Discipline: Marketing

Preparing and organizing and writing part of research project (literature review) for my master degree. The role of visual communication design for brand awareness and brand recall among gen z in Saudi ArabiaPreparing and organizing and writing part of research project (literature review) for my master degree. The role of visual communication design for brand awareness and brand recall among gen z in Saudi Arabia

I request your assistance in organizing the literature review for my Master’s degree research project. Before I proceed, I would like to emphasize that it is of utmost importance to me that the literature review is free from any form of plagiarism. Additionally, I would like the review to primarily draw upon new articles published […]

analysis of a specific Security-focused government or non-government associationanalysis of a specific Security-focused government or non-government association

Write a comprehensive analysis of a specific Security-focused government or non-government association. This could include the TSA, C-TPAT, the WCO’s SAFE initiative, or any other organization or legislation focusing on international logistics security. Most of these are discussed in Chapter 19 of your book, so use that as a starting point. The following deliverables are […]

Individual Report – Analyse an Online Search Marketing Performance of a Client BrandIndividual Report – Analyse an Online Search Marketing Performance of a Client Brand

This assessment is an individual report with a total word of 2,000 words. You have been appointed as an analyst to a firm to study and analyse an online search marketing performance of a client brand.For the report, you will choose an online brand to evaluate the current and proposean updated search marketing strategy.The report should include […]

Research project for my master degree. The role of visual communication design for brand awareness and brand recall among gen z in Saudi ArabiaResearch project for my master degree. The role of visual communication design for brand awareness and brand recall among gen z in Saudi Arabia

I am writing to request your assistance in writing the literature review for my Master’s degree research project. Before I proceed, I would like to emphasize that it is of utmost importance to me that the literature review is free from any form of plagiarism. Additionally, I would like the review to primarily draw upon […]

To appreciate how survey research can be used to develop products and services that meet customers’ needs.To appreciate how survey research can be used to develop products and services that meet customers’ needs.

The SAT and ACT college entrance exams once were completely multiple-choice, but both tests recently began including an essay portion (which is optional for the ACT). One survey suggests that some admission officers harbor doubts about the essay tests. https://www.pewresearch.org/topic/internet-technology/ Research conducted by ACT, Inc. reported that among schools it surveyed, only about one-fifth require the writing portion […]

“What environmental influences on pricing currently affect U.S. firms looking to expand outside the US?“What environmental influences on pricing currently affect U.S. firms looking to expand outside the US?

Provide a 150-word response for each classmate’s discussion on this topic. (The responses are independent) “What environmental influences on pricing currently affect U.S. firms looking to expand outside the US? Explain.  Classmate 1 –Jan As U.S. firms consider expanding outside of the United States, several environmental factors significantly influence their pricing strategies. These factors are […]

Discuss the effects of cross-cultural business practices and etiquette in today’s global marketplace.Discuss the effects of cross-cultural business practices and etiquette in today’s global marketplace.

Research Paper:   Write a minimum of 5-page paper excluding the cover page and reference pages. Using an APA style and double line spacing Write a Research Paper on: 1. Discuss the effects of cross-cultural business practices and etiquette in today’s global marketplace.  Note:  All references will be verified.  Do not use AI generated information, it will be verified.  So, avoid the temptation of […]

Diapers in the Brazilian Market, The 4 P’s Versus the 4 Es, Topic: Japanese RetailingDiapers in the Brazilian Market, The 4 P’s Versus the 4 Es, Topic: Japanese Retailing

Page 1, 250 words – Topic: Diapers in the Brazilian Market  What would be your considerations for entering this market? What consumer considerations would there be? How might these considerations affect one of the traditional 4 P’s of marketing—product? How would your considerations impact the marketing strategy you decide to use when entering this market? How […]

Report on “THE GOAL: A Process of Ongoing Improvement,” by Elyahu Goldratt, and Jeff Cox, North River Press.Report on “THE GOAL: A Process of Ongoing Improvement,” by Elyahu Goldratt, and Jeff Cox, North River Press.

REPORT ON THE GOAL: You will read the book, THE GOAL, carefully and related material from outside (for example, outside material can be from the Internet, Quality Progress Journal, Business Week, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Production and Inventory Management Journal, OR/MS Today, and other sources) and prepare a report of about 10-15 pages. […]