Discipline: Medicine and Health

A critical analysis of the use of diagnostic testing in the clinical environmentA critical analysis of the use of diagnostic testing in the clinical environment

Design and present an A2 poster suitable for a conference presentation (not including references – these will be submitted on a separate sheet) on the subject of diagnostic testing. As discussed earlier in the module, you are free to choose your own focus for this particular piece of work. Some examples of themes that you […]

You must identify and explain the OGTR regulations (Gene Technology Act) that are applicable to the specific biological organism in your scenario (i.e. genetic modification element)You must identify and explain the OGTR regulations (Gene Technology Act) that are applicable to the specific biological organism in your scenario (i.e. genetic modification element)

1- Guide 500 words – You must identify and explain the OGTR regulations (Gene Technology Act) that are applicable to the specific biological organism in your scenario (i.e. genetic modification element) Identify the relevant elements of these regulations for your biological agent and indicate how these regulations are relevant for activities undertaken with your biological […]

use of the biopsychosocial model and alternative medicine as form of treatment for chronic painuse of the biopsychosocial model and alternative medicine as form of treatment for chronic pain

Distinguish different forms of CAM as treatment of chronic pain. Describe key biological, psychological, social and cultural factors in treatment of acute and chronic pain This paper should be about the use of the biopsychosocial model and alternative medicine as form of treatment for chronic pain. You should evaluate the benefits of using the biopsychosocial model to understand pain and how the use […]

Next generation sequencing data analysis in microbiology – Only Literature review partNext generation sequencing data analysis in microbiology – Only Literature review part

This time I would like an offer only for the theoretical part (NOT EXPERIMENTAL). For your greater convenience, I am attaching an outline: 1. Historical Evolution of DNA Sequencing Technologies – Brief introduction to DNA sequencing, starting from the first generation of sequencing (Sanger method) to the new generations of sequencing. – Review of the […]

Comparative analysis of emerging non-surgical therapies for under eye rejuvenation: efficacy,safety and patient satisfactionComparative analysis of emerging non-surgical therapies for under eye rejuvenation: efficacy,safety and patient satisfaction

SECOND LEVEL INTERNATIONAL MASTER COURSE IN AESTHETIC MEDICINE AND THERAPEUTICS SECOND YEAR FINAL THESIS INSTRUCTIONS A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for the Master’s diploma, presenting the author`s research and competence on a given topic of aesthetic medicine. The thesis is the final report on a comprehensive area of […]


This is the format I want in literature review for the topic A STUDY ON WHOLE GENOME DNA METHYLATION IN  T2DM PATIENTS  OF DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE(DKD).  The references which are to be used should be the latest within 10 years. If any trend is to be mentioned or prevalence 2024 data should be used .  Start […]

Susan injured her right shoulder picking up boxes at work. Her employer denied the worker’s compensationSusan injured her right shoulder picking up boxes at work. Her employer denied the worker’s compensation

Susan injured her right shoulder picking up boxes at work. Her employer denied the worker’s compensation claim due to Susan testing positive for alcohol.  Answer all three parts of the initial prompt below Explain the eligibility for Worker’s Compensation Coverage. Describe who completes the first report of injury form and the time limit for filing. […]

Mrs. Harlan is the wife of an active duty service member who is enrolled in TRICARE Standard.Mrs. Harlan is the wife of an active duty service member who is enrolled in TRICARE Standard.

Mrs. Harlan is the wife of an active duty service member who is enrolled in TRICARE Standard. Two months ago she started battling with postpartum depression after the birth of her second child. Mrs. Harlan recently decided to seek the services of a mental health professional and made an appointment at the mental health clinic. […]

Many doctors who treat the elderly are reimbursed either through Medicare, Medicaid or a combination of both.Many doctors who treat the elderly are reimbursed either through Medicare, Medicaid or a combination of both.

Many doctors who treat the elderly are reimbursed either through Medicare, Medicaid or a combination of both. As a biller, Sam has the responsibility to make sure Medicare will cover services provided as well as the collection of deductibles and coinsurance. Answer all three parts of the initial prompt below Explain the coinsurance amounts that […]