Discipline: Marketing

Using the video: Unknown Killer Robots write a paper on the subject of Marketing within the context of, Strategic Planning & The Marketing Environment / Ethics.Using the video: Unknown Killer Robots write a paper on the subject of Marketing within the context of, Strategic Planning & The Marketing Environment / Ethics.

Hi Class, For this assignment you are asked to discuss the following, Using the video: Unknown Killer Robots write a paper on the subject of Marketing within the context of, Strategic Planning & The Marketing Environment / Ethics. The concepts in this paper should roughly correspond to chapters: 1, 2 & 3 in our textbook, using the […]

Q1: You are the manager of the Co-Op store on campus. Taking Szmigin and Piacentini’s* approach to the categorisation of reference groups, explain how each different category of reference group could be used to increase profits at the Co-Op storeQ1: You are the manager of the Co-Op store on campus. Taking Szmigin and Piacentini’s* approach to the categorisation of reference groups, explain how each different category of reference group could be used to increase profits at the Co-Op store

The course is a consumer behaviour a mix between marketing and psychology – Reference your work using the Harvard style. – Include a bibliography after each question. The bibliography is excluded from the wordcount. – Present your work as short reports using multiple headings and subheadings. – Write approximately 750 words for each answer.

What are some product strategy and product life cycle considerations specific to marketing in health care? Why is it important for healthcare managers to understand these considerations?What are some product strategy and product life cycle considerations specific to marketing in health care? Why is it important for healthcare managers to understand these considerations?

What are some product strategy and product life cycle considerations specific to marketing in health care? Why is it important for healthcare managers to understand these considerations? Initial Post Instructions Post an initial response post to the discussion question above.  Your initial post must address all questions/prompts. Initial post must be a minimum of 150 […]

Impact of green promotion and green Financial incentives on customer purchase intention of Electric vehicle in Palestine, The mediator role of green perceivedImpact of green promotion and green Financial incentives on customer purchase intention of Electric vehicle in Palestine, The mediator role of green perceived

The study is a bout assessing the Impact of green promotion and green Financial support on customer purchase intention of Electric vehicles in Palestine, The mediator role of green perceived Please analyze details about related studies (the aims of the study, the method, the findings and criticize  the shortcoming) and how it’s related to our topic. I […]

Think about the general concept of a relationship, not necessarily in a business setting, but just relationships in general between any two parties.Think about the general concept of a relationship, not necessarily in a business setting, but just relationships in general between any two parties.

1.  What aspects of relationships are inherently favorable? 2.  What aspects tend to cause problems? 3.  List some specific ways one might work to minimize the problems and accentuate the favorable aspects. Use chapter 1 to help formulate your points. Outside sources (Cite them in APA format), textbook citations and personal examples encouraged. Required Textbook: Sell […]

critically evaluate NIke’s branding strategy applying appropriate brand concepts and theories and discuss its future developmentcritically evaluate NIke’s branding strategy applying appropriate brand concepts and theories and discuss its future development

please write a report on nike’s current branding strategies, it should be structured like this. Also, please use visual diagrams where appropriate  Intro (150 words) Brand audit (1000 words)  In this part, you should provide a critical evaluation of the brand and its current branding strategies. You are expected to apply relevant theories / frameworks […]

MARKETING DEBATE—Is Consumer Behavior More of a Function of a Person’s Age or Generation?MARKETING DEBATE—Is Consumer Behavior More of a Function of a Person’s Age or Generation?

One of the widely debated issues in developing marketing programs that target certain age groups is how much consumers change over time. Some marketers maintain that age differences are critical and that the needs and wants of a 25-year-old in 2022 are not that different from those of a 25-year-old in 1972. Others dispute that […]

Essay topic 3: Greenwashing or Genuine Sustainable Marketing 2000 words Consumer BehaviourEssay topic 3: Greenwashing or Genuine Sustainable Marketing 2000 words Consumer Behaviour

Make Sure the brand is a UK Brand. Make a good quality essay. Please send a turn it in report after you are done. Also i have sent some powerpoints and reading to help with the essay. The module is consumer behaviour University level. Question: You work as a marketing consultant in a multinational consultancy […]

Answer TWO from four questions about marketing management All questions carry equal marks Each answer should be no longer than 1,000 words (excluding references)Answer TWO from four questions about marketing management All questions carry equal marks Each answer should be no longer than 1,000 words (excluding references)

Don’t go over the word limit because it will be penalised. Answer the questions according to the explonations below.  DEFINE: Make direct reference to relevant theory. I am testing what I’ve attempted to teach you. APPLY: Use examples to illustrate your ideas CRITIQUE: Don’t just present facts (i.e. the ‘what’), interpret them (i.e. the ‘how’ […]

Sub question 4Need to find The case studies of similar companies that have successfully entered the Dutch market, revealing their strategies, challenges faced, and outcomes achievedSub question 4Need to find The case studies of similar companies that have successfully entered the Dutch market, revealing their strategies, challenges faced, and outcomes achieved

3.4 Sub-question 4 Which market entry methods (e.g., exporting, joint ventures, partnership) align with the company’s resources and capabilities and the Dutch logistics market dynamics? The research of which market entry methods have aligned with the resources and capabilities of V&E, considering the dynamics of the Dutch logistics market, has primarily relied on secondary data […]