay – Guidelines for Essay Writing Select one or several of the models, concepts, or theories we covered during the […]

How Beauty and Fashion Brands Use Sensory Marketing to Create Memorable Product LaunchesHow Beauty and Fashion Brands Use Sensory Marketing to Create Memorable Product Launches

https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/elizabeth-goodspeed-column-food-in-fashion-advertising-080724https://blog.symrise.com/taste-the-trend-how-gen-z-is-driving-food-inspired-beauty-and-fashion/https://www.bthecommunicationsagency.com/news/why-is-sensory-marketing-on-the-rise/https://www.bthecommunicationsagency.com/news/why-is-sensory-marketing-on-the-rise/https://medium.com/@sincerefidelis/dive-into-food-sensory-marketing-with-rhodeskin-2a55087f68e8https://www.sbiims.edu.in/pdf/Journals/SBIJMSVol2I4.pdf#page=161https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1057740811000830https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1681967&dswid=8966 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352031128_Sensory_marketing_in_the_women’s_fashion_sector_The_smell_of_the_shops_in_Madrid