Details of Task: Prepare a diagram of the Micro Environment for Short Stay Rental Accomodation Services in Australia. Your diagram should include: a break down of major service providers, the product/service categories offered and major market segments served. It should also illustrate any significant collaborators or co-creators of value (such as suppliers or channels). And it should […]
Discipline: Marketing
Review of a current marketing publication – technological impacts on marketing and usersReview of a current marketing publication – technological impacts on marketing and users
-Assessment Type: Written Piece – 2000 words -Assessment Name: Review of a current marketing publication – technological impacts on marketing and users. -Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1: Critically review the marketing process and evaluate its role in current marketing practices LO2: Critically analyse the impact of digital marketing technologies This assessment will require to critically appraise […]
Choose a specific industry (e.g., grocery retailing, the airline industry), and apply Porter’s Five Forces model to discuss that industry’s competitive forces and their relative influence.Choose a specific industry (e.g., grocery retailing, the airline industry), and apply Porter’s Five Forces model to discuss that industry’s competitive forces and their relative influence.
Answer the following essay questions. Choose a specific industry (e.g., the beauty industry), and apply Porter’s Five Forces model to discuss that industry’s competitive forces and their relative influence. (Note: The following website provides useful information about the Porter model: Porter’s Five Forces: Understanding Competitive Forces to Maximize Profitability.) Discuss how online, social media, and other technology-related […]
Create a full scale campaign for Pti Ber Papadopoulos cookies (the original ones) in the Greek MarketCreate a full scale campaign for Pti Ber Papadopoulos cookies (the original ones) in the Greek Market
I will add the speaker notes by my self I only need the “scripts” I mention fot the TV, radio executions, etc. All the important notes are below in the document (the final assement one). The implementation of the campaign should not be for all cookies Papadopoulos has but only for a specific line named […]
Marketing Management Individual Project (MMIP): Develop Value Offering Product Experience AssignmentMarketing Management Individual Project (MMIP): Develop Value Offering Product Experience Assignment
NO USE OF AI PLEASE THE TOPIC IS FORD MOTOR COMPANY: SHELBY MUSTANG GT 500 FIRST TWO PORTIONS OF PAPER ARE ATTACHED Instructions The same project topic must be used in all installments. Each project installment must include a title page that has the name of the project topic in it. Each of the […]
Your task is to review the literature that is relevant to the research project you are conducting with your group this semester. The research we are conducting is “How does product design affect consumer’s acceptance of the product.Your task is to review the literature that is relevant to the research project you are conducting with your group this semester. The research we are conducting is “How does product design affect consumer’s acceptance of the product.
You will need to use “peer reveiwed articles” from schloarly sources only. This assignment has details provided in both the documents below and I have attatched what our groups hypothesis’ are for you to incorporate in your research. Attached to the hyothesis PDF are a few sources to get you started. If you have any […]
compare & contrast of secular and Christian worldviews in marketing & contrast of secular and Christian worldviews in marketing applications.
The worldview discovery paper should be organized according to the following outline: Introduction – define the paper’s purpose using the instructions above and define what “worldview” means. You should look this term up and cite the source as a reference. Secular worldview – defines a secular worldview and relates explicitly it to marketing. Be sure […]
movie report ( The Movie report is about “The Founder” movie. The origin story of McDonald’s.)movie report ( The Movie report is about “The Founder” movie. The origin story of McDonald’s.)
Based on the movie, answer the following questions 1. Apply the extended marketing mix to McDonald’s. (7Ps) (3.5 marks) 2. Discuss in detail all the seven brand elements used by the company. (3.5 marks) 3. Why did the McDonald’s founders limit their menu options to three things? Justify. (1 mark) 4. Currently McDonald’s is relying […]
write a comprehensive swot analysis that can be used for a marketing plan that will improve a rural hospitalwrite a comprehensive swot analysis that can be used for a marketing plan that will improve a rural hospital
Write a comprehensive swot analysis that can be used for a marketing plan to improve a rural hospital: The hospital is Uvalde Memorial Hosptial (Rural Texas Hosptial) Here are some references:
Temu’s Marketing problem of slow transportation and delivery and its effects on consumer behavior, particularly focusing on cognitive decision-making, consumer attitudes, and perceptionsTemu’s Marketing problem of slow transportation and delivery and its effects on consumer behavior, particularly focusing on cognitive decision-making, consumer attitudes, and perceptions
I want a short analysis report of Temu’s current marketing problem, which is its efficient transportation. And here is the spercific requirement: You should identify the specific consumer behavior issues that are relevant to the marketing problem you have identified. It is important to be quite specific in your problem definition. E.g., are the issues related […]