Discipline: Medicine and Health

A Framework for Ethical Decision Making or Ethical Dimensions in the Healthcare ProfessionsA Framework for Ethical Decision Making or Ethical Dimensions in the Healthcare Professions

Be creative and detailed using pictures and or videos in the slides.  Title Slide (1 Slide): A Framework for Ethical Decision Making or Ethical Dimensions in the Healthcare Professions Explain the Six-Step Model for Ethical Decision Making. (2 Slides) 1.      Identify the Ethical Issues. 2.      Get the Facts. 3.      Evaluate Alternative Actions. 4.      Choose an Option for Action and […]

Critiquing the Methodology and Exploring Implications of Affective Empathy Among Nursing StudentsCritiquing the Methodology and Exploring Implications of Affective Empathy Among Nursing Students

A 2500-word essay that critiques the research methodology and methods deployed and analyses the implications of one finding from a chosen research paper and how the finding could be used to improve your practice (you have been given a choice of two research articles – YOU MUST CHOOSE ONLY ONE (PLEASE DO NOT CRITIQUE BOTH). […]

Please evaluate the preclinical models for cardiometabolic comorbidities in cancer survivors as discussed by Zullig et al. in their JACC: CardioOncology reviewPlease evaluate the preclinical models for cardiometabolic comorbidities in cancer survivors as discussed by Zullig et al. in their JACC: CardioOncology review

To critically evaluate the preclinical models discussed in the paper by Zullig et al. (2022), specifically regarding how they recapitulate cardiometabolic comorbidities in cancer survivors, we can proceed with the following steps: ### 1. **Understand the scope of the review** The first step is to ascertain the scope of the paper by Zullig et al. […]

The disease, 2 government policies, impact of the disease, strategies for edeucation & preventionThe disease, 2 government policies, impact of the disease, strategies for edeucation & prevention

Examine and research 1 chronic disease (e.g., heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, or obesity), and write a paper that discusses the following:  A comparison of 2 healthcare policies that are in place (either at the state or federal level) that address the disease  The impact the disease has had on the U.S. population and […]

Harnessing Machine Learning for Predictive Pharmacokinetics: Revolutionizing Drug Development and Personalized MedicineHarnessing Machine Learning for Predictive Pharmacokinetics: Revolutionizing Drug Development and Personalized Medicine

Abstract: In recent years, machine learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful tool in various scientific disciplines, including pharmaceutical sciences. This article explores the application of ML techniques to predict pharmacokinetics (PK), the study of how drugs move through the body. By leveraging vast datasets and advanced algorithms, ML can enhance our understanding of drug […]

Nuclear Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: New Horizons in Diagnostics and TherapyNuclear Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: New Horizons in Diagnostics and Therapy

Abstract Nuclear medicine, involving the use of radioisotopes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, is undergoing a revolution through integration with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The aim of this article is to present the latest achievements and perspectives in nuclear medicine resulting from the application of AI. The uses of AI in imaging, data […]

Can be any health/medical related issues, social issues, education or medical student’s coping strategiesCan be any health/medical related issues, social issues, education or medical student’s coping strategies

1. a.Citations (paraphrases only) (citations from at least 30 or more journal articles – 2010-2024) avoid citing multiple times from one source to minimise possibilities of being caught plagiarising b. Wikipedia, blog, websites and other Systematic literature review based papers cannot be used c. List of references at the end of the essay d. References […]

Comparison and Contrast of Development Models and Theories: Their roles in the Psychotherapist Nurse’s Clinical PracticeComparison and Contrast of Development Models and Theories: Their roles in the Psychotherapist Nurse’s Clinical Practice

Write a (3–5) three- to five-page paper (excluding APA title page and reference pages) comparing Freud, Mahler, Adler, and Erikson. Compare and contrast the developmental models of Freud and Erikson, and then compare and contrast the developmental theories of Adler and Mahler. Are there any similarities between all of them? Be sure to also address […]

Describe how the merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) measure #305: Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment can be measured.Describe how the merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) measure #305: Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment can be measured.

This assingment is for an Epidemiology/Statistics Nursing Graduate Course.  This is the link to the MIPS measure https://mdinteractive.com/mips_quality_measure/2023-mips-quality-measure-305 Most of you have identified a measurement that must be reported by providers to an outside agency (e.g., CMS, AHRQ, insurance carrier). If not, then  describe how your topic/intervention can be measured. Imagine that your future NP clinical […]