Discipline: Marketing

M7: Assessment – Calculating the ROI of an Online Marketing Campaign for HandbagsM7: Assessment – Calculating the ROI of an Online Marketing Campaign for Handbags

Answer the questions below after downloading the and reviewing the simple case study and the Handbags Co. scenario. Use attached Handbags DATA for pivot table creation, excel calculations.Marketing ROI for Handbags DATA-1.xlsxDownload Marketing ROI for Handbags DATA-1.xlsx Marketing ROI for Handbags DATA.xlsx I HAVE INSERTED THE DATA AND CASE STUDY IN ATTACHED FILES AS WELL […]

How sport organizations brand image and impression management impacts brand value perceived by Sport Fans.How sport organizations brand image and impression management impacts brand value perceived by Sport Fans.

Below are the references. 3-5 page research proposal utilizing a, or multiple topics, discussed during the semester. Proposals must be no more than 5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins. All writing must be utilizing current APA style guidelines, and utilize a minimum of 5 scholarly references. This is a […]

Too Good To Go: A Strategy and Plan for Digital Marketing and Technical SolutionsToo Good To Go: A Strategy and Plan for Digital Marketing and Technical Solutions

Written home exam The assignment can be solved either individually or in groups of 2-4 students. The submission can be written in English. The written part of the report must have approximately 25 pages (excluding title page, references, appendices, and/or attachments). This exam will help you build the skills needed to create project reports in […]

Marketing Analysis and Strategy Development for Bergamo as a Tourist DestinationMarketing Analysis and Strategy Development for Bergamo as a Tourist Destination

Assignment Title: Marketing Analysis and Strategy Development for Bergamo as a Tourist Destination Word Count: 4,000 – 5,000 words (including references) Introduction This assignment requires you to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to the unique characteristics and opportunities of Bergamo as a tourist destination. You will analyze Bergamo’s market potential, evaluate its cultural and […]

Marketing report for Church’s footwear brand base on rationale i came up in the group projectMarketing report for Church’s footwear brand base on rationale i came up in the group project

Marketing Report structure: 1. Marketing objectives for your new strategy: (state clearly what the strategy aims to achieve) make sure the objectives are SMART 2. Business Growth Strategy: Ansoff Matrix 3. Target market (current & new target market that your strategy intends to target) 4. Positioning strategy: (the Product or Service or Experience and how […]

Module 5: Discussion — A Struggling Rural Hospital is Revived through Market-driven Leadership, Innovative Thinking, and Technology in Remote IdahoModule 5: Discussion — A Struggling Rural Hospital is Revived through Market-driven Leadership, Innovative Thinking, and Technology in Remote Idaho

This discussion board is aimed at strengthening your understanding of hospital marketing opportunities and challenges. The post is centered upon the case in the text on p.230 titled A Struggling Hospital is Revived through Market-driven Leadership… You are required to develop recommendations to help Dr. Huerta maintain and expand the services offered by his organization. Use […]

Critical Thinking & Application Exercise – 4Critical Thinking & Application Exercise – 4Critical Thinking & Application Exercise – 4Critical Thinking & Application Exercise – 4

FedEx Rolls Out New Delivery Option — Robots Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyVQvYJ3NHELinks to an external site. Loading media… Minimize embedded content Run Time: 2:11 Questions: 1. From a consumer perspective, what potential advantages and disadvantages to consumers of using autonomous robot-vehicles to deliver purchases?  2. Would you be willing to pay more to have groceries, pizza, or […]

take on the role of a junior marketing executive for an existing company or brandtake on the role of a junior marketing executive for an existing company or brand

In this assessment, you will take on the role of a junior marketing executive for an existing company or brand within one of the following categories: • Consumer Electronics • Health and Wellness Products • Beauty and Personal Care Important Note: The origin of the brand or company you choose is irrelevant. However, your project […]

Social media platform for businesses to showcase their sustainable practices, initiatives, and products.Social media platform for businesses to showcase their sustainable practices, initiatives, and products.

Choose any international company like Nike or Amazon  Social media provides a platform for businesses to showcase their sustainable practices, initiatives, and products. Choose a national or international company. Within your business by it towards sustainthe sustainable social media plan of a business of your choosing Project Outline, The outline of the project is as […]

Paper 2, Facing the Ethical Dilemma – Creating DM Model to Resolving an Ethical IssuePaper 2, Facing the Ethical Dilemma – Creating DM Model to Resolving an Ethical Issue

You are now asked to do the following….”If given the opportunity to make an ethical decision, how would you go about doing this?”   Paper 1 caused you to reflect on the meaning of ethics and your own personal beliefs about what is moral, right and ethical.   Now Paper 2 is meant to lead you to […]