Discipline: Medicine and Health

You will research and write about an issue that is important to you, to your community, or to Americans in general. To do this, you will investigate the ways that government in the United States has or has not addressed your selected issue.You will research and write about an issue that is important to you, to your community, or to Americans in general. To do this, you will investigate the ways that government in the United States has or has not addressed your selected issue.

 After completing your research and reflecting on what you’ve learned, fill out the Government in My Community template. The suggested total word range is 1500-2500 words. You will respond to the following prompts: What is the issue or problem that is impacting your community? Describe the issue or problem and its effects. (Remember to use […]

Research articles that relate to legislation that has affected current healthcare policiesResearch articles that relate to legislation that has affected current healthcare policies

Research articles that relate to legislation that has affected current healthcare policies such as: Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPPA), Affordable Care Act (ACA), Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA), Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), Paperwork Reduction Act Develop a PPT presentation with at least 20 slides (1 with APA references) explaining the […]

Microglial activation induced by brain trauma is suppressed by post-injury treatment with a PARP inhibitorMicroglial activation induced by brain trauma is suppressed by post-injury treatment with a PARP inhibitor

Cover page has only  Title of paper, class, your full name, and date  Abstract 150-200 words  Introduction 1 paragraph that sums up the whole paper. Results 7-10 high quality paragraphs that flow nicely (these should be 10 topics that you choose to talk about releated to the paper i will attach) Include at least 3 […]

Ethical Considerations and Processes in Medically Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia A Comprehensive Analysis of the Legal and Medical Perspectives, with an Emphasis on European PracticesEthical Considerations and Processes in Medically Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia A Comprehensive Analysis of the Legal and Medical Perspectives, with an Emphasis on European Practices

Write approximately 50 page bachelors thesis, I have attached a image of a format to follow as well as a guided book to refer too  Below is the general idea in Capitals and just  underneath is the specific question.  If you have any other ideas for a better suited question you can make your own […]

Graduate/Med Level Mitomap Report on cardiomyopathy arising from mitochondrial defectsGraduate/Med Level Mitomap Report on cardiomyopathy arising from mitochondrial defects

use the MITOMAP database to find articles that are related and simiar to https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9175519/. Research for other articles/textbook use required. PLease use this full one. Sources can be similar articles that are from MITOMAP. There is a link on mitomap on how to cite the source, and I will provide rubric. Figures are welcome in the […]

The use and effectiveness of digital health technologies in patients with diabetes mellitusThe use and effectiveness of digital health technologies in patients with diabetes mellitus

Understanding the role technology plays in advanced primary care to vulnerable populations is vital to ensure proper and timely diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the patient. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate one global burden of disease OR risk factor in the family population (pediatric, adult, or geriatric) and explore […]

The impact of remote patient monitoring devices in adult patients with hypertension and cardiovascular disease.The impact of remote patient monitoring devices in adult patients with hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Understanding the role technology plays in advanced primary care to vulnerable populations is vital to ensure proper and timely diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the patient. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate one global burden of disease OR risk factor in the family population (pediatric, adult, or geriatric) and explore […]

Transient elevation of liver function tests and bilirubin levels after laparoscopic cholecystectomyTransient elevation of liver function tests and bilirubin levels after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

we have made 200 laparoscopic cholycystectomes  and in 6 patients we have seen that LFTs and bilirubin in day 1  after opertation are increased  significantly and in day 3 after the operation these measurments have been decreased and normalized without any intervention. All patients        are asymptomatic and they do not have any postoperative […]

Treatment of advanced HCC- current approaches, recent advancements, emerging therapiesTreatment of advanced HCC- current approaches, recent advancements, emerging therapies

Focus on clinical trials and randomised control trials and guidelines.  Provide citations for everything from articles in APA style, from pubmed and oncology journals.  Skip introduction and conclusion. Divide the paper into sections:  1. Surgical Options 1.1. Liver Resection; 1.2. Liver Transplantation 2. Ablation (RFA, MWA, PLA, crioablation etc.) 2. Systemic therapies 2.1 Systemic Chemotherapy […]

Finding a speech therapy topic for a systematic review in English that has not been done in the last 5-6 yearsFinding a speech therapy topic for a systematic review in English that has not been done in the last 5-6 years

the professor has not given us any pronunciation as he gave us oral instructions. Specifically, he told us to find a topic related to the subject of speech therapy, in which no systematic review has been done in the last five years, and to write a systematic review on this topic. He did not give […]