Discipline: Medicine and Health

Chronic Pelvic Pain in Black Women: A Literature Review Using the Health Equity Implementation FrameworkChronic Pelvic Pain in Black Women: A Literature Review Using the Health Equity Implementation Framework

Below is the abstract for a literature review I did on Black women and Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP). Unfortunately, i was unable to complete a more comprehensive lit review with the articles listed on the reference page of the paper (also attached). Can you please (instead), rewrite the paper I attached utilizing the new articles […]

Change the medical terms in a progress note for a patient with a skin condition into common terms. Spell all medical and common terms correctly on the provided template.Change the medical terms in a progress note for a patient with a skin condition into common terms. Spell all medical and common terms correctly on the provided template.

Change the medical terms in a progress note for a patient with a skin condition into common terms. Spell all medical and common terms correctly on the provided template. The first step in completing this assessment is to review how to build a medical term.  A medical term is built from three parts. The first […]

critically examine the physical activity on motivating theories and models of behavior changecritically examine the physical activity on motivating theories and models of behavior change

critically examine the physical activity on motivating theories and models of behavior change. 1. take any 2 initiative and match it with relevant theory and model and explain 2. give justification why you use or choose this theory or model for this initiative? give evidence from past reseach paper example that it was successful in […]

describe the immunomodulatory mechanism of action of daratumumab, and discuss the clinical efficacy and safety/tolerability of daratumumab-based combination therapies in the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myelomdescribe the immunomodulatory mechanism of action of daratumumab, and discuss the clinical efficacy and safety/tolerability of daratumumab-based combination therapies in the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myelom

please READ the instructions – ONLY USE the ARTICLES I provided in  AMA format  Using the 3 articles available at the links below, please describe the immunomodulatory mechanism of action of daratumumab, and discuss the clinical efficacy and safety/tolerability of daratumumab-based combination therapies in the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Assume […]

The Future Challenge of Financial Burdens Disrupting the Accessibility of HealthcareThe Future Challenge of Financial Burdens Disrupting the Accessibility of Healthcare

clear and concise reflective essay that discusses a future challenge in our healthcare system.   This essay should be double spaced and no more than 3 pages in length (excluding reference page).   The essay should include and reference at least 3 talking points from the text to develop your essay and/or support your argument.  Summarizes and […]

Posterior Thoracic Decompression Laminectomies (T3-T7) with Intradural Mass BiopsyPosterior Thoracic Decompression Laminectomies (T3-T7) with Intradural Mass Biopsy

Information will also be present in attachments provided including: Case study guideline, Rubric, example, and resources to be used. Please let me know, If you need more information or have any questions.  Guidelines 1.    The case study must utilized CHW standards and  use APA Style 7th Edition for Student Papers. (Practicum II Canvas) a.    APA Student Paper Checklist September […]

Module 3 included discussion post with template 3 pages and i page each for the paper assignmentModule 3 included discussion post with template 3 pages and i page each for the paper assignment

I have attached the template that’s around 3 pages long  and paragraph discussion reply  The assignment part 1-3 should be 1 page each area  I have attached. Link to articles  https://www.myamericannurse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Clark-Healthy-Workplace-Inventory.pdf Clark  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2155825619300821 Hover  https://eds.p.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=96d881c7-ead6-4993-a89f-a51d6a7df951%40redis&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPXNoaWImc2l0ZT1lZHMtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=162939345&db=rzh LEE  https://oce.ovid.com/article/00006216-202207000-00012/HTML McDermott https://www.proquest.com/docview/2518528272?accountid=14872&sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals

Annotated Bibliography – How Chiari Malformation causes Headaches due to CSF Movement being RestrictedAnnotated Bibliography – How Chiari Malformation causes Headaches due to CSF Movement being Restricted

Annotated Bibliography for Communication for Science and Research – Topic is on Chiari Brain Malformation and its contribution to headaches.  I have linked the Instructions and Rubric for this assignment – I would most appreciate if this is read over carefully. I woudl like to highlight that there is no required length for this annotated […]

Mortality Patterns of West Nile and Lyme Disease in U.S. Counties (2003-2021): The Influence of Insurance Status and Urban-Rural Disparities”Mortality Patterns of West Nile and Lyme Disease in U.S. Counties (2003-2021): The Influence of Insurance Status and Urban-Rural Disparities”

Unlike previous studies that focus on incidence, this research uniquely examines mortality across U.S. counties over two decades. It also explores the impact of health insurance status and the distinction between metro and non-metro areas as predictors of higher mortality rates. By providing an in-depth epidemiological analysis, this study offers valuable insights into the factors […]

Medical school personal statement: Why do you want to go into medicine? (5,300 characters)Medical school personal statement: Why do you want to go into medicine? (5,300 characters)

personal statement for medical school application. I am a low-income student. I have had experience as a stem cell researcher, phlebotomist, and a clinical research coordinator. I  have experience with patient care and aims to care for patients who are in underserved neighborhoods. In clinical research, I worked in providing genetic testing for people to […]