Discipline: Medicine and Health

investigate the role, structures and vehicles for compiling professional portfolios and methods used to collect and evaluate evidence for inclusion in a professional portfolio as artefacts.investigate the role, structures and vehicles for compiling professional portfolios and methods used to collect and evaluate evidence for inclusion in a professional portfolio as artefacts.

You are required to undertake a literature search to investigate the role, structures and vehicles for compiling professional portfolios and methods used to collect and evaluate evidence for inclusion in a professional portfolio as artefacts. Evidence needs to be sought demonstrating both positive and negative aspects of various portfolio designs, structures and vehicles.  You are […]

Using objective data as evidence, identify and fully describe one group that currently experience many roadblocks in the pursuit of high-quality health care? Explain the impact that social determinants of health has on quality of care.Using objective data as evidence, identify and fully describe one group that currently experience many roadblocks in the pursuit of high-quality health care? Explain the impact that social determinants of health has on quality of care.

or each posting, students should address every aspect of the prompt and supporttheir assertions with at least 2 peer reviewed articles in APA format in addition to the Biblicalreferences and textbook. Biblical application should be clearly communicated. Keep in mindthat merely adding a Bible verse is not a demonstration of Biblical application/worldview,applying the Bible verse […]

Advance Care planning and medical decision Making in rural communities in Appalachian statesAdvance Care planning and medical decision Making in rural communities in Appalachian states

Conduct a literature review of advance care planning and Medical Decision Making in rural communities in Appalachian states.  Pope, Natalie D., Jacquelyn Lee, and Diane N. Loeffler. “Future care planning practices of aging services professionals in rural Appalachia.” Contemporary Rural Social Work Journal 7.2 (2015): 7. APA Hodge, D. R., et al. (2019). Cultural Influences on Advance […]

Title: The contribution of Innovative Medicines (IMI) for the intervention in neurodegenerative diseases – Parkinson’s disease.Title: The contribution of Innovative Medicines (IMI) for the intervention in neurodegenerative diseases – Parkinson’s disease.

Chapter 1: Introduction •⁠ ⁠Background on Parkinson’s disease o Symptoms, causes, and diagnosis o Prevalence and impact •⁠ ⁠Overview of the Innovative Medicines Initiative o Purpose, structure, and funding o Role in neurodegenerative disease research •⁠ ⁠Rationale and significance of a literature review •⁠ ⁠Aims and objectives Chapter 2: Literature Search Methodology •⁠ ⁠Search strategy […]

HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT: For this assignment, you should choose a particular setting and context that you wish to focus on.HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT: For this assignment, you should choose a particular setting and context that you wish to focus on.

This final assignment is worth 100% of the total marks for this course unit, and we are not allowed to submit a draft to get feedback. For this assignment, you should choose a particular setting and context that you wish to focus on. Please ensure that you consider your setting and context when answering the […]

Title: The contribution of Innovative Medicines (IMI) for the intervention in neurodegenerative diseases – Parkinson’s diseaseTitle: The contribution of Innovative Medicines (IMI) for the intervention in neurodegenerative diseases – Parkinson’s disease

Chapter 1: Introduction •⁠ ⁠Background on Parkinson’s disease o Symptoms, causes, and diagnosis o Prevalence and impact •⁠ ⁠Overview of the Innovative Medicines Initiative o Purpose, structure, and funding o Role in neurodegenerative disease research •⁠ ⁠Rationale and significance of a literature review •⁠ ⁠Aims and objectives Chapter 2: Literature Search Methodology •⁠ ⁠Search strategy […]

Evaluation of PHARM-HF, a pharmacist-led heart failure medication titration clinic: A pre-post studyEvaluation of PHARM-HF, a pharmacist-led heart failure medication titration clinic: A pre-post study

Please follow the instruction upload CLOSeLY,  I have attached  The feedbacks to correct  Article  Direction  PLEASE DONT MAKE THE ARTICLE TEXT HEAVY  Please use the canva to edit the stuff: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGKk7OnsUo/nfUt016INcIUolthieXlSQ/edit?utm_content=DAGKk7OnsUo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton I uploaded a copy of winner abstract for reference 

The impact of a gluten-free diet on bifidobacterium genus composition and its effectiveness on the management of related diarrhoea and constipation symptoms in coeliac disease patients: a systematic review.The impact of a gluten-free diet on bifidobacterium genus composition and its effectiveness on the management of related diarrhoea and constipation symptoms in coeliac disease patients: a systematic review.

Systematic Review with meta-analysis (if applicable). Only the 1)      Research Paper (4500 words), a report written in the style of a peer-reviewed scientific journal publication.  Requires the learner to conduct a research study or audit and write up their research project in the standard format of a journal publication (i.e. abstract, background, methods, results, discussion, […]

An introduction a literature review (Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Spinraza to Other Treatment Options for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Systematic Review.)An introduction a literature review (Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Spinraza to Other Treatment Options for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Systematic Review.)

I have research paper titled  (Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Spinraza to Other Treatment Options for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Systematic Review.) I would like you to write the introduction and a small literature review  I will upload the appropriate data for the introduction with similar articles for what I am aiming for  I […]

This is a Critical Literature Review for my final-year Research Project. You must choose a clear Public Health Research Question OR Problem focused on a specific COUNTRY of your choiceThis is a Critical Literature Review for my final-year Research Project. You must choose a clear Public Health Research Question OR Problem focused on a specific COUNTRY of your choice

                                                     Critical Literature Review:  Please do not apply if you have no experience in this field, as this RESEARCH PROJECT is worth 100% of the total marks for this course […]