International Marketing Paper Rubric: The purpose of this assignment is to give future managers / leaders (you) exposure to how international environmental factors influence business decisions. Step 1: Please pick a current international “issue”, e.g., climate change, conflict in Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East, COVID-19 pandemic, etc. I CHOSE CONFLICT IN UKRAINE IN THE […]
Discipline: Marketing
Customer Retention Strategy Project: Customer Retention Strategy Plan AssignmentCustomer Retention Strategy Project: Customer Retention Strategy Plan Assignment
CUSTOMER RENTION STRATEGY PROJECT: CUSTOMER RETENTION STRATEGYPLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERIVEWTo improve customer retention, marketers must construct and engage in strategic planning. Inthis course, you will craft a Customer Retention Strategy (CRSP) that includes a social mediamarketing campaign designed that if integrated, will improve customer retention for the assignedcase study company.INSTRUCTIONSPlease read the Digital Marketing Case Study […]
Week 7 Writing Assignment: Reflection on Conscious Scorecard Performance Week 7 Writing Assignment: Reflection on Conscious Scorecard PerformanceWeek 7 Writing Assignment: Reflection on Conscious Scorecard Performance Week 7 Writing Assignment: Reflection on Conscious Scorecard Performance
Week 7 Reflection Paper Marketplace Simulation This writing assignment asks you to reflect on the Conscious Capitalism Marketplace Business Game Simulation. Address the prompt with a one-page letter to the Board of Directors. Use Four-Box Writing Advantage Format and business communications and critical thinking skills as learned in this course. Consider the following as components of your […]
Discussion 3: Discuss the pricing strategies and distribution strategies of a companyDiscussion 3: Discuss the pricing strategies and distribution strategies of a company
Instructions Pricing Strategy and Distribution Channels of The Home Depot store Identify primary competitors of the company. How does the company differentiate its product/service? Discuss primary channels of marketing. Explain how a company should adapt prices and marketing channels to meet varying circumstances and opportunities. Pricing Strategies Select a company and interview the owner/manager regarding […]
Layla’s Delicacies: Scaling Up a Small Business with Insights from Marketing ResearchLayla’s Delicacies: Scaling Up a Small Business with Insights from Marketing Research
Read the case carefully, then proceed to write a minimum 2-page report answering the case questions on page 7. Use APA 7 Format and list all your references.
External and Situational Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior. Apply Market Segmentation and Consumer Behavior ResearchExternal and Situational Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior. Apply Market Segmentation and Consumer Behavior Research
Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Assignment #1 Topic: External and Situational Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior. Apply Market Segmentation and Consumer Behavior Research. Assignment # 1 –”The Interview” Instructions CONSUMER INTERVIEW:As a newly minted Consumer Behavior Researcher your assignment is to conduct an interview (about 30 minutes in length) […]
Uber: Applying Machine Learning to Improve the Customer Pickup Experience Cast StudyUber: Applying Machine Learning to Improve the Customer Pickup Experience Cast Study
Uber: Applying Machine Learning to Improve the Customer Pickup Experience 5Q: Based on your pickup quality metric, what actions can Uber operators take to improve the pickup experience? 6Q: How would you improve the pickup experience at venues such as sporting events and concerts, which typically see temporary surges in demand for Uber rides, as […]
Lesson 6 applied learning: schema based Affecta and attitude change team assighemtnLesson 6 applied learning: schema based Affecta and attitude change team assighemtn
Please ensure everything is included. This week you will complete the Schema-Based Affect and Attitude Change Worksheet, (located in files) which identifies schema-based affect as it relates to your target customer segment, analyzes your brand’s advertisements, and then interprets both of the previous components to interpret existing attitudes toward your brand and recommend changes to […]
Investigating the impact of trust factors on consumer behaviour in the digital marketplaceInvestigating the impact of trust factors on consumer behaviour in the digital marketplace
The dissertation should be very well presented (with diagrams and charts) and should stick strictly to MBA level marketing. Cover page, table of content and page numbers should be included. Include abstract. In the Introduction, USE THE FUNNEL MODEL! (Wide global perspective first and then be specific to Mauritius country). Put a lot of emphasis […]
A US Study: Exploring Green Marketing in the Digital Era and Its Impact on Consumer Behaviour and the Associated Ethical Dilemmas within the Food and Manufacturing IndustryA US Study: Exploring Green Marketing in the Digital Era and Its Impact on Consumer Behaviour and the Associated Ethical Dilemmas within the Food and Manufacturing Industry
Require a systematic literature review for research paper, whose title, aim and objectives are: Title: A US Study: Exploring Green Marketing in the Digital Era and Its Impact on Consumer Behaviour and the Associated Ethical Dilemmas within the Food and Manufacturing Industry Background: Amidst the current era of increasing environmental consciousness, firms worldwide have embraced […]